There is another storm brewing! Dream, vision, and a spiritual warfare prayer

Dream: ‘I saw a lady; she was talking about a large scale destruction that had come’. The Lord made clear this is a man-made storm, and why His people can pray against it.
October 23, 2024

When His people start praying, the things that are planned – a man-made storm, for example – can be thwarted!
You can find the spiritual warfare prayer below.


I do have a dream and a couple of visions and a word that the Lord has given me…

I have been hearing very clearly in the last couple of days some very strong warnings from the Lord.

So we should rejoice and be thankful, especially in these last days. He’s warning us because we need His guidance. We need to be hearing from the Lord to know what to be doing in these last days. And so that’s why He is instructing His own. So what I would like to share with you today, first:


Dream man-made storm

I had a dream on the 20th of October 2024…

And in this dream I also had a couple of visions. It came with a strong warning and instruction and a word. With this warning the Lord showed me that His people can pray against what I’m about to tell you. Now I’ve never heard Him really say this to me before; I’ve never heard that you can pray this disaster away in this capacity. The Lord told me strongly that… 

If His people start praying, the things that are planned can be thwarted!

And the Lord also wanted me to put a prayer together. I call it a ‘spiritual warfare command’, that I use when disasters seem to be heading my way. The Lord wants me to share it with the people!

‘Tell the people that they can use the authority that I have given them to be able to stop some of these things that are coming’

It’s very important that we be pushing back the darkness during this time. And this is very urgent. The Lord said it’s important to have the saints pray and take heed to this, and to fall on their knees, and to ask for mercy and help in our time of need.

It’s a short dream:

In this dream I saw a large TV, and it was broadcasting the news. I saw a lady; she was talking about a large scale destruction  that had come. I didn’t hear what the cause was!

There was no food, there was no water

I saw this lady standing on a pile of rubble, while she was doing the broadcast. It kind of reminded me of what happened with Hurricane Helena. While the reporter was talking in this dream, she started addressing the water issue. This is really important!

The water issue: undrinkable water, unless it was filtered

I then saw her pick up some sort of a clear plastic cap, that attached itself to the bottom of a regular water bottle. This was some sort of filter, at least, in the dream. That’s something I’ve never seen before. And she said that when she put that cap on, that her water was now clean. And then she took a great big gulp of water from the bottle, just to prove that it was okay to drink. And that’s when I woke up.

The importance of water

We need to make sure we have another source of water for our family, whether it be extra water that you’re storing up in your homes, or, if you have a well… that if our electricity goes out you can get a hand pump for that well. There are many different ways that you can get water, but don’t be caught unaware; that’s what happened in North Carolina. Those poor people that I hope we continue to be praying for. They are still having water issues, and food issues, and shelter. A lot of them have no places to stay.
So when I woke up, this is the first thing I heard:

‘There is another storm brewing’

And then the Lord gave me a warning… ‘This storm is courtesy of…’ and I’m not going to name what I heard. But I heard it’s a name of an organization, and it’s a name of a person. So this is a man-made storm, in other words. This is not from the hand of God, though He will permit it if His people don’t pray. He needs His people to be praying! I heard:

‘It’s going to bring mass destruction

You cannot prepare for this one. It is too big even to prepare for!’
And that’s a lot like what happened with Hurricane Helena. They couldn’t prepare for it. As a matter of fact, there were many people in that area who were real preppers. And even their prepping did not help.



Then I had a quick vision…

I saw myself standing up. And then I saw myself stumbling a few times, backwards and then forwards, almost falling down. Then I heard this:

‘A shaking. A shaking. My people must pray this away, because it comes from the forces of darkness.’


Then I went into another vision…

I saw palm trees bending sideways and backwards, with torrential rains, and with gale force winds, like a hurricane. And then I heard this: ‘This attack can be prayed away. It can be minimized. It can be bound’.

The Lord has given us power to loose and to bind

Whatever is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven. We have power to bind these forces of evil that are coming against us, brothers and sisters. I then heard this:

‘Destruction comes

The forces that be [TPTB] are not done with playing dirty, no matter how much loss of life there is. This is a purging. This is a form of persecution. Those in its path will die, unless prayer is administered and mercy is sought. My people, remember that a little bit of faith goes a long way. A mustard seed kind of faith is needed. With it, you can move the mountains, and you can cast them into the sea.’

And you can read about that in Matthew 17:20:
He answered, “Because of your little faith [your lack of trust and confidence in the power of God]; for I assure you and most solemnly say to you, if you have [living] faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you”.

That’s how much power Jesus has given us, but it comes through faith. Back to the word…

‘With it you can stop the raging sea on command’

And He means faith. ‘With it you can stop the raging sea on command. You can do even greater works than when I walked on this earth.’ And you can read about that in John 14:12:
“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

‘Tap into that power!

It is available to all My people, those who walk according to My ways. No more excuses, no more holding back. Take your stand against this evil and wickedness. Stand strong, stand firm, for I will be with you. I will be in your midst. You will not be alone in the darkness, for I will shine My light, for it cannot be hidden.

The battle is real, the battle is raging

Walk in My full armor. Walk in the power of My Holy Spirit. Walk according to the Word of God. Walk in faith with righteousness. Walk in peace, administering My gospel of goodness.

Soon [at the end of this age] every eye will see and every ear will hear My voice.

They will see the Son of God descend from on high in the clouds, and then people’s fate will be sealed. Some to glory, some to gloom. So what kind of person ought you to be in this hour? One who walks in My truth, and not in the ways of the world. Choose today with intent whose side you are on. Do not be wishy washy, do not be lukewarm, but today give Me your all, and you will receive the seal of My promised Holy Spirit.

Yes, My people will be sealed for such a time as this

My seal will have My name written upon it. For you will be Mine, and I will be yours. Just like I and the Father are one, so you and I will be one. Encourage each other with these words.
And I now bless you, My beloved bride, forevermore.
Yahweh watches over you.’


I was not shown what kind of disaster or disasters the enemy is brewing up, or where

For I only hear and see in part [gift of prophecy]. I only have a piece of the puzzle. However, regardless of what it is, the Lord is asking His people today going forth to be praying, and to be doing spiritual warfare against the plans of the enemy. You know,

Jesus rebuked the storm, and so can we

In Matthew 8, Jesus says, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” And then Jesus got up. He rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Well, we are told to do the same thing!
He has given us all the power over the enemy… Luke 10:19:
“Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan and his dominions); and nothing will in any way harm you.”

We have been given this power, but few use it or even know how to use it

So I have written a spiritual warfare prayer. You can use this example. It has to be accompanied with faith, a repentant and clean heart and walk with the Lord.


‘Spiritual warfare command’ prayer

That’s how I called it.

Jesus gave us all the power over the enemy, but we must use it!

“In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the power of the blood and the cross of Jesus:

I declare and proclaim Luke 10:19, that I have been given all power and authority over the enemy, and that nothing may harm me!

I also proclaim James 4:7  [So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you.], that I am submitted to the Lord. Therefore the enemy must flee… and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

I now bind, in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, all damaging storms, winds, as well as all death, and destruction that the evil ones have sent, either now, or in the near future.

Now, standing on the Word of God, and in the authority of the name of Jesus, I command, rebuke, resist, repel, declare to be null and void, cancel, and bind all forces of evil destruction.

I take this authority, that has been given to me by the Lord Jesus, and I command all storms or destruction coming to dissipate, dissolve, cease, be still, and be no more! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command it!

Now, dear Lord Jesus, please send Your holy angels to come and protect me, my home, my town, and all those who might be affected by this attack(s).

I pray that you would now send chaos and confusion into the camps of the enemy, so that evil plans of mass destruction may not come to pass! In Jesus’ name I pray.
Amen and Amen”


Don’t be scared; be prepared, and pray
GodLove, and JesusWins!



Elizabeth Marie

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