Increase red blood cells and repair your cells DNA damage with these natural remedies

Medicinal herbs, minerals, and nutrients for blood building. Fortunately, you can help protect yourself with a couple of nutrients!
29 juli 2022


Built-in DNA repair system

Every hour of the day, your cells are under attack. Normally, this is okay because your cells have a built-in DNA repair system that fixes ‘any’ damage. But when your cells are undernourished, they can lose the ability to repair themselves. Our bodies aren’t getting enough of the nutrients we need to make this process work.

The main components of blood include:

red cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body, white cells, which fight infection and clean up debris, and plasma, which carries nutrients and hormones. The term ‘blood building’ refers to foods rich in nutrients that encourage new blood cell production. In this article, I’ve gathered some for you.




Study shows that you can easily prevent — and reverse — this damage to your DNA. The August 2009 study by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University shows that supplementing with zinc reverses cell damage! Take your zinc supplement 1 hour before your meal, or at least 2 hours after your meal; certain foods can block the absorption of zinc.


Eat more foods that are rich in iron! The body will have the ability to rebuild, or replace those lost or damaged red blood cells. So, here are some foods that are rich in iron:

Red meat
Plums and raisins
Lentils, and legumes in general
Spinach and chard (and other green-leaf vegetables)


Foods that are rich in copper:

Whole-grain cereals
Dark chocolate, raw cacao|



Vitamin A

Vitamin A contributes to the development of mother cells in the bone marrow. This means a greater production of red blood cells! Where can we get vitamin A?

Bell peppers

Vitamin C

In order to help your body absorb iron, it’s recommended to eat foods that are rich in vitamin C, and to take an extra supplement high in vitamin C.

Think of:

Citrus fruits

Vitamin B6 and vitamin B9

As for folic acid, or Vitamin B9, we can find it in:

Legumes (lentils and beans)
Green vegetables
Whole-grain cereals

Vitamin B12

The easiest way is to get a good vitamin B complex supplement containing all B vitamins! 

Vitamin D

Vitamin E


Medicinal herbs, fruits, vegetables, etc. for blood building


Wheatgrass is a superfood that is a storehouse for numerous vitamins and minerals! It is especially rich in chlorophyll.

Nettle tea

The good news is that nettle has been shown to increase both red and white blood cell counts, which helps to keep the blood, body, and immune system functioning well. You want them fresh? Take some gloves with you; they just grow ‘everywhere’, just for free.


Sage is full of iron, which increases red blood cell count. By boosting red blood cell levels you essentially boost oxygen flow and circulation throughout your body, giving you healthier blood and a healthier body overall.


Alfalfa sprouts are another superfood that is considered a blood builder. In addition to containing chlorophyll, alfalfa is a source of iron, which is needed by the body to produce hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein that carries oxygen and gives blood its red color. Lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells is known as anemia, which causes fatigue, dizziness, pale skin, and reduced surface body temperature. 


Pomegranate makes for one of the best fruits for boosting your blood count.



Avocado is one of the fruits that are good sources of iron. 

Blackberries and other berries, such as raspberries 





Apricot is a good source of iron and vitamin A. Some studies found that dried apricots have more iron content than fresh apricot. Adequate iron in your body can reduce the risk of anemia. People suggest apricot juice may help reduce anemia symptoms, because apricot contains vitamin A to help absorption iron supplements. Apricot increases red blood cells count.


It is high in nutrients and minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Iron is necessary for red blood cell production; same goes for potassium. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, while potassium deficiency in the blood can lead to hypokalemia. Peaches are also rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, which can help iron absorption. Studies found that peaches also have a small amount of folate which contributes to making red blood cells. 

Dates and figs

If we compare the fresh fruit and the dried fruit, the difference is just in its water content. However, the nutrition in some fruit is escalating if being dried first. There are dried fruits that have the benefit to increase red blood cell count! 


Kelp is a type of seaweed, or algae, that also is considered a superfood because of the nutrients it contains. It stimulates red blood cell production.


Dark leafy greens, especially spinach and kale, are sources of all of the nutrients required to build red blood cells and hemoglobin, especially B vitamins and iron. B vitamins, including folic acid, are also required for cellular metabolism and energy production within the body, which would contribute to reducing fatigue.

Red beets

Red beets have been used since ancient times as a blood purifier and builder. It was commonly given to those who suffered blood loss and was a life-saving remedy in the days before blood transfusions! Red beets have the effects that they do on red blood cells because of their high iron content, which is particularly well-absorbed and assimilated.


Broccoli may be the best food to fight anemia. Broccoli has high in folate which benefits to increase hemoglobin levels. Folate is an essential component in red blood cell production within the bone marrow. Folate can produce heme, an important component in hemoglobin. Moreover, broccoli also has high minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, and a small amount of copper that help red blood cell formation.


Ginger may be beneficial for people with anemia; it enhances red blood cell counts and hemoglobin levels. Ginger has over one hundred chemical compounds. Gingerol is its most powerful active compound with a variety of powerful health benefits!


When you have not enough normal red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood platelets, turmeric helps to strengthen blood cell production.


Eat garlic every day! Or make garlic soup, for example, to promote red blood cells. Always add garlic to your food at the last moment in order to benefit from its nutrients.


Apparently, mushrooms, in general, can increase your hemoglobin or red blood cell count which would help treat the symptoms of anemia.




Changes in habits to increase red blood cell (RBC) count

It’s extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat foods that contain iron – while maintaining a balanced diet – and, above all, to help prevent your body from getting anemia, or a low red blood cell count.
Some changes in habit that may help you are the following:

Have some exercise

Although an anemic person will probably have less desire to exercise, it is crucial to start, even if only with a light routine (go for a walk, ride a bicycle, swim, etc.). Exercise is fundamental in the production of red blood cells, and in having improved oxygen circulation in your entire body!

Quit smoking

Of course, bad habits make the situation worse. If you smoke, the health of your blood will deteriorate. Smoking and drinking affects the flexibility of blood vessels, and hence contribute to unhealthy blood that is unable to circulate appropriately.

Reduce alcohol

If you consume high amounts of alcohol, the health of your blood will deteriorate as well.

Finally, get rid of medication.


Why are red blood cells so important?

Erythrocytes, also known as red blood corpuscles, or red blood cells, are indispensable for our bodies. This is because they transport oxygen-filled blood to all of the body’s tissues, while eliminating carbon dioxide.

They are red in color because they contain hemoglobin, a protein-rich in iron. However, as time goes by, the cells die off, and the bone marrow is in charge of manufacturing more. Nevertheless, the body must rely on some necessary ‘ingredients’ in order to do this. If not, anemia may occur. Anemia is characterized by low, or nearly non-existent production of red blood cells, or, additionally, by red cells that contain very little hemoglobin. The most common type of anemia is due to the low consumption of iron.

To avoid this problem, adults should consume 8 mg of iron a day. However, in the case of women who are menstruating, this amount should be increased to 18 mg daily.


Enhance autophagy and cellular healing

Autophagy: your body’s natural method of detoxification

So autophagy is actually your self-cleaning system, important to keep your body running! Without this process, we would not be able to age healthily. All waste products, non-functioning cells, and residual products are removed by means of autophagy.

While fasting, fasted exercise (exercising after having not eaten for several hours, typically early in the morning), and eating a ketogenic diet, are perhaps three of the most powerful ways to enhance autophagy, we can’t forget about the importance of anti-inflammatory herbs.

Fasting is a healing practice that has been used for thousands of years for both health and spiritual reasons.

Autophagy: an essential part of your immune system

It is a process that happens when your body recycles and expels old or excess cells that don’t benefit or can harm your health. It is also referred to as a process of self-eating. Autophagy happens as a result of cellular stressors, such as: nutrient deprivation from fasting, exercise, or significant temperature change.


Benefits of autophagy

Autophagy has several health benefits. Let’s look at them one by one.

Getting rid of senescent cells

Senescent cells are older cells that don’t function at a high level anymore. While it is normal for your cells to age, it is also important to replace these senescent cells with new ones! Autophagy helps to remove old cells with new and healthy cells.

Improving mitochondrial health

The mitochondria are the powerhouse of your cell that is essential for energy production and overall health. Unless regular bouts of autophagy are stimulated, you end up with dysfunctional and metabolically inflexible mitochondria. Autophagy may help to degrade dysfunctional mitochondria, and replace it with new ones.

Eliminating virally infected cells

Autophagy is your body’s natural way of removing infected cells and replacing them with healthy ones.

Reduces cellular apoptosis

Older cells undergo programmed cell death called ‘apoptosis’. However, this process is very stressful on your body, and may lead to inflammation. Autophagy, on the other hand, is a much more energy-efficient process that helps to get rid of old cells and create new ones.

Autophagy creates a stronger and more stress-resilient body and mind

Autophagy helps your cells to become stronger and healthier, and your body to become more resilient to stress. It may help to reduce inflammation, and may help your brain health, mood, memory, and mental processing!


You can’t repair red blood cells, but you can increase them!

While we are being bombarded by *Convid* and blood sample articles and videos, I thought I’d do well to come up with a ‘counter-sound’ once, for the simple reason that these so-called prominent ‘physicians, doctors, and professors’ don’t appear to do this too often within their fear-mongering circles. 😬😅


Since this article is in English: How to translate a website in 2022 (9 easy ways)



Increase Red Blood Cells with These Natural Remedies

Medicinal Herbs for Blood Building

7 Herbs That Enhance Autophagy and Cellular Healing

18 Best Food For You To Increase Your Red Blood Cell Count

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