Super soldier speaks out on Transhumanism, Shift of Species, and Famine is DNA failure

This is very hardcore information. Special guest in the interview with Deborah Tavares is Michelle, a Christian, who was targeted from birth. This will not be the first interview on transhumanism, and even beyond that. This is about mutation of the species, which transhumanism is. Humanity and the entire biosphere is literally being rewritten!

The person in this video is called ‘Michelle’, and she is a super soldier and a whistleblower.
Now there are several levels of super soldiers, but Michelle is experiencing transhumanism reforming of her body, and the aspects involved in that. It is happening to all of us, just to various degrees. And as we find 4G, 5G, 6G increasing, and the requirements for multiple vaccinations increasing, etc., this is all part of what we are facing.

The real story is not necessarily Covid.
The real story is about the coverup of the millennium. This is a species shift!



When the MK Ultra and the transformation started…

Michelle has experienced these personally, and also knows others that have gone through these programs, and have been forced into these programs as well.


This was probably something that I was targeted for from birth, because I have a very rare blood type. Only 2% of the people have my blood type: B Rh negative blood type. It’s known there is a strong linkage done on targeted individuals. Before this went global, we were being selected as the prototypes, because of unique mental and physical DNA gifts, associated with these different blood types, in order to be placed into these targeted programs from birth. Some people would experience lifelong harassments. Some are just being watched and more subtly harassed, or programmed, or persecuted, spiritually or physically, through implants or whatever through life.

My life was very unusual, growing up. I was home educated and in an isolated situation. Myself and my mother and all of my siblings were quite high intellect. We went through some very unusual experiences, that I now understand better. And there was a great deal of trauma in my life early on and throughout.

But Covid became the ‘crisis’ that it is now, like a literal complete change of my brain: a transhuman interweaving of my brain and body, what I would call clearly, what I could feel as a some sort of magnetized full militarised exoskeleton, and a brain computer interface, with a network of what feels like small radio-chip beats, interlaced with a wiring system through my brain. This began right around Covid, in December 2019.


Many of you may have heard of Morgellons. That is the foundation of what Michelle is describing to you. We all have Morgellons, everyone single one of you that is listening! It is most important that you understand that. It is an unacknowledged physical implantation by those in control of the world. Your pets have this, all of your food has this. I tested glass, and it is not on glass and not in metal. You can see it… I have done many tests. You yourself can take a small magnifying glass with a light combination, and hold it unto your skin with the light on. I have done many visuals in videos, so you can see us doing this. And you can see the fibers under your skin. So you don’t need a special light. This has occurred with Michelle and many others; this is not unique!


What has been done to my brain at this point is severe disruption, so that I am severely impaired. I had a test done yesterday. And it is at the point that they can basically turn off the voltage in my brain, and then the entire side of my brain is cooled. And it appears that the frontal lobe is then somehow inactive. So if I become confused, or if I cannot remember things and struggle…

I don’t know if this will proceed in a full dementia and death, or if it is a form of experimentation, or both. So if you ask me things about the past, I have at this point no visual or normal memory.

This did begin last year, and it was timed around when Covid began to be in the news. My sister and I probably got fiber worms placed on us. I have been a fervent underground researcher for several years, and conspiracy exposer since I was purposely exposed to infection with Lime disease, and put through. Several medical imprisonments followed, when I went up against mainstream stories on that, and that led me through all sorts of different underground research.

I eventually found Deborah’s information, and many coinciding occurrence of information, leading me to understand the real state that we are in in the world. And my sister and I became aware of the Pedogate scandal; we were very vocal about that and the lies. So we were placed on a watchlist.

Within several years, it turned out that our property, our apartment… this stuff, the Morgellon bioweapons, were typed into our home, to the point that it was growing all over the walls, perhaps 20 different feeds of it: self-reconstructing synthetic life fibers! You all have these in your home; you need to start taking a closer look. They will collect in corners and in basements. And there is also smart dust, which is components of silicon and fiberglass and carbon-coated fiberglass chaff. It’s a military component of this system. We have had so much of it around the building, when it was first uploaded into our bodies! It turned the upper blades of our fan black. I am too brain damaged to go into it a lot.

Morgellons: it is a synthetic form of life, that puts together bacterial, fungal, and elements of actually artificially created prions. Prions are a specific type of proteins… of mad cow disease. And this stuff, it builds up, it needs computerized waves in order to interact with it. It needs EMF, it needs radio energy in order to make it grow.

And this is why we are being bathed in all of this, especially with the satellites put out everywhere, and the cell towers. And the initiation of singularity, which I don’t even fully understand… but it is widely happening to all of us! All the computer block chains in the world united, creating a super, super computer for us… and that was just this year. So this stuff, it all magically, it seemed, was there! And it is growing extremely quickly, exponentially! And if you take some of it, it’s almost like a fiber. They’re white, and there are many things in it, like bacteria. But it looks like animal hair. It grows out of anything, anything that is electromagnetically attracted. You can take it into your hand, and it will bite at your skin, and dance on it. So we began to notice this stuff growing out of our hands. It is horrific! I had hundreds of these fiber-like things, as well as so much more coming out of my hands, not only white, but red, blue… all colors. And quantum manifestations that only I could see.

I will tell you something about these computerized fibers, that they can move antigravity. They can move up, floating 5 feet upward. That’s not how normal dust behaves. So when you see such things, and you will, – when you start looking in the light in your home… Just take a hand towel, and just flap the hand towel, and you’ll have millions of this stuff coming out.

My sister and I were affected by this as a bioweapon. I believe it was in retaliation for some things; I was going to expose medical malpractices, that have been going on for a long time. And I had the evidence in hand from my urine study, done in June 2019, that I have severe poisoning with organophosphates, and a number of industrial chemical solvents, and plastics that really shouldn’t have been in my body. Because I have never worked in any kind of factory setting, and I wasn’t a farmer. And one of those things was Agent Orange. It was at the highest level my doctor ever have seen! And if you know anything about that, you know that you can’t get a hold of it in any other way, because it’s a military weapon. So I had ‘the golden ticket in my hands’ to basically… I have been held in a hospital, fraudulently, the year before. This was the pattern of my life, since I began to be targeted, beginning around 2013, with Lyme disease, which is a bioweapon. And I believe Lyme disease is one of the first stepping stone for preparing the body to have all the other components putting in over time, that will finish up in transhumanism.

So I was suffering with that for a long time, but I was thinking that I had evidence to sue a hospital for falsely accusing me of being insane, because I was talking about the things that Deborah was talking about. Visiting these websites, I had been noticing constant military aircraft-type fly-over all of a sudden in my small hometown, in an area that isn’t even… the nearest airport is 2 hours away! And we never had constant fly-overs. Now we were having half the jets with the gray trail.

So I was trying to prove that I had been in fact poisoned. And literally within a few days of me getting on the phone with an out-of-state lawyer about my chances of a claim for this, and several other incidences of similar nature, the system kicked in, and I was lying on my bed one night. I knew all about targeted individuals by that time, and I had my first and fortunately one of my few episodes of Voice to Skull. And that was not fun, but I knew right away well! And I had thought I would be prepared to be targeted.


All of you can search targeted individuals, just do your search. I have an entire section on of targeted individuals’ experiences voice to skull; it is very, very common. In fact, that is going to become the way in which we’re going to have future communication. We won’t need a phone! I just wanted to make certain that the people will understand what that word is.


Yes. And I know it can be like Greek for people, but I’ve been studying this and living it, and it’s my life. So I’m sorry if I just poured this out. You know, I realized because I had the fibers coming out of me, but I didn’t want to admit it was Morgellons, because I knew that was the worst. And what I want to say about Morgellons is that it is so much more! At the end stage, what it has become, is that my brain appears to have been thoroughly threaded through. I can feel these wires. And if you look into Elon Musk’s company, Neuralink, this is the technology! It’s a self-sowing, self-constructing computerized system. It goes through the hair, and over the next few months, I had all my hair changing and turning. And at this point it is all wiry substances, not hair, very clearly not hair! I took some of it and tried to burn it. It doesn’t burn normally.

Okay, these are the components that were found in my urine study. And the reason that I among many, many other things was targeted, I believe, is that I wanted to take this legal, and I have the evidence: that urine study shows all these plastics. The very few days, after I got off the phone with that lawyer, somebody in the government paid that very lab to rewrite that urine study, and send my doctor a new clean report that said that everything was normal. It also had markers of genetic failure or genetic diseases associated. And so I had been at senior to see a geneticist, and the one thing that he took a lot of notice of on me, was the hair that was changing into a silver color. Now what that is, that were those wires; they literally did it! It’s not hair, and I actually remember that this began on me when I was in high school.

So I again, I was probably targeted my whole life, and getting hit with directed energy. And a lot of things that happened in my life were part of it, but when I actually became aware that I would be mutated, was over the last year! The impact that it had, was: it began with these things coming out of my head, which are a form of a fungus. And there were changes to my bodily shape! That happened so rapidly, that one night, I went to sleep in a shirt, and I had covered my body in coconut oil, which is supposed to be antifungal. And it turns out it’s full of purple hydrogen molecules. And that maybe was not the wisest decision, because it turns out that those kind of groups have something to do with DNA and oils. And this system feeds on it. There’s a hydrogel system that it turns your blood into. So, I woke up in the morning, and my shirt was falling off my body. It was like I had lost 6 inches. I had a different body in the morning, that I hadn’t before! I couldn’t believe it! And over the last year, these changes have continued.

I have an identical twin sister. And one day I stood in front of the mirror next to her, and I was 4 inches shorter than her. We have always been the same height!


So now let me pause you for a moment, because people are hearing this, and it sounds outrageous. And it is outrageous what they do to us.


How do they do it? Yes. The question is, how can this be done? How can you change that quickly? And so we went searching for answers. I mean, I was trying to process all these things. So I knew I had Morgellons now, before I had had Lyme disease. And I had had … problems. And I had had many different issues related to that. I knew that Morgellons cause these unusual fibers throughout, coming from the skin, but I did not understand the transhumanism, or the physic experiments that are going on now, or the singularity, or how all this stuff fits together!

So I was seeing things happening to my body, that are basically physically impossible. It was going on and it’s still going on, continuing progressively on a daily basis. And at the same time I was trying to put together that I was now a targeted individual. And so I went on a search for information with my sister. We went to various different websites, and I started studying Morgellons and GAP. And what I ended up, finding out: one bit of information was from another target, who is a friend of mine, who used to be working with another target, that is also Rh negative.

I have done years of research, had mountains of paperwork, and have been trying to sue the government for these individual experiences, because it was a whistleblower that I hooked up with. This person had discovered that this was part of something called the Space Radiation Program through NASA, before it went global. And what that was doing… part of what they were doing – and I’m going to get back to the changes in battling type: they are hitting people with concentrated photon beams from satellites. It’s like a laser kind of energy. You’re getting hit with such heavy amounts of energy, that it can literally change the physical state of matter that your body is in! And I have experienced this; it’s unbelievable! In fact, at the state that I’m in right now, my day looks like: I’m getting hit 24/7 with a kind of a vortex, that is magnetized; this will manifest, and other people will see it around me. I have objects, knocked around me, not down…

Just yesterday I was at my doctor with another person, who’s an independent living aid, and we were out to eat. I had a journal where I had decorated the front in paint, and the paint, – I was getting hit with so much radio waves or photon beams, that the paint melted right off onto the sandwich bag.


Let me pause you for a moment, and bring this back a little bit to those that are listening right now. I think we have to realize, that what you are hearing, is what is. And let’s go back a little bit because certainly, we have discussed in the past, the increased frequencies in the atmosphere. That is literally pulsing buildings, creating continual little mini earthquakes! This is what Michelle described: the ability of frequency, because everything is a frequency. And now we are being, as you also said, bathed in frequencies! The people do all they can to reduce the wireless in their midst, in any way that they can. Because those frequencies are weapons, and they are being intensified! And as in your situation, you are being directly targeted, as many people. Many hundreds of people that I know are targeted, but not to the extent that the super soldiers are! So I’d like you to describe how you have… you know people that have legs and arms now, that are very visually similar to what mad cow disease looks like, when the cattle were standing and they were just kind of flopping around.


Yeah. The last guest that you had, Trevor, is a good friend of mine, through a distance relationship. I haven’t been able to meet him, because of both of our impairments. I briefly was able to have an online presence, which have been taken down. Some videos are still up, but many of them were being altered and mocked. So, I have gone quiet on there, but I had a video put together on the relationship between Covid, transhumanism, directed energy weaponry, Rh negative blood, and mad cow disease. And I had one particular video, that is 30 minutes long, that they just won’t let me upload. It is not going to be seen, but I can share that with you guys later.

I had already learned from Harald Kautz-Vella… he did an interview with dr. Raena Jennings, that a source of mad cow disease is actually … DNA, going into the body. And if it overgrows in the brain, it’s just really a lot similar to having cancer or tumors. It’s eating out the brain! They call it spongy form. The only way you can get that disease is, if you have a virus. And if you don’t have a virus, the only way is through nanotech, and that’s what they are calling what prions really are! Apparently it is nanotech! It’s a technology that’s down at the super, super small level, that is magnetized. This is the important thing you need to know! And that is, if we were not be bathed in an extreme level of computer waves, not just normal EMF, but also high-speed lasers. And now they’ve got something called scalar waves, which travel in a Vortex. I believe that’s what I’m getting hit at, and it travels so rapidly! There is no way to defend from scalar waves without military technology!


That’s absolutely true. Yes, I’ve confirmed that myself. Thank you for stating that.


Right. So I gave up a long time ago on shielding, because I realized that I’m at the top level in targeting and experimenting… I know from what I physically experienced with what happened to my body. I think that there may be some relationship with 3D printing. I don’t know what that process is. But when we are talking about somebody’s limbs, suddenly changing in… Trevor has complained of the same thing too!

So, going back to the mad cow disease element, there was a scientist, who I believe in 1997, tried to get the word out, that it appears that there is a relationship between the phenomenon that was killing the cattle in England, and poisoning. And the poisoning was with some similar things, I believe to what was found in a simple urine study; one of them was organophosphate. The other thing that was going on was, they had an (military) air-field in the nearby area of some of these places, where there was a lot of cattle, and some of his research involves the impact of radiation. But I know he mentioned that Sonic Boom, and Silent Sound, that it could be one of the sources that was activating the brain disease in the cattle. And coming back to this: these agents (Agent Orange), they have been dropping them from the sky through the Chemtrails. They are dropping cutting enzymes. I learned this from…, and this is why I was in prison for three months, in a mental health hospital, for not being able to walk straight, or not able to walk.

I want to bring that back to the Covid syndrome, I’m just going to say it. This is the story; it’s not Covid! They knew all along that they were going to carry out the dream, the Nazi dream of the Übermensch, the Superman. They are going to hook us to super computers, in order to create this dream, and rework our DNA, and that this was going to happen in the year 2020, when the singularity became possible.

There is a relationship between this and the Hadron Collider, the particle collider in Switzerland. And if you don’t know what that is, you need to look into it. This is very sophisticated modern experimented particle physics, that’s making this possible! And it has been going on for a while! The one behind this knew, that when they rolled this out internationally, planetarily, that there was going to be… – if you’re trying to force an evolutionary leap – you are going to have millions or billions of dead people.


That’s right. Yes, I believe about 9 out of 10 are just not going to survive the species shift. They have got the cover stories, right? Go into the cover stories; I agree with you.


So we need the apocalyptic Myriad of different holders, that seem to be playing of a script, taken from the Bible. And I am not saying that it invalidates the Bible, because I believe that the writers of the Bible actually saw this coming. And they wrote about it the best that they could. But it appears that they are going to be writing for the next 10 years of our lives from the Bible. The different played famine disasters, natural disasters, which Deborah has covered with you in detail… how they can do that with HAARP, and the different weather modification systems they have… The thing is, every magician needs a way for you to understand what’s really happening.

And to bring your attention to Covid that first of all they needed an explanation for… We used to have a word for this. We called it Chem Flu. So it appears to me, from my research, from my experience, both personally, and the research that I now cannot recall or access, I’m just going to tell you guys, I have a complete blank of specifics. I used to have an incredible memory, and now 99% I’ve lost, at least 50 points of IQ. I used to be probably above 130. The last time I was tested before it got severe, I was down in 92, when I believe I might be in the 80s or something.


We are talking about a decrease of oxygen here. We are hearing on the news now that carbon dioxide is going to be reduced. Now we need carbon dioxide! The plants convert that in oxygen. I have talked about that in a 1969 CIA memorandum. I have done a number of discussions on this. One of the aspects of that is: to reduce the oxygen supply. So I’m going to just name the document right now. This leads into exactly what you are talking about, because you’ll see on the front cover of this John Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health document: Nano fibers! This is dated September 19th, and you can look this up for yourself. Again, John Hopkins Center for Health Security, and this is the title: Preparedness for a High-Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic. Now as Michelle has been saying, these are covers, these are cover stories for what is being done to all of us, in order to create a singularity, and to create a new species!


Yeah, and like what they conducted in Germany, was probably laying the preparations. So what I’ll tell you what the final thing is, that it does… Well, I’ll just get back this time… What they’re going to be programming you for… and they locked the world down to at least a billion, or like 500 million… I don’t know how soon they want this, but it seems to be by at least 2094, or earlier.


Actually, let me pause you again, because there are documents, where they are anticipating about 80% of the population in the United States to be terminated by the year 2025.


That sounds more correct. And what the next thing is what we will see, is a so-called Prion plague. This is in the 30-minute video that they don’t want out there. They’re going to use that as an excuse to grab all private farms, all private ranches, and the food supplies that are left, in the government control. What that is going to do, is create absolute horror! They came up with this ridiculous idea, that the real reason for this disease is the spreading, the cannibalism, and its related! Yes, because, of course, if you’re eating other infected animal tissue, that’s going to worsen it. But the truth is, that we have this showing up in all different species that are oviparous, and in deer, in the wild, and in elk. And what it is truly coming from, is being inundated in sonic and scalar waves, and radio waves, and in having the technology, which is the combination of synthetically produced wires and radio chip, carried in on a system, that is a mixture of a fungus, a virus, and of something that has to do with slime mold, I believe.


Now what about the gray goo? You mentioned gray goo before.


Okay, gray goo ( is a word used in the transhumanism community. Gray goo is basically programmable matter. Gray goo is tiny crystals that self-compose themselves under energy construction into false DNA forms. And what it does apparently, it goes into any structure, and it actually consumes it, and replaces that structure with a synthetic form of itself. So, like, you could be talking about synthetic trees, and I believe we already have that… synthetic animals, my cat! I’m not just transhuman, frankly, my cat is TransCat! I’m not kidding.


People need to understand: Nanotech is a parasite. It’s an artificial life to seek out and replicate, and to play God. Yes, it is!


Having control of all life! Because it’s not only the worst crime against humanity, it’s an extinction crime. And I believe as a Christian that it is the ultimate blasphemy about which most of the Bible writes, in different metaphors and symbols.


Now, Michelle, I want to also discuss what we are seeing worldwide in third world countries, about increased famine = DNA failure.


Yeah, I’m so glad you mentioned that! I have been recently trying to give aid to… there is some serious famine going on right now in Yemen. The videos that I am seeing, even with my severe brain damage and some symptoms of visually, and, in terms of accessing information, from certain areas of thinking, which is a large part. I saw that the parents, and some of the elders in the in the movie, appeared to be fine. They were complaining about four and three year old children that were clearly emaciated and failing. And what was odd about it, I didn’t know what to make of it. I was thinking, well, is it a scam or what? And I knew it wasn’t. The parents seemed genuine. So I was trying to put together, if you have a real famine going on, I know that if I was the mother, the first thing that I would do, will be sharing the food with the child. So you would expect the mother to look thinner… I started to think about it, and I realized, first of all, if the mother is transhuman, the transhuman mother already doesn’t require that much food.

And I’ve been experiencing this for the last couple of years, that I don’t have much of an appetite. I don’t drink much water; I can live just fine on half a glass of water a day all the time! And this has been going on for a while. My urine reduction, my urine input is down, and my defecation. There have been times where I only can take three breaths a minute. I’ve been down on that too! So they can do these things.

So when I had seen these parents, I was starting to think there’s been a genetic shift here. Maybe the parents are tolerating it well enough, that they can live and even still appear to be normal, you know, maybe to even a little extra. And that baffled me, until I realized, it’s not fat! And I know this because I’ve seen it in a dear friend of mine, that has been struggling with this. As soon as the stuff comes in your body, there’s a great deal of plastic products. It builds up; it rubberises. Yeah, it rubberises… sore belly… Yes, it turns the skin and the internal organs into a synthetic material, and your body is almost like a Styrofoam. It builds up as a false fat. And it’s actually always poison; your body is trying to keep it away from the internal organs and the brain. So these parents might have been what I was saying, but the children are tender new beings that were just born. They are not only dealing with not having food, but they are actually dying from cellular and mitochondrial failure. It was very clear to me, because all of them had the transhuman syndrome. This is what to look for.


Okay, I want you to define fugue, please.


Yes, okay, a fugue that’s what I am in. Psychiatrists… we know, we can’t really trust what they say, because they have been given a bunch of bullshit to feed people for the last century, and these experiments that are going on. But they just define it as a dissociative state that is ongoing; and you can be whiped off on all forms of memory of your entire life. And people have been found in the past wandering around in this kind of a state, and have built new life and so on. And if you turn off certain parts of the brain, which is not hard to do, when they are fixed with a nanotech bouquet block system, the person can be walking around without access, and also, unaware that they are without that access. So, that would be a fugue. It’s like an imposed amnesiac state, and you wouldn’t really call it dementia. Now, in my case it has features of both; those are like almost a very rapid dementing type condition and amnesia. So my doctor has never seen anything like it!


Certainly we are noticing more and more people are being diagnosed as having Dementia or Alzheimer’s. And I know that what we are really seeing is the process of what we are discussing right now.


So this synthetic DNA, when it is going into your brain, – I have tried to describe this what I have – and I physically can feel it: the wires. They go down through the head, and they actually lock up. This is the structure that I not only have, but I see it in every one of my neighbors, and every person in my church, and in everyone in public, and in all the public figures on TV; it is fully visible. Some people are adapting to it better than others, and perhaps are less targeted…


Let’s really describe that in detail, so people will see this!


I’ll begin by saying, if you can get a hold of a photo of you, that haven’t been holographically changed, because they can do that too… Most of the media are now holographically changed in order to represent people like this; I have seen a few photos. If you can get a hold of an old one, if you can, from 10 years ago, and set it in front of yourself, and go in front of the mirror… then I’ll say what you’re going to notice. As far as physical movements in others, an off-balance kind of walking dead, that almost literally does appear as though the person was on puppet strings. Or a drunk. [I’m very sorry for the extreme loud background noises here all the time, but I hope you too can still follow it!]

What you’re going to see, is the person almost seems to be hoisted on a bit of a …. And I have this effect. It’s almost like a false spinal cord. And the way that it works, is that they can’t coordinate the two sides of your body very well at once. So there will be an unusual kind of a shuffling gait, there will be a lot of tipping, there will be a lot of ill-coordinated gestures, there will be a lot of grabbing at oneself – I do this 24/7, – there will be a lot of tics, a lot of myoclonic jerks, typically the right shoulder will hit you up multiple times, when someone is talking to you, when watching yourself, and watching others, when they go to stand at the intersection of the street! Because this a good way you’ll know that this is beginning. Because there is no visual memory, the occipital lobe and the parietal lobe connection has apparently been cut, severed. And that’s how you make a visual memory!

What they are taking away from us, is the ability to create holographic fields in the mind, that represent reality. I have no imagination. I used to be a writer, and a bit of an artistic genius, and an artist; I have none of that anymore. I can’t even remember a stitch of my life, visually, because I don’t have visual-spatial ability. What I do have, is flashes of color cartoon, and animated scenes typed into my head. And if you’re bad enough along like me, that will start happening.


Let me ask you a question, because you do have an identical twin sister. When does she help you bring back the past? Can you hold on to any of those discussions with her?


I think I can only contact the past subconsciously… So I know who she is and what she’s about in everything. But it’s only subconscious, because our memories actually exist in a morphogenic field around us, in every cell of the body, not just in the brain. Yeah, I literally run on a sort of knowing this, but I can’t access; it’s weird.


Now, your suggestion when noticing people on street corners, I am noticing that in the homelessness. I am noticing the jerks, the wheeziness, the shoulder drops, the tics… and one might think they were on drugs…


They look to be sick or demented or something. You’ll see it in ‘normal’ people too; it’s appalling. But here is a sign of it. The next time you go to an intersection, notice how many times your head jerks from side to side, because you will jerk at least 10 or 20 times maybe, to get a feel of the environment, if you’re as bad along in this process as me, or even beginning. And most people are by now and maybe not even noticing it… but the thing is, your brain can’t make a holographic image if…. And your brain may, in fact, be severed between the two parts… But what I’m seeing, is that people are having a take of the look of their landscape, way more than is normal. And this is certainly with me, because I said that I have no visual memory, including past, present, whatever. So I’m like a robot, like a being, that is working maybe at several circuits, and that’s it! – instead of a trillions of cells that should be in your brain, doing the job together. They individually are trying to compensate it by this truly robotic jerky, back and forth, and you may even see it going in slow motion, if the person has enough of this magnetized nanotech in him. Because it is magnetized, it’s got a form of graphene in it, and their body may even move on slow motion. I see that too! But at least you will see the jerky ostrich head effect, and that’s a total sign of it, a total sign!


Yes, I want to say this, because we are coming to the time when we should button this up. And I know that I don’t want you to stop. I’d like to go on for another hour at least. And I’m going to certainly look forward to more discussions on this, but I want to get your take on a couple of things.

We know that we are each becoming our own singularity, an infinitely dense island into ourselves. And I see that on unique self-programs, coordinated by AI, and collectively… and it seems like part of a cattle call program. So I’d like you to discuss the cattle call program.


Yeah… So I haven’t had any time today, but I trust we will get into it. I would love to talk about the spiritual aspect of that, because that’s what I really love and is my message! But I have just been trying to explain what it is today, and I haven’t even gone there at all! I tried, but… The cattle call is the programmed apocalyptic – it’s two parts: it’s the alienation, it’s the isolation. It is the Covid-ritual, spiritually, interactionally, and physically. It’s the alienation: man as an island, literally, to himself. What happens when we break our bond with one another? And when we are encouraged ritually and globally, to stand physically, spiritually, psychically, and politically, apart from each other… This is a ritual, and I’ll get into this.

The second part is, and I could do a whole program on that, which deserves it. The second part is the terror. This is the big thing, okay! They are setting us up for what… if we are all going to die, then we are all going to die. We don’t have to leave what makes us human! Because it’s not our genes; that’s what I’m finding.


Explain that in more detail!


If we’re going to die… it’s all about how we die. That’s right. It’s all about how we played it out. Because every minute of every day, we have the ability, as an individual and as a collective, to change the timeline; and this is all about control of the timeline. In the end, how this ends spiritually, will depend on whether we were transhuman, synthetic, or what? And we all are at this point. So, how far we are along? But do we choose to surrender our free will? And do we choose to surrender our dignity? And do we choose to surrender compassion, in favor of the things we are being programmed for, such as survivalism and fear?

We are facing a turning point! Not just genetically, but metaphysically, as a species. If this was the final for mankind, this is the final! Like if we were being taken into a final doctor’s exam! Literally the Bible speaks of it as the harvest, the time of testing. We are being tested under the most severe pressures, psychically and spiritually and metaphysically, that we didn’t think was possible. So how we respond at this juncture, each of us, and as a community?


Now I want to add this, because this has been my journey, and I think it’s important to express this. I think there are many people that are in a survival mode. And while they are feeling empowered by protecting themselves, as much as possible, against the plans of severe water shortages, with mass empowered shutdowns, with elimination of food… I think that we are all learning. We need to harden up in order to be harder to kill. And learn, keep an open mind, and understand what we are going through. Because quite frankly, people will say to me, and after hearing this, they may feel rather hopeless. And I know that we are going to get into the spiritual aspect, when we go further into this on a follow-up program. But I want to state right now, that in order for us physically to wrap our minds around, the programs that we are in, again: this is the cover-up of the millennium! This is a species shift! And we are all being shifted to one degree or another, as I have said so many times, we are all targeted. And the degree of that, and how fast this occurs, will be individual.

What I’m so grateful for with your explanation, Michelle, is observing and seeing and learning and understanding, and wanting to survive longer within the opportunity to learn. So I think I want you to maybe say a few closing words, and we’re going to come back on these topics, because we must. This is a very big ‘awakening’ for most people, to understand what is happening in our world, and it is happening. So with that, Michelle, let’s just wrap it up with a few things, and we’ll come back to this very soon.


Yes, I will just recap again, that transhumanism has been the final goal of the Morgellons and all of the DNA shift that we have been seeing. The shift in this year, under the computing and singularity, went global! And especially in the last few months, we have seen an attack. We are no longer dealing with targeted individuals as Deborah is saying, we are dealing with the targeted species. And we will deal with this part of it later. We also are looking from a spiritual perspective; that’s what the Bible has called the abomination in a place of desolation, or in the temple. And we know the temple is the body; the temple is spiritual and physical.

And our response at this point, particularly to the vaccine, – because what needs to be said here is – that the vaccine includes the same components that they put into me without the vaccine! It’s a double insurance for them that you have this in your body! And it’s more than that: it is a spiritual trap. And I believe that’s primarily what it is. I will get into that on a second discussion, because it deserves a lot of focus. But if you already have had the vaccine in you, you need to be aware that the vaccine is a death weapon. And it is also a rapid, rapid species shifter, which is why we are seeing a lot of people dying within weeks, and also, exhibiting symptoms of this thing! They have called mad cow disease, suddenly loss of the ability to walk or speak, especially in nursing homes… That can be described as nothing other than a rapid dementia.

So all of these different things that are going on, Covid is an apocalyptic programming to cover up what they knew was going to happen, when they went global with this! Everything you see on TV from now on will be approved explanation of the millions and billions of deaths, that they want to cause during the transhuman technology shift, as humanity shifts into oneness, in an attempt for them to submerge the human free will under the control of AI. And that’s what we are actually experiencing and that I have experienced to a level at this point. We are being bathed in these scalar waves at this point, all of us! I can see this happening to my neighbor; it’s not just me. I am just vocal and highly aware. And I am experiencing some extremely strange sensation, related to the full exoskeleton and the radio system in my brain. So I’m very vocal about it.


I want to say one more thing here about the word exoskeleton. We have been told – NASA has said, – that we are too weak, and we are too tender. We are really talking about an agenda, that will harden people up with increased gamma waves in the atmosphere now, the Fukushima event, the turning and releasing of radiation from the nuclear plants all over the country and in the world. Increasing radiation reducing the food and water supply, increasing the electromagnification of our environment, to also force not only the mutation of the species, but to allow for space travel as well. And that’s where we are heading.


Yes, that’s what the space radiation program is and was always driving towards! And that’s what I and all these other targets have probably all been involved in, before this went global, before the singularity. They are trying to be fully ready for space and Mars, apparently to be Mars-ready, and beyond.

Yes, and black hole ready! Because now evidence is coming out, and I believe that I have already been inside a black hole. I have experienced it; they can open them with…


Now because you said that, would you please explain what that is?


The experience is incredible of this. The first thing I would point out is the shift in my bodily weight composition, and height, and I’m going to draw your attention to a thing, called… it’s a bizarre word, scientists have fantasized about, and they worked out what would happen to a person, if they did go into a black hole, is that the body would experience something called …. which is the stretching of the cell. But if it was a bad enough black hole, you would be stretched to death. Well, I have actually experienced a black hole: I have had the shape and length of my limbs changed, literally, in front of my face, overnight. I have had the experience while I have gone under severe magnetic beams of some kind.

But you have to understand about the exoskeleton, which is composed of these fibers when it goes through the whole body. An exoskeleton is an insect type of skeleton. That’s the kind of skeleton they have. This is built out of a lot of the materials, that they use in the Morgellon structure, coming from insect DNA. It in fact is largely insect DNA! I didn’t touch on that, but it’s fungal, bacterial, viral, and then insect related.


Now we will go into this in our next program, because I can see that there is so much to cover!
What I want to say is, Thank you, thank you! And I want to pray for your spiritual self to not be destroyed. And I want to pray that for everyone that’s listening, because that is part of the goal. And it’s no longer: Have a nice day, or what the weather is like. It’s really a prayer to pray for all of our spiritual selves to not be destroyed and be taken over.


Humans, mankind, this is it! It’s like, will we be devoured? There’s a paper by Robert Freitas, where they clearly describe the theme to devour all of this planet’s natural biology, literally devour, with this weapon! And it’s called Global Ecophagy.


We are going to cover that; I just made a note of this!
I’m going to pray for you, again, for you spiritual self, to be connected to your spiritual self. And I cannot thank you enough. You are on really the cutting edge of what the word transhumanism has been all along. And quite frankly, I have not heard any discussion like this from someone like you ever before.


It is possible! And before this happened – and I was severely morphed, – I was a very humane, very artistic, very empathic person. I was intelligent.


Well, I want to wrap it up, because I want to say this. For many that are listening, they are going to think you are beyond brilliant. So I would not allow them to potentially seed you with the ideas that you are less than you were. Because I can only tell you that the brilliance that shines through yourself, is providing others to understand the times that we are in. The game is different, and we must continue to survive as long as we can.

So stay tuned; there will be more discussions about this. I know that this was very deep information. I look forward to further discussions with you, covering more in-depth of what we discussed this evening as well.


I am very passionate about the spiritual, the metaphysical, and the moral and ritual elements of all of this. And I wasn’t even able to begin to get into that!


You mentioned the black hole. I know from my own connections with the government that the Philadelphia-experiment was real. It basically created a vortex or a black hole, in which two of those sailors, when they jumped off the ship, went forward in time. And it caused a molecular change in their bodies. So I really could understand what you were talking about.

Michelle (or Rochelle):

Yes, I haven’t gone into that, but my flesh is altered on a daily and hourly basis, between states of matter, and my brain. And I also have times that I have a lot anomalies constantly, to the point where I have clock changed. Today, I may have been in a time loop; I had a gentleman walk past twice. I realize, I may have been in for a week.


And that is also imperative, that people understand the time loops as well. We will talk about that.
Steve, thank you so much for your comment and your affirmation.

All of you that are listening, please share this far and wide. Think deeply about what you have heard. This is the time to reach out to your fellow humans.
Thank you all for listening!
And Michelle, I look forward to further discussions.
Thank you. God bless you


*Also translated into DUTCH!*


Today, I’d like to start the real translation: into Dutch, so that you can make use of the translation button, if you like. For I think it’s very important to know what is happening right now in the world, and that all is related: Covid as a smoke screen, vaccines, smart dust, nano everywhere, even in our food and water and clothing, Morgellons, transhumanism, directed energy weaponry, HAARP, satellites, 5G, 6G, mad cow disease, food and water shortage…
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