Eleyna Matthews: How the enemy uses deception

Deception endgame: the agenda of the ‘aliens’, Satan’s seed and minions. ‘The Muppet show’ of the hybrids in government and politics. They are working with the governments of the world, who also know they are liars. Use your authority and pray for your country, because they do feel it! 

February 16, 2025


Eleyna Matthews – September 2018:

‘First I’d like to begin with some prayer, because my goal is to glorify God, and walk that fine line in between exposing the enemy but not magnifying him.

Father God, in Jesus’ name, I just lift up this time before You and I ask that You be very present in my words. And Father, that the listeners/readers would understand that Jesus is the answer to anything and everything, and particularly – and this is the key word – deception. In Jesus’ name I pray.


A hard look at how the enemy uses deception

He’s really good at it.

Implants, which are very much a part of the mind control agenda, is a massive agenda.

I was a lab rat, and there are quite a few of us running around. ‘They’ have all kinds of projects and sub-projects, and sub-projects to that. They are very diversified in how they want to take over the world.

Deception: that is the agenda!

I can honestly say for at least 50 years of my life, I walked around disassociated from what was really going on in the background of my life. So we are talking about deception. And when you’re talking about beings, you’ve got to understand: that is the agenda, it is deception.

It started in the Garden [of Eden]. The enemy was working on innocent people, Adam and Eve, on their highest and purest desires, cloaking his own purpose of ruin. Under the guise of seeking to ‘lead them closer to God’. And so what was he doing? He was working on their love for God.

So here’s the deception:

‘You will know good from evil, if you disobey God. So you will be closer to God, if you disobey God.’

Satan’s endgame

Now we are in the last moments [the last days]. Deception is still what the enemy’s endgame is. He wants to deceive the entire world. So part of that are these minions of his.

It’s interesting though that in that curse that came forward in Genesis 3:15, there was a blessing that was enveloped within that curse. The serpent was cursed. But Eve was blessed, because through her would rise the promised seed, which is our Jesus.

There are so often times that people really think they’re doing something right/good, or they’re serving God, and they are passionate, when in fact what they are doing is defending the enemy. A really good example of this was Peter. He was tempting Jesus to not go the way of the cross. But he was passionate. He believed he was doing the right thing. So we all have to be very, very careful because our enemy is really good at deception.
To be deceived, particularly in the days we live in, is and has been very dangerous.

The nature, the very character and agenda of the ‘aliens’ is deception.

And interestingly enough, when you open the Bible, all the information that you need to know about how to combat this great evil, this horrible deception, is right there! But you have to open it, you have to read it, and you have to ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand it.

All right, one more place where they feel that if they are preaching Christ, then they really don’t have to worry about the devil, and they don’t want to give him too much credit…. It’s the Church [body of Christ] that falls into this quite a bit.
And there is a fine line, like I said, between magnifying him and exposing him, and being aware of his schemes.

The trap of magnifying satan

There’s a very interesting statement in Revelation 2:24, talking about the deeper things of Satan, that they had fallen into the trap. That church is Thyatira. They have fallen into the trap of seeking out the deep things of Satan.

‘Aliens’ don’t have authority!

In approaching these beings, which are a soup mix of all different DNAs, combined with angelic intelligence…. they really do have the upper hand. But what they don’t have that we have is authority! And that’s very interesting to me. And yes, they do feel prayer. They fear it! They hate us, and they hate God, but they are scared of Him. And He has given us, through the blood of Jesus, authority over these things.

They are Satan’s seed!

I have people all the time writing to me, asking me about these various groups. And the truth is, they are Satan’s seed.


Sarah about the secret space program, and more

Okay, today one of my first little ones that came up when I was in counseling was a little by the name of Sarah.

[Find more on Sarah here.
And what Eleyna learned from Sarah when she was not yet healed can be found here.]

I had an experience that wasn’t really my experience, but it was an alter [alter ego], whose experience blended with mine. So it was a very interesting exchange between her and I, and I put it down and wrote it out. When I was first becoming aware that something was in the background of my life, trying to destroy me at all times, this was one of the things that I started learning about the Nephilim and all that…. It made sense to me, but it was in theory. Now it became solidified, because now I was regaining memories of this child, that had been abducted, and knew all about the secret space program.


She was seven or eight years old at the time, and she knew all about it. She called it ‘their stupid space program’. I mean, she knew that they were liars. And I’ll tell you something else. They are working with the governments of the world, who also know they are liars. But they have become enslaved and entrapped. It has gone too far at this point. There is no turning back!

Planet X

I heard something very interesting the other day. It kind of jogged something inside of me, and I believe it’s true. These people really believe that there’s going to be a Nibiru or a Planet X. They have built for themselves underground bunkers, complete with shopping malls, coffee shops, five-star restaurants, the whole thing. When this thing hits, they are going to go underground, and stay there for six months to a year.

I had a dream three days before a show….

I had a dream that I was in a restaurant in Washington D.C. And in this dream, there was a group of women, and the restaurant was empty, except for this table. It was a private party, and I was sitting there with my daughter. I couldn’t even get as much as a glass of water, and I was getting frustrated. I wanted to leave. And the word of the Lord came to me and said, sit and listen. You need to listen. And now I’m looking and taking notes, and I couldn’t find paper. And so I looked up and I said, okay, I’m going to make note of this restaurant that I’m at. And it was Joe’s Seafood and Prime Steak with a black and white logo. I’m like, okay.

What they were talking about was the same saying I heard put forward on that show. They were waiting for Hillary Clinton. And when she showed up, it was cackle, and all hugs, you know, the LA kissy kissy, you know that thing. And they were all so impressed with her! But that’s where they were sitting and discussing. So that was a dream that’s confirmed.

When I woke up….

I went and I looked up the name of this restaurant, and boom, there it was. And then I went on their website, and I looked at where they host private parties. And that was the room I was in. And then on top of it, when you go to their website, what you see is this little, well, I think it’s supposed to be a crab, but it looks more like a spider or a beetle. And it’s encrusted with diamonds. And it opens up, so you can see this restaurant. So it was very creepy. So now I can’t vet this information [plus their website and logo have changed today]. The way this information came forth was that it was a private meeting. They were all given papers with charts and scientific information. They had to check their cell phone at the door, and on the way out the paperwork was shredded.

So, you know, take it for what it is. But that was the information that was in that dream. Right? Well, just look at how things are going in the Middle East. If that’s not the Antichrist spirit, I don’t know what is. They’re chopping heads off of Christians. They hate women. I mean, they cannibalize Christians. They sell their blood on the open market.

Sarah calls them the Muppet Show

Okay, my little calls these beings [hybrids] the Muppet Show. [Note that Hillary Clinton is not human.] The thing is, we see that Satan has a seed line. And Sarah said that the DNA, she called it like legos with genetic code inside. She said that Satan’s seed are biologically based beings: a hybrid of human, angelic, animal, fish, reptile, insect DNA. But….

All of creation has been and is being manipulated.

It has been an unbelievable onslaught against everything our Creator God called good. So to understand what’s happening, you have to begin in the Garden, and that’s when it began with the deception. And what did he show up as? A serpent. Now we don’t know what that serpent looked like. But he was cursed to crawl on his belly, so he must have not been crawling on his belly before then. Genesis 3:15 is where it all happens:

The Lord God said: “I will make you [the serpent] and the woman enemies to each other. Your descendants [seed] and her descendants [seed] will be enemies. One of her descendants [He] will crush your head, and you will bite [strike; bruise; crush] his heel”.

Seed means offspring.
Heel means footprint.

What is DNA?

Is that not our footprint? Is that not the footprint of God in a human being? So in that one sentence, the Lord told us what was going to happen. But He also encapsulated in that the antidote, and His name is Jesus Christ.

The serpent set out his offspring to bruise, desire, to seize, to strike out, to fall upon, and to overwhelm the footprint, or the DNA, of the image of God, as created in the seed of the woman. So what this means is Satan has taken and desired that image, and seized it in order to mutate, to strike it out or overwhelm it.

Satan’s seed line

And the motive was to create himself a seed line. So what this also means is that the blood of Jesus Christ, the perfect man, is the only hope to restore the DNA of the original image.
So at the very beginning, Satan set out his quest for that seed; it’s in Genesis 6! You know, we have been so dumbed down to believe that these passages mean anything else. Particularly when you compare it with archaeology, compare it with the ancient ruins, and when you compare it with what happened during the flood. Clearly! ‘And there were giants on the earth, and also afterwards.’ So it’s all there [in the Bible].

There is so much research covering these first children of Satan.

We don’t really have to go too far into that…. Basically, fallen angels mated with human women, and created ‘godmen’, or in Hebrew, the Nephilim. And what this means is: a bully or a tyrant. Now, you’ve got to remember that, because that’s exactly what they are, besides being liars. These are bullies and they are tyrants. They take people who are sleeping peacefully in their bed, and do horrible things to them. And by the way, most of the things that they do, when they abduct you, are very similar to a lot of the sexual ritual practices that have gone on since the beginning. None of this is new. It’s new to us, but it’s been on the face of the planet since the beginning.

DNA as a huge box of Legos….

Sarah said to think of DNA like a huge box of Legos. Legos that contain genetic codes for animal, insect, reptile, angelic, human, whatever, with the capability to mix all this with supernatural abilities as found in the angelic realm. Now ask yourself, how many different things can be built? The possibilities are endless! Therefore you’ve got to stick to their characteristics. Because….

They shapeshift!

What you see is not what they are, because not only can they make all these different things, they shapeshift. They wear costumes. They are about deception! So these beings are not just spirit beings, but they are flesh and blood, with high IQs, supernatural abilities. What these creatures are capable of is unfathomable! But it’s very, very real.

Take a look at what’s going on in the world.

All these things…. They are doing this. And they look like humans, a lot of them, but they are not. A lot of them are demons in host bodies. What she [Sarah] said is that there are literally hundreds of thousands of species of Satan’s seed line. And this is part of the reason why she calls it: The Muppet Show. 

Every one of them is a genetic mutation:

recombinant DNA, whole races of beings that have sprung up out of some of these combinations. And they are too numerous to even count. When the Bible says that the blood is going to run on the Plain of Megiddo, I have stood there. I couldn’t understand, how could blood run that high? Well, it’s because there’s going to be so much of it. Some of these beings are huge!

Our governments have fallen to them.

First, she said, they deceived us into making treaties with them. And those treaties go back further than Roswell. They go a lot further back. And she said that the Muppets broke every single treaty they made. And what’s worse now, she said, the reality of our situation is that the world’s governments are totally infiltrated. Much of what you see is celebrities, politicians: they are not human. Not anymore.

As a matter of fact, I would like to put out there that maybe they never were. What is Queen Elizabeth? What is that? And why is she still living [in 2018]? There’s something going on there. You know, they are just passing down this wicked thing: flesh host to flesh host. The Queen Mother before her was the same being!

When you pray for your country….

And then she said also, to keep this in mind when you pray for your country, because they do feel it.

SRA/DID programmers no longer human

She said that the SRA/DID programmers are also not human. What they do is certainly inhumane. She said those that are human, and even partially human, are so programmed themselves, it’s difficult to tell the difference.

She said, and this is her assertion [statement], that the Nazis used the SS for serpent seed. No, I’ve never vetted [checked] that, so I can’t tell you.

What makes our time different….

Sarah said that what makes our time different than any other time is a couple of things.
First, there is human agreement with a satanic agenda. Now they’ve always had this in isolated pockets. I mean, some of the tribes in the African continent go way back with this. Egypt goes way back with this. Egypt is synonymous for all things occult anyway.
Secondly, the sheer numbers involved and the technology that’s now on the face of the earth.
And then she pointed to the historical artifacts to make her point. She brought to mind the Assyrians, which are part of this. They are part of downline from Sirius, the Egyptians. They were involved in that too. Sirius was completely connected into these cultures. And their artifacts clearly show reptilian creatures, crowns, and stuff like that. Also, the Egyptian hieroglyphs and the cave drawings from all over the world clearly show astronauts, flying saucers, and helicopters, as well as animal-headed bipeds, that are clearly wearing crowns and holding scepters, as it denotes rulership. So this is not new. And they do another thing; this is really important to them….

They want to enslave us.

So we work for them! I mean, just ask yourself, when you get your paycheck, how many hours are you working for this government for free? Half of your work week almost goes to pay your taxes. Probably more than that, if you add into it after you get it and you spend it, you’re taxed on it. If you inherit it, you can be taxed on it. Everywhere you look, there’s another tax! That’s enslavement.


Then she went on and she brought in the Philistine god, Dagon. Now I’ve had encounters with this one. This is an example of a species of Satan’s seed line. This race lives and has built bases in all of the oceans, including Antarctica.


I had memories of Antarctica long before it became popular on YouTube. They fly interdimensional crafts. And some of the largest natural portals are found in waters. She said that there’s a huge wormhole off the coast of Antarctica, but I already knew about that.
Greeks and Romans built temples to the gods Neptune and Poseidon.
Mermaids are part of this group, and so are Sea Sirens. She said, in spite of what Disney wants to tell you, these mermaids and sea sirens, and stuff like that, have caused many disasters.
These beings have caused many people to cruelly die in violent storms, that brought about tragic shipwrecks. Those were almost ritual sacrifice. The Bermuda Triangle is just one of their bases.
And this is very real. I’ve had alters that have been under the sea; they saw….

Some of the things that they are doing down in Antarctica….

They have all kinds of really horrible projects going on there, including things that they put into body lotion, soaps, perfumes; they call them meta materials. I just saw today that Madonna has her own line of cosmetics. Please don’t ever buy that! I can guarantee you there is a doorway in every single purchase. Because that’s what the occult is after. They are fascinated with keys and doorways, portals. You purchase something that has got a curse on it! You have now gotten an agreement with that doorway. You’ve opened the door. Now you’ve done it because you were deceived. You did not know. Oh, you just bought a bottle of perfume.

I would encourage everybody to pray over everything you purchase.

Just the barcode alone is enough to give me pause. There was a fella, his name is John Todd. He’s gone now. And he talked about records, that the master copy was brought into a room that they called, I think, the temple [a witch temple among other things], or something like that. And they put a curse on every single album. You think about it, when that kind of music became very popular and sought after in this country, so did rebellion happened right along with it. [Please note: John warned us to destroy all Rock and Christian Rock records/albums as soon as possible, because you don’t pray over the things that are known to be that cursed!]

Anytime you buy things, pray over it.

Ask the Lord to close all doors, to shut down all curses. You don’t know what these occult companies are putting in these products. Deception is what they do!

So we have the antidote.

His name is Jesus Christ. You bless everything you bring into your house in the name of Jesus. Don’t give him an opening. Don’t give him a foothold.

Speaking of bases….

One is in Nevada. It’s on the tallest mountain in Nevada. There is lithium. Well, it’s the only one that I know of in the United States, and it produces a vast amount of lithium, which is an energy source.

There are weather creatures.

They cause all kinds of things from storms to earthquakes….

[Eleyna mentions more creatures; for more go to: https://eindtijdnieuws.com/het-geheime-ruimteprogramma-de-hybride-agenda/]

The battle is the Lord’s.

This is where you have to partner with the Most High God, to give you wisdom, to help you, to protect you. You’re no match for these, but they don’t have authority. We have that. They can do things that are, you know, what some people call magic [and witchcraft]. I’m not exactly sure that that’s the right word. They’ve been at it for a long time, and they’re very deceptive.
There are creatures that look like aircraft, but they’re not aircraft at all. They are a creature. These are organic living beings with the power to self-direct, self-heal, and self-protect. I saw several of these myself.

They all hate us.

Even the so-called friendly ones, those are the worst. Because they pretend that they can be Jesus, they can be angels, they can be very beautiful…. and then they ensnare you.

I’ve heard somebody say, “Well, they can’t speak the name of Jesus”.

Oh yes, they can. They sure can! But they cannot say Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. And they have a really difficult time saying Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. And if they struggle with that, you know what you’re dealing with and take authority over it: ‘Get out of my business. Go, in Jesus’ name!’

For the earliest version of the greys, go look into the Egyptian art.

They’re all there. The giants are there, the reptilians are there, the fish gods, the bird gods, the dog gods, they’re all in there. So what they’re doing now is….

They have been resurrecting some of the earliest ones who are also the largest.

These are more like the fallen angels. She said that they are nasty, they are cannibalistic, and for the most part, they are homosexual.

I do have a memory of New York City….

I was in a cart underneath New York City. Do you know the laundry carts that they use in motels, they kind of look like canvas and baskets, you know? But it was smaller, and it was like a train of them, and they were filled with children. They all had children in them. And I was in the last card, and for some reason it got disconnected from the rest of them. I’m pretty sure that it was underground, and I’m pretty sure it was under New York City.
And we were going through this…. it looked like glass. I’m pretty sure now, they bore it out with these big machines, so it looks like a glass wall. Now, for whatever reason, I could see there were these huge rooms. They were the size of football fields. They were huge!

Now, when I got this memory back….

it was incredibly frightening. The really large ones have these snake faces, and two rows of teeth. And they have these weapons, that I don’t have any point of reference to even describe them to you. But those weren’t the scariest ones. The scariest ones were the ones that were really beautiful. They were gorgeous. But they were cold when you got near them. You could feel this icy fear just grip your stomach.
And ‘they’ were like holding tanks [deep underneath the city], with the various rank and file of these beings in them.

Magnet train

They have a train, and I’ve heard it called a magnet train. It’s done through electromagnetics, and it travels really, really fast. You can go from New York City to Nevada, to any of these bases, or to Dulce, in 20 minutes. They have connected New York City to Dulce. That’s one of the lines that I am aware of and have experienced.

They feed off of us.

That’s what you were looking at. That implant were creatures that were feeding off of me. They feed off our spirits, off of our physical bodies. They are parasites! They look at us like we are cattle. And as you are well aware of, some of them even like to do that when their prey is alive.

They come from another dimension.

We have to conform to the laws of this world. You know, if you don’t believe me, try jumping out of a tall building or off a ladder. You’re going to hurt yourself, because we have laws of gravity. We have space, and we have time. We have these various rules set up, but once you get past here, it doesn’t work the same.

So what was coming out of my leg, I am convinced they were tunneling into me, just like they tunnel into the Earth. Our composition is the same as the Earth, why not? You think of them as a leech [bloodsucker].

Most importantly, they all hate Jesus Christ.

They see the Creator as unfair, tyrannical, and most certainly an enemy. And although they hate Him, they’re very frightened of Him. And by the way…. 

Child of God, they’re frightened of you too.

Particularly if you know who you are in Christ. You should always every day be reaffirming your identity in Christ, casting down all vain imaginations that would exalt themselves above the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He died to give you that authority. The Son of God, the Creator of all things, who knew no sin, who did nothing wrong, shed His blood. So you can be with Him forever and ever. And these things, these abominations, these filth, these swine, they’re so far beneath you. They’re so far beneath you, but you have to know it. And because they’re in the business of deception, they don’t want you to know it. So that’s why you stay in the Word, see what the Word has to say, because the Word will tell you who you are. The Word will renew your mind. The Word will give you all that you need to fight back. You don’t even have to be bewildered or confused. You don’t have to be ignorant of Satan’s schemes.

They are here to deceive!

So these things live in the earth, they live out of the earth, they live under the sea, they live on the moon. I’ve been there and on other planets.
I had to laugh, the other day the Mars rover suddenly went blank. They couldn’t figure out what was going on. Oops! Oh oh, something got out of control. Anyway, some are confined here, and for whatever reason they’re imprisoned here and they want off. This is so funny. Why? Others want to own the world. It makes no sense. But don’t even try to apply logic where logic doesn’t apply. You cannot apply logic to evil. It’s just evil. And they’re here to deceive, they’re here to kill, they’re here to steal, they’re here to destroy. They have the same signatures, they are reprobates. They are completely evil. I don’t care what kind of costume they’re wearing. They hate you. And if they can’t kill you, they want to control you. They want to control your thoughts. They want to get your mind off God. They want to get your mind on them.


They want you to always be thinking that they are bigger than they really are. And that’s another thing. They can use holograms to look bigger than they really are.

Now this is where it gets really interesting.

They live in the clouds, and I saw them. These are colonies of something called Akris, they are some kind of spirit. It’s a funny sounding name, but when I did a little bit of biblical research on the name that Sarah gave me, I found it. The word for locust is an Akris. It’s in Revelation 9 and 7 and it’s spelled A-K-R-I-S. What the locusts are capable of doing can be found in the Book of Joel. And what they’re going to do is clearly prophesied in the Book of Joel.

Nahum is a short book, but it’s really fun…. reading the judgments that are going to come against these things. By the way, the word for cloud, is anan, which seems to be startlingly similar to the word Anunnaki, anan [when you pronounce it].

I saw in 2009, when Barack Obama was elected, cloud ships coming in by the droves.

I didn’t know what I was looking at. I really thought it was a prophetic vision that the Lord had given me, but I was discerning it with my sight [physical eyes]. I was seeing it; I saw it clearly! Yes, they looked like clouds, but I could clearly make out the outline of ships. I saw some that looked like half man, half something else. I saw all manner of reptiles and other creatures. I saw huge ships carrying around giant heads that looked like they were sleeping. It looked like their head was on a pillow in this cloud. I saw some that you could see the real image of a man sitting on a throne in this cloud city thing.

Over the years, I’ve seen them throw lightning at me.

I’ve seen them release insects. I’ve seen a release of glittery-like objects. And I saw it all leave in the name of Jesus! I’ve seen the chemtrails stop and the planes disappear when I prayed against them! And I’ve seen the living planes drop out of the sky, and disappear. I have seen the Lord do miracle after miracle. And by the way, I am so glad he put enmity between Satan and the woman, because I hate them!

They steal babies out of the womb.

They stole one of mine. They steal your children. What does the enemy do? He carts off the women and the children. And this particular enemy does not have to abide by the rules of the earth. They are masters at manipulating molecular structure.

Every night before you go to bed, you ask the Lord to protect you.

And I guarantee you, because I’ve seen Him do it for me…. He has stood with me when they tried to abduct me out of my bed and they had me up on the roof. He sent two angels. And they didn’t get any further. And then they put me back in my bed. And these things I’m telling you are the truth.

Father God, in Jesus’ name, I just ask that the things that I brought forward tonight, I ask that people would take them to heart, because the days are evil, and they’re coming upon us in an ever increasing speed. Father, I’m asking that You would take the things I’ve said, and help people to understand that they have authority, no matter what it looks like, no matter how many booga booga boogas that the enemy is trying to put in their face, that they can say in the name of Jesus: “You get out of here now!” Thank You, Father, that You are going to remind the people that are listening/reading of who they are in Christ Jesus. They belong to You. That’s the most important thing. And I’m thanking You, Father, in Jesus’ name.’




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GodLove, and JesusWins



Eleyna Matthews

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