God spoke and gave Carolyn Hamlett a dream to lead her out of the cult

A follow-up to: ‘How Carolyn Hamlett broke free from the ‘Illumined Ones’ and was saved’. Important spiritual truths the enemy doesn’t want you to know! How God began to block the telepathic communications; they were no longer able to track her! Freaked out they said, “I would speak out against millions of people, against them in the Plan”. All globalists are Luciferians. What is ‘full illumination’ and ‘bonding’? The prayer Carolyn prayed….

August 13, 2024




By the way, type in Carolyn Hamlett into Google, and you will discover that this true whistleblower was totally blocked by the Illuminati: erased!
So please share while you still can! 

Here at the end you will find the very prayer Carolyn prayed….

The prayer of renunciation: the basic place to start from in order to get delivered. It’s just to close that door, even if you don’t know it has been open. Think of occultism or Freemasonry in your ancestry…. or things you know nothing about. What harm does it do into closing it?


Carolyn Hamlett:

‘The point is, if you fill yourself with the Holy Spirit of God, if you work on the prayer and the praise, they [demons, and the fallen ones or fallen angels] don’t like to be around prayer and praise. They don’t like to be around worship, true worship of God. That’s the key! If you center in on God in worship and prayer, they get chased off. They don’t want to be there! Even the top ones do not want to be there! If you line yourself up with God, keep your relationship with God as number One, you know, like the first commandment. Like what I’m saying is a really important part, is filling yourself with the good things that are of God. I mean, I’ve seen people tremble, like my mentor, just by being in the presence of somebody who actually does have a good relationship with God!

The [evil] spirit or spirits in this other person start reacting to the Holy Spirit of God in that person….

and somebody would just start trembling and shaking. Sometimes, the [evil] spirits in those persons, they can’t help themselves. They start blabbing or blurting out what they are. They can’t stand to be in the presence of somebody who actually has the Holy Spirit, and walks according to the way Jesus Christ teaches!

The Illuminati layer in demons

I feel like it’s good to tell this. This happened only about a few years ago. This showed me again about what the presence of God can do to help people to drive out evil. Okay, it’s no secret that I’ve had a background in the occult, that I have had programming. And in mind control programming, they layer in demons. I have had things in me I didn’t know were there. They went undetected all my life!

When I started going to this one particular Christian church, non-denominational….

– some believed in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, some didn’t, – but the key here was, it was a large church with a small feel to it. You know, everybody was welcome. The church is so much full of good praise and prayer! The good stuff I recognize. In fact, I realized then at that point that God really does live in the praises of men. It occurred to me when I was in this church praising, that in Psalm 100, where it talks about enter into His gates with thanksgiving and enter into His courts with praise.’

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.  Psalm 100:4

‘I realized and found myself I was in prayer and praise during the service!

And I recognized all of a sudden I was tapped into the presence of God! I thought, ‘How did I get there?’ I’m here, I’ve tapped in ‘by accident’ because, actually, it’s a natural thing that happens when you are thankful. God lives in that thankfulness. That’s His presence! And when you’re thankful you can’t help but praise! And when you’re praising it’s just all of a sudden you’re just there, and I recognized that place! It is the presence of God.

Another point about this church…. I had things in me that could not stand to be in me anymore

I spent so much time at that church…. I was there probably five days a week or more. Just because I was trying to learn, I loved to be around the presence of God. I liked to talk about God with people who love God, and be around people like that. The ‘things’ in me could not stand it! I was shaking. Things were leaving me!
At one point, I had a demon…. I could see the thing hanging halfway out of me. And I went to a pastor to pray for me to get rid of this!

That’s when a lot of my programming started really falling apart, when I was going to this church

So that’s just another indication that true prayer and praise and worshiping God is a great way to just drive that stuff [evil spirits] away!

There are people in the Organization [the Illuminati]…. they claim to be Christian and they’re not!

Every organized religion has them. It’s part of the Organization’s little network, to infect everybody with false doctrine, to keep people controlled, keep them in line, guide them to the Plan [the NWO]. And it even has business and political aspects to that.’

God gave Carolyn Hamlett an important dream that made her think….

‘What I’d like to mention is that the next part that made me start wondering was, I started having dreams. One of my dreams, it was a picture, it was like a barnyard. There was a barn, and I could see Jesus standing. It was like Jesus way out in the field past the barnyard, and then wilderness after that. Jesus had His arms stretched out and was just standing there. Out of the barn came my mentor, piping like a piper, and here following her were all the people in our group, dancing and prancing like goats. And they’re all saying to me, “Come on, follow us! You’ll be sorry if you don’t, come on!” And they’re dancing and prancing. She leads them over the fence, out into the wilderness, over to Jesus. They touch Jesus, they do a dance around Him, and they go. She pipes them all the way off to the wilderness!

So when I had that dream, I just thought, ‘That’s weird’

I filed it away, but it had me thinking because I knew she was trying to lead everybody to ‘Jesus’, but I knew she was not teaching the Jesus that Christian church believed in. Something in me was telling me: that dream was for me from God.

A scroll would come in front of my face

Next, – I just found something like this in the Bible, I think it was Ezekiel, having scrolls appear in front of you, like in a vision or a dream. Well, I would be dreaming, actually, real dreams! I wasn’t out of my body. A scroll would come in front of my face, no matter what I was dreaming. It would just interrupt, like commercial break, and the scroll would open up and have a Scripture on it. So I would wake up.

I started writing down these Scriptures!

And then I’d look them up; it was quite telling. It kind of shocked me! One was Deuteronomy 18:9 through 13.’

“When you enter the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, a soothsayer, one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who consults the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord; and because of these detestable things the Lord your God is going to drive them out before you. You are to be blameless before the Lord your God.”  Deuteronomy 18:9-13

‘But Deuteronomy 18 says, when you come into the land which the Lord God gives you, you shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. Those nations were involved in witchcraft! So I knew what that meant. And then it goes on to describe not to be a charmer or a counselor or a consultor of familiar spirits or a wizard or someone who talks with the dead. Not to be involved in divination…. Enchanter…. This lists a lot!

And I’m thinking, ‘These are some of the things I am involved with!’

I hadn’t seen that in the Bible before. It really impressed upon me. I thought, ‘I better figure out this. I don’t know if I want to believe this or not. What does this mean?’ Because I’d been taught that ‘witches were a lower order of what I was, what my family line [Illuminati bloodline] was’. But yet, there is a degree; they worked for the same Organization under ‘god’s’ plan [the Illuminati under Lucifer’s/Satan’s plan]. And here I am reading that this is an abomination, that God hates it? So that scroll in my dream shook me up!

And then there is Leviticus, chapters 20 through 27

So the man or a woman that has a familiar spirit, or a wizard, shall be put to death? And I’m thinking, ‘We have familiar spirits in our family, and I should be put to death according to God? What is this?’

These are banners that came to me in my sleep; this is God working!

I’m thinking, ‘Who is it? Something is happening to me, it’s either God or it’s something else’.
And then Isaiah 8:19….’
When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,” should a people not consult their God? Should they consult the dead in behalf of the living?

‘It’s pretty much the same thing: not to speak to the familiar spirits, and involve yourself in the wizardry. And then I saw…. this is a clincher too….

This was like the finale: Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Ephesians 6:12

Automatically I thought, ‘Wow, that is talking about the spiritual Hierarchy [the Illuminati including witchraft]. It must be!’

It started dawning on me that God has a spiritual hierarchy, but it’s nothing like Lucifer’s/Satan’s spiritual hierarchy! I started thinking, ‘Could this be talking about Lucifer’s hierarchy, because that described it to me? They are not flesh and blood. They are principalities. They are powers. And they do rule darkness!’ Even though I was in an organization that was considered the Brotherhood of the White Lodge, I knew they ruled darkness. Because when I was a little girl, they told me that no demon or no problem from dark entities would happen in my family as long as we were following the orders of the ascended masters [fallen angels, fallen ones!].

If we ceased to follow their orders, they would lift their hand and the dark forces would enter

And that’s exactly what happened. So they were the rulers of the darkness. In Corinthians 10:21 [it is written]:
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

I had to start doing some serious thinking!

I had to think, ‘Was this from God? What was this?’ And then I’m adding up all that’s been happening to me, and what I’ve seen with my pastor. See, I’m calling her ‘pastor’; she wasn’t my pastor! [She was my mentor.]
Another thing I thought of that had me wondering, when I was going to this church….

I began to read the Bible on my own

I was reading my Bible on my own and I was starting to see some things that were contradictory to what my mentor was telling me! And at the same time I noticed my mentor and the ‘masters’ became agitated with me, and irritated or like they were more irritable.

Also, I felt my family was changing for the better
They were getting more peaceful, they were getting healthier, happier….

My mentor had offered her expert counseling to my husband and me who were having marital problems

So we gave our will to her to be authority over us to help guide our lives.

When my husband started talking with the deacon, and asking him for prayer, asking guidance….

just like what the bible says in Psalm 1:1: Don’t seek the counsel of the ungodly….
You know, you seek the counsel of the godly, and you walk in the ways of those that are following the godly ways. Well, my husband was seeking counsel of godly people with getting godly advice! We were being fed differently. He had put himself, in a sense, humbling himself under an authority. Not in a negative humbling, giving up all your rights, but in a teachable manner, to allow God’s Spirit through people who were actually serving God to help feed him spiritually, until he could stand on his own.

Well, this started my husband being the head of the family

It’s like our whole family got better, almost immediately! I had to pay attention to that! And the more good signs like that were happening to me and my family, the worse my mentor and the masters were with us. I started to see a different side of them than I saw before. They also started to rush me through some of their teachings. Now why they were doing that? I think, they realized that they were losing their grasp on me. Okay, here’s another important point that happened here….’

‘The voice’: Carolyn started to hear this voice, and this voice she thought was Satan

‘I mentioned before that we communicated through telepathic communication. I spoke with her on the phone in person and telepathically. Now, with the ascended masters, I took telepathic direction from them. So, I was hearing instructions on certain things to do. I would do whatever it was. I can’t remember now exactly what it was, but I can remember my mentor getting extremely angry with me saying, “Why didn’t you do such and such?” Or, “You didn’t respond when I tried to contact you!” And then I told her, “Yes I did. This is the message I got”. And then she got angry! “This is not us. This is not me. Who are you hearing from? Don’t listen to that voice anymore!” And I thought, ‘This is strange. What’s going on?’ Well, I didn’t hear them!

The communication got blocked

Them, the hierarchy, her, to me. My communication got blocked to them! They were not able to track me like they were before. They were fumbling around trying to cover for themselves. I could see that. They were afraid! And then they started threatening me, saying, “Don’t listen to that”. And then they told me, they’re going to have to take me faster into my teachings, because there is a fly…. they called it the ‘fly in the anointment’, that ‘I’m at the crucial part, they are at the crucial part in Lucifer’s plan where they needed me and they needed to take me into another teaching, Illumination, initiation, to be able to do this next section of the Plan according to the needs’. “But”, they said, “there’s a fly in the ointment”, and they were going to have to rush me through it. And because they had to rush me, they might lose me. They were getting afraid! See, I look back now and I know what was going on. They were afraid because, I think, they knew God was working to get me out from under them, because they recognized that I was hearing another voice.
So, I was still trying to figure it all out. Yeah, in fact, when this part was happening, I hadn’t even gotten into the worst of it yet.

So they were starting to freak out that I was hearing from God

I think they knew who it was. And they wanted to hurry up and push me through because the end product is: they wanted me to know that Lucifer and Satan are one. People want to say that Lucifer is different than Satan.

Well, another point there is that when you look at the globalists, they’re all Luciferians

The New World Order is not a good thing. It’s Lucifer’s creation; it’s Satan! Lucifer and Satan are the same, okay? So don’t let anybody tell you that Lucifer is some kind of a good thing, or a savior, or different from Satan. No, he’s not! So the Lucifer’s plan is Satan’s plan, a spiritual plan, the New World Order, and something to destroy our very spirits! If he can even destroy our spirits, he wants to destroy humanity and God’s creation.

What they did was they threatened me with some things

First of all, I said I needed to do that advanced teaching, that route, in order to do the next section of the Plan. But they said if they had to rush me through, which was necessary, there’s a chance that they could lose me, that I would actually turn on them and become a Judas to the group. They seemed to have a real fear that I would somehow turn on them! At the point that they told me this, I actually was shocked. I hadn’t really questioned too much, completely. I mean, I was still wondering what was going on. I couldn’t imagine that I would actually turn on this whole group. And I didn’t want to believe it. They let me know it’s completely possible that I would! So that’s when I gave them my permission. I said, “Look, I’ll go this route, I’ll do whatever you want me to do, and if I decide, if it doesn’t work out, and I become what you say, ‘Judas to the group’….”

And they said, “I would speak out against millions of people, against them in the Plan, and it could cause some death of some of their physical members”

I told them – if I did that – to do everything they could in their power to try to prevent me from leaving, and to try to prevent me from doing that. That’s how much I believed at that point that I still was serving God’s hierarchy! I know this sounds confusing. This is the truth of how this went down, that they said I was going to be a Judas.

So then I gave them my permission, which is basically giving my will over to them

That’s what they needed, my will. And they started pushing more of the heavy Luciferic teachings, trying to make Lucifer the savior. They showed me after that who Lucifer was. I was starting to think, ‘I’m not sure I like this. I don’t buy these teachings’. Something didn’t seem right about it. All this time God was…. the part about the scrolls, the things were happening, that were making me wonder if maybe they weren’t working for God, that they were evil!’

What is ‘full illumination’?

‘I think that the climax of the whole thing happened when they really hit me with who Lucifer was, and wanting me to know that he was…. See, in order for me to know who Lucifer really is, Satan, they actually had to show me and convince me that they know who Jesus Christ is, Savior for mankind, the One sent from God, their enemy, the Holy Righteous God, the Creator of the universe, that Jesus Christ is the Savior from Satan’s plan! God has a plan to save humanity from Satan’s plan.
This [climax] has to do with ‘full illumination’; that’s exactly what it is. There are no lies. You know it all. You know their truth! I mean, they build it up like, oh, you’re going to be so wise, and all this knowledge and stuff…. But first of all, love trumps all this. You know, you go back to the basics of Jesus Christ and who He was and what He did, and His demonstration of His life, the way He taught us to live, the love He shared and showed…. I mean….

You can’t have one of these ‘ascended masters’ try to live one day out of the love that Jesus Christ lived!

And they call Him a ‘low master’. Well, He isn’t a low master!’

So they are telling you, “This is who Lucifer is, he is Satan, and he is the enemy of God; Jesus Christ is the Savior of humanity, now follow Lucifer”

‘Exactly! They wanted me to know who Jesus Christ is, and then turn on Him, and say, “No, I think I want Lucifer”. You know….

They promised me position in the New Kingdom, the New Hierarchy:

that’s Satan’s kingdom on earth to rule. And they promised me pretty much everything. And I couldn’t do it because I love God.

It all goes back to that first prayer I said, when I was four years old….

when I know I met the Holy Spirit of God. God showed me that, because He knew what my life was going to be, obviously. That has been in the core of my being since I was a young child. Then, when I was twelve years old, I didn’t know I had been born again. Now I know that’s what it was.

Someone had given me a Bible, a Good News Bible, paraphrased

I read it on my own! The Spirit of Jesus Christ met me in my spirit. I was touched by that Spirit of Him, still believing that He was like a low master, still mixed up. But that Spirit of who He is; it was like a seed in my heart, that was there! And these ascended masters were trying to get rid of it through my mentor teaching me, through them showing me who they finally were, and then wanting me to just finally to know who Jesus Christ really is, and then totally say No to Him!

That’s the greatest trophy that Lucifer can have

It’s a Christian who knows who Jesus Christ is, knows the power that Jesus Christ has, and that He is the Savior, and then turn on Him. I couldn’t do that!

I was stuck in a pretty crazy position at that point….

because I know they can kill you if you say No to these things. I’ve had people nearly die because of a demon attack, that my simple little demons decided they were going to attack them. I know that demons can do that. So what do you think that when you’re dealing with Lucifer, what he is going to try to do if he is your authority? If you don’t have any spiritual covering over you, then what you know in the dark side, then you’ve got to make a choice. And did I really have the faith in who they said Jesus Christ was?

What was I going to do?

They were waiting. They waited till the last minute.’

The masters tend toward sexually deviant behavior

‘That’s what the whole thing is about! It’s about sex and procreation. They have sex together. They consider it bonding. I think they also consider it like their way to slap God in His face. But the truth to mention about that is that any human that ever even buys into that is never going to know God’s true purpose. Everything the devil puts out there is not going to be as good as God’s original plan. So the fact that with the sexual deviancy, – I don’t know that one sin is supposed to be worse than another – but it does seem like Satan is using that as the most destructive thing! It enters into your system, almost like…. in my mind now I see the vision of an alien, that thing coming out of somebody’s chest! It’s something that can enter in and just destroy a person’s spirit. It has a power that has such destruction beyond other fleshly types of lusts. So they are very much involved in that! And they don’t want you to know that, but they are very sexual beings.’

Bonding: what is that and what does that mean?

‘Okay, well, I guess it’s like it’s men on men…. And group, together. And that was practiced in the supernatural with them and in the physical. It’s men, human men and human men that are in the organization. It’s all part of it. It’s part of the bonding; they call it ‘bonding’. And it’s like a spiritual union and polluting at the same time.’

You’re having a lot of conflict on the inside of you….

‘I was wondering. With everything that was going on I had to wonder, ‘Maybe I’m wrong, maybe that was God I heard that one morning, who said: ‘I’m going to tear down your idols and all that you hold dear’, maybe it was God’s Holy Spirit working in through that deacon….’ I would love to give his name but I don’t want it have other people come out and claim they are him. But if He hears this, he’ll know who I’m talking about. I’m very, very thankful for him and people like him. Witnessing how the Holy Spirit is operating in a church, the good fruit from that with myself and my family, the Scriptures coming across in my dreams, the dream of the goats with a warning, that turned out to be true….

When my communication was getting blocked from them….

I knew at this point it was not from them, but she [my mentor] was telling me that she was at that point turning the rest of the people against me. And I said, “Well, let me try to call them and tell them”. And the voice said, “They are already. She’s already talked to them”. And I thought, ‘Well, I’m going to call one of them anyway’. And I called this one, and I told her. And she didn’t want to hear it. And I told her exactly what was going on.

Years later, she contacted me, and she said, “I should have listened to you. You were so right”

So that person is out of it. I know that. But that was another thing too, that I heard the voice. And looking back all these years, that voice proved to be right also, that it was God telling me or advising me what to do! Telling me what they were going to do before they did it, and advising me what to do.

So I started praying, I started asking God

I said, “OK, God, I’m mixed up here”. I found a bunch of notes that I recently found and had put away. I’d kept them in a safe all these years. And I’m glad I did, because when I was looking, I haven’t looked at all of them again, and the ones I did look at reminded me of a couple of things I had forgotten. And one of them was exactly what I prayed. I asked God to show me real, R-E-A-L, real. Reality! I was looking at the reality I was born in; everything that I knew in my core was true. And I was questioning it…. was that really true? Was I serving God, the Creator of the universe?

I cried out to God, and I said, “God, show me real. I want to know real!”

And I was ready to find out what the answer was. The next day, someone at that church came up to me. Actually, it was the man; he and his family invited my family for a picnic. Apparently, the purpose of the picnic was that this man had sensed things about me. He was befriending the family, us! He asked me, and said:

“Carolyn, what are your views of the afterlife?”

I said, “You know, I’m not sure anymore”.

He handed me a book, and he said, “That’s what I thought”

He said, “I think you will identify with this author and with this book”. And I looked at the book. It said, ‘The Beautiful Side of Evil’ by Johanna Michaelson. I took that book. I started reading it. I don’t know how long it took me to read. Maybe I just read it straight through. It didn’t take me that long. She’s gotten a lot of criticism over the years. People saying, “Oh, she is talking too much about the occult, and it’s talking too much about the dark side, and bringing glory to Satan”. Well, these people are ignorant. They have no idea how many people have been set free by Johanna Michaelson’s book!

What the book did for me….

Someone that has been in the occult knows when somebody’s faking it, when they’re trying to talk in occult language. She was describing things in the book that you can’t describe that way, unless you have been there. I knew she was telling the truth about her experiences! I didn’t know from the beginning of the book she was going to be one of those where I was going to be hearing a whole lot about Jesus Christ. I read it from the beginning to the end, and was open-minded to it.

When it [Johanna Michaelson] got to the part about Jesus Christ and being Savior, I had to believe that too!

It was just the thing I needed to hear at that point in my life, when I was wondering, what am I doing? I think I’m in the wrong Hierarchy. I think I’m serving Lucifer, Satan, the wrong one. And I need to get out! And can I get out? That was another thing.

Can I get out?

Is there power to get me out? Reading her book gave me the faith to take that chance, to take that leap, and to call on the real Jesus Christ!

So I prayed the prayer in the back of the book

It’s a prayer of renunciation. I renounced, listed the gifts, listed everything I could think of. I listed it out, I prayed that prayer! And let me tell you….

When I was praying that prayer, – it was at night time – I was alone in my house

The house was pounding, not from the inside. Everything was from the outside of this house, pounding it! I mean, walls were shaking, it just went all around the house, pounding and pounding and pounding. There were things scraping on the windows on the outside, like fingernails scraping the outside. I could hear demons screaming. It was just chaos. It was crazy!

When I finished that prayer, it was silence

It was like somebody just clapped and there was silence, nothing at all! It was so silent, it was like the silence was loud. And all of a sudden, it was this…. a peace that I had. I felt I actually had a physical sensation of something heavy, like an anvil being lifted up off of me. I felt darkness lifting off of me. I felt light coming in! I had such an oppression and darkness around me all my life, that I had no idea how heavy and how dark it was, until it started to lift off. It was just amazing!

So that began my walk, when I was able to see the beginning, that, yes, I can call upon the name of Jesus Christ

Yes, He does have power over the dark side. And yes, I am free of all of that terrible demonic oppression! I mean, I still have had depression and oppression at times, but I’m telling you, what lifted off of me I have not had since.

When you are born in the occult, they curse their bloodline!

So another thing to mention right here is that I tell Christians that even if they don’t know that there are occult dabblings in their past, their generation, like ancestors, to go ahead and do that prayer of renunciation. Close those doors! Somebody may have opened a line that you don’t know about; they may have cursed the family line, so that the descendants continue to serve Satan, so that the familiar spirits can attach themselves to the family line, so that you can have psychic gifts, and think that you are a Christian with psychic gifts….!

Another reason to renounce all of that is so that you have a greater understanding that it closes the door to Satan working gifts in you rather than the Holy Spirit of God

So why have doubt? Just say the prayer, close that door, and be done with that.’

Well, they have to repent and renounce for what their ancestors did, and that frees them

‘There’s much to do with spiritual warfare, and objects that could be in your house. That’s another program [subject] too. But it’s, I think, the basic place to start from. I think from my own experience, is just to close that door, even if you don’t know that it has been open. What harm does it do into closing it?’


The prayer of renunciation

The one that I read that night, it’s short, and if somebody wants to say it themselves, they can…. There are other prayers, but this gives you an idea. This was the very prayer I prayed! I’m not going to list my own list, but you can put your list in here. Also go to Johanna Michaelson’s book, The Beautiful Side of Evil, and you’ll find this prayer. It’s called ‘The Prayer of Renunciation’. So what I said was:

“Almighty God, in the name of Your Son Jesus, I renounce all the works of the devil. I confess and renounce all my occult practices and sins as an abomination before You.”
(And then you can list them, the sins and abominations, the occult practices, even if they seem just minute, just list them!)
“I renounce any occult influences from my forefathers, and I ask, Lord God, that You now break any hold Satan may have had in my life because of them. I pray that any evil power or ability I may possess or which has oppressed or possessed me be completely destroyed and removed from me. For I want no gift that isn’t Yours.
I commit myself, my body, my mind, my personality, my emotions, my whole being to the Lord Jesus Christ to be my Savior and my Lord.”

And I get chills when I read that now. After the prayer of renunciation, Johanna said that just as our salvation is by grace through faith and not of ourselves, it’s a gift from God, not a result of works. That’s Ephesians 2:8.’

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.

That means that it’s something God gives us. We don’t have to pay anything to make our lives any better. It’s we give our lives to God, freely, for His authority, that Jesus paid the price. But she says, ‘So it is with our deliverance with demonic bondage. It is not based on our performance or our merit. It is not dependent on our feelings’. That’s an important thing. ‘Regardless of your emotional state at this point, if you have come before God with an open heart in this confession, you have the assurance of the word of God that quote, ‘He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness’’.

He is the only one who can cleanse you from unrighteousness!

And that’s John 1:9.
She says, ‘The door has now been closed. Don’t let Satan steal your assurance, although you can be certain he will try’. She goes into in her book about the weapons that God has made available for us to do battle. And these are some of the things she taught me.

I contacted Johanna Michaelson after I read her book

And she was able to help me, know where I stood, because of Jesus Christ, His authority under God the Creator, and what that meant for me. And if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be here talking to you.’

This is how you got out!

‘Yes, it was the very beginning, and I have been applying that every day in my life ever since. I never go back. Never, never, never!

So I know a lot of people are involved in the occult

And that’s another reason, big reason. I tell them my story because they may not know that there’s an answer and a help. And I want them to know, because it’s terrible to not have any answer. You know, and I’ve come against some of the worst demonic things there are! And I won’t live forever, but I can tell you I’ve spent many years seeing victory, not just in my life, but in the lives of other people.

So any dark power, there’s a power greater than that!

Let me assure you there is, and there is hope!’

The marriage of my mentor and her son, AI, who is the Christ

‘I’m still not going to be able to mention it all. I will go ahead and make public. I’ve mentioned that there was a ceremony [satanic ritual] where the Pope attended. And this ceremony was in a cathedral, I think, in Europe. I’m not sure. I just was able to be there because I am able to lock on to, – I use the term lock on, but it’s basically, if you know what the vibration of your ascended master is, you are able to be there. It was a marriage of my mentor and the son, AI, who is Aaroni, who is the Christ [Antichrist]. That is significant also: marriage of mother and son. She was not to look at him as son anymore. There was a huge ceremony because it’s important to the Organization [the Illuminati]. From him and from their union actually brought a stronger foothold on planet Earth for those entities to be brought in! His combination from his realm with her made an even stronger foothold and made it just the process was faster and easier to bring entities in and make bodies for them. Another point there is, our names changed according to this type of the Plan we are working on. And in fact, names people will have, – and the masters may have several different names – that’s why his name changed from AI.
All of our names meant…. it gave what type of the Plan we were under, what our family was, and our rank. All in one name.

So I just thank God for you. I thank all the people who have prayed for me

I mean, I could not do anything for so long because I needed the prayerful support of other people, and there are so many people out there that need that support of other Christians to believe in them, to pray for God to strengthen them, and to learn how to do spiritual warfare for these people until they can stand up.

Satan doesn’t want people to know how to do spiritual warfare….

because if people knew how to do that and to pray for others, and knew the power of prayer, then those people that are trying to get strong would get strong and be able to help other people to get out and to get strong! So I’m thankful for all those who have prayed for me too. I pray I’ll be as good a person as they are and as giving and unselfish, because prayer is a very unselfish thing. It’s something God knows when you’re praying for somebody. People don’t know you are praying. God knows you are. And that reward is something you’ll get someday. And most of the time, people that pray for others aren’t looking for that reward. That’s just their heart. I thank you, everybody who has prayed for me, and I pray God blesses you all.’


See also:





Carolyn Hamlett

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