5G: People had to move out of their homes! (DUTCH subtitles)

5G Cell Towers | What they are, how they work, and why it matters. This new 5G Network is being rolled out all around us; it will be like a massive microwave. In this article, I want to dive deeper into what 5G towers are, how they work, and what the dangers are.

Since 5G requires an entirely new infrastructure of towers, none of the current cell-towers will be of use. The small-cell towers that will be installed on building, streetlamps, and just about anywhere else are going to be an enormous exposure risk when it comes to EMF radiation.


How 5G works, and the technology behind 5G towers

So, your phone currently (almost for sure) is connected to a 4G network, this stands for the 4th generation of cellular networks. In order for it to be connected to that network, it must be using radiofrequency waves to communicate with a nearby cell tower. You’ve likely seen these cell towers around town, or on the side of a mountain, or maybe disguised as a tree.

However, these towers are not at all capable of supporting the coming 5G network.

That is for two reasons primarily, first of all, they are only capable of transmitting on a specific part of the radio spectrum. Second, the spectrum required for 5G is not particularly good at traveling large distances or penetrating things like trees and buildings. Now, you may be asking yourself, “If 5G frequencies are so bad at penetrating buildings, traveling long distances, and aren’t supported by current cellular infrastructure, why do we need them?” The shorter answer is, 5G is faster, much faster.

5G networks could be as much, or more than, 100 times faster than your 4G.

That has implications not only for your downloads, but also the future of things like artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, machine learning, and much more. These networks will require an entire new armada of what are called “small cell sites.”


What Are 5G Cell Towers (Small Cells)? 

You may actually have already seen small cells if you live in a larger city that has started rolling out 5G infrastructure. However, you may not even realize that you saw one. That is because 5G small cells are both extremely small, and inconspicuous! Usually located on light or electrical poles, the sides of buildings, under manhole covers, or just about anywhere else you could fit a backpack-sized box, 5G small cells will eventually be just about everywhere.

Take a look at the comparison below, showing a typical 4G towers (right), as well as a 5G small cell attached to a light pole (left).

5G vs 4G

A small cell is essentially just a single node in a 5G network. However, they are probably the most crucial piece of the network, because, without a large amount of them, the information would not be able to relay to its ultimate destination.

Although 5G small cell towers require very little power, they use high-frequency millimeter waves.

So 5G frequencies are not very good at traveling far distances, or penetrating objects. So, you need a large number of small cells spread throughout an area in order to efficiently cover all users. These small cells are relatively expensive to develop and install. So, having to completely replace 4G LTE infrastructure with 5G towers capable of supporting the new frequencies will be extremely expensive!


People had to move out of their homes! (DUTCH subtitles)


How 5G Cell Towers (Small Cells) Work

Now you may think there is something lacking in the technology of these towers. However, the small cells themselves are actually extremely advanced, and it is only the frequencies that are being used that have the limitations. It is only because of these extremely advanced 5G small cells that the network will be able to achieve the enormous speeds it promises.
There are a few technologies that allow 5G towers to work and to pass information along the network of nodes to larger towers.


These small 5G towers will allow for something called massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output). This means that instead of data passing in a straight line directly between a user, and a tower, on a single radio wave, data will instead be passed from a single device (your cell phone) to as many small cell sites as are in range and direct-line! This allows the data to pass much faster and more efficiently. However, when MIMO was first theorized, the problem was keeping all of the information being passed in order. So, to allow for MIMO to work, an algorithmic technique known as Beamforming was discovered…


The technique, known as beamforming, basically just means that advanced math is used to constantly calculate the best route for the data arrays to travel between your device and all the 5G towers around you. The algorithm adjusts every few milliseconds to account for your location even as you move around.

Picture this: It’s 2016, and you’re connected to 4G on your cell phone as you travel down the interstate. You are directly connected to a single cell towers, whichever (on your network) is closest and has the best connection. As you continue driving, your connection is passed from one cell-tower to the next, every 10-20 miles. That is essentially what is currently happening. Your phone just connects and stays connected, to whichever single tower, gives it the best connection.
However, this system does not at all work for the 5G networks of the future! Instead, your cell phone will be constantly beaming data in multiple directions, to multiple 5G small cell towers in order for optimal transfer of your data.


So, how do you find out if 5G cell towers are already in your area? 

Go for example to the following website tracking 5G network, and zoom in on your area:



Are 5G Cell Towers and their Radio Frequency radiation dangerous?

The answer is, Yes, they are!

An English or Dutch article on this very subject will follow soon. As for now, please use the translation option in Google Chrome, in order to translate this article and other articles into your own language.

Why Radio Frequency is dangerous. Cell phones, when communicating with cell-towers, emit a type of EMF radiation, called Radio Frequency radiation. There is almost no argument that this type of radiation, in large doses, absolutely has bad health effects. There are two factors: the radiation from the towers themselves, and the radiation from the phone you’re using to communicate with them.

Only your cell phone has any governmental mandates about its radiation limits.

This limit is based on something called Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. Essentially what SAR is, is a measurement of how much radiation your body absorbs from a cell phone. The limit depends on where you live, but in the United States, the FCC has set a limit of 1.6 w/kg of body weight. That means no phone can be sold in the United States if using that phone would cause you to absorb more than 1.6 watts of radiation, for each kilogram of bodyweight. However, there is a growing number of scientists, researchers, and activists that feel that the SAR limit of 1.6, which was passed into law in 1996, is far outdated, and does not protect consumers!

The point is that cell phones, and the towers that connect them, do emit harmful radiation!


5G Radiation dangers and what we know

Studies have shown an increased chance of developing brain tumors.
The millimeter waves that 5G will utilize will also adversely affect the skin, eyes, testes, nervous system, and sweat glands.
Next, public exposure to millimeter waves, in the sub-Terahertz frequency range, is currently less common. If these devices fill the public space they will affect everyone, including the more susceptible members of the public: babies, pregnant women, the elderly, the sick and electro hypersensitive individuals.
Human sweat ducts transmit and perhaps also receive electromagnetic waves that reflect the person’s emotional state, as an extension of the sympathetic nervous system that innervates sweat ducts.
These newly suggested physiologic and psychological functions of human sweat ducts have not yet been researched by neurophysiologists or by psychologists

Computer simulations have demonstrated that sweat glands concentrate sub-terahertz waves in human skin. Humans could sense these waves as heat. The use of sub-terahertz (Millimeter wave) communications technology (cell phones, Wi-Fi, antennas) could cause humans to percept physical pain via nociceptors.

Potentially, if G5 WI FI is spread in the public domain we may expect more of the health effects currently seen with RF/Microwave frequencies including many more cases of hypersensitivity (EHS), as well as many new complaints of physical pain and a yet unknown variety of neurologic disturbances. 5G can also cause mass insanity, behavior changes, and even death.


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