David Goldberg’s final words and his hand-written notes on Project Pogo and Project Zyphr

Classified documents and White House memo reveal ‘extermination’ plans for millions of people in America and worldwide through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr.

This article will also be translated into Dutch.
The information mentioned in the video in relation to everything that we see happening around us currently, is too hard to ignore.

After David Goldberg’s death, two of his close friends were able to open his floor safe, and retrieve dozens of hand-written notes, tape recordings, USB drives, as well as the classified documents relating to Project Pogo and Project Zyphr.

They are asking those watching to help spread the David’s message so others may know of his warnings.


David Goldberg’s final words

The audio file was recovered from David’s safe after his death. It contains information yielded from the classified documents he was given. Many believe he was murdered due to this information.
The audio file was recorded in early June of 2019, a few days before David’s death.

The classified documents and the notes reveal ‘extermination’ plans for millions of people through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr.


David Goldberg’s final words and his hand-written notes on Project Pogo and Project Zyphr HD

Or watch the video here.


Full transcript of this video: 

“Hello everyone. This is David Goldberg again, this is probably going to be one of my most important videos that I’ve done yet.

We’re going to discuss a couple of things. New things that have come up. I have received a classified document from the White House insider. And we also have some memos that I’ve referenced in the past. And I’m going to walk through everything that I’ve been deciphering and learning from these videos. Excuse me, from the documents that I received.

So, we’ll get into this. The crux of this. I want to just introduce you right, right away – what is it all about? This is it. This is what the documents reveal. There are too many people waking up, there are too many Americans, more and more of them that are suspicious of Israel. More and more Americans aware of Zionism. This has been around for decades and decades. You go back to the 50’s, 60’s… there’s uh, a lot of literature about Zionism, about Judaism.

It’s not unusual, but, the difference is today more and more people are waking up to it. It’s been a real tipping point. Where you have, you always had maybe about half a percent of the population that was aware of Zionism, that did not like Jews, and what not, but they were never a part of the mainstream. They were always dismissed as conspiracy theorists. They had no influence. So they were not really a threat.

But that has changed. And you know that has changed. Anyone paying attention knows that it’s changed.

We have seen a big change in comment sections on YouTube; many people make references to Zionism. It has become a part of the nomenclature. Through the influence of 8-chan, 4-chan, many many websites, and ultimately many, many YouTube channels that have been speaking the truth very aggressively for many years. But this has really gotten attention lately. It is somewhat of an accumulative effect, a snowball effect, where more and more people start to wake up to the truth and the facts, and it just expands. And people become more accepting of it. And they start to say, ‘Okay, it’s okay for me to look at the information. And I’m not an anti-Semite for looking at it’. And it really starts to cook for people. So this has been a big change in the recent past few years.

What happened is that Israel, its agents, its propagandists, have been playing their very, very close attention to this over the past few years. They know this is happening. They are very concerned about it. We are talking about 0.5% of Americans who has some idea of Zionism, and they’re against it, and they understand it. That number, according to these documents, is now about – I saw two numbers. They said 15%. And another one said 7%. But that is a very large number of Americans that have woken up to what’s going on with Israel and Zionism, and the Israeli lobby and influence. They’re all afraid to hate Israel. That number is very high. And it has them very concerned. This is much of what the classified documents talk about; we’ll get into that more.

I wanted to set it up for you so you actually understand what this is really about, what I was given from the White House insider. The main part that you really need to know though, is they have a plan for all of this. So I’m going to talk about that now. 

There’s a discussion within these documents, years ago, to ban the YouTube channels, to shut it down, all of that, but they changed course. They made a decision to do something completely different. And they decided instead of censoring everything, to fund and promote gatekeeper channels. Shill channels… to simply gather and collect all the open minded people who are looking at the issue. And they did shutdown some of the legitimate channels. And that has actually happened. If you’re following some of that, you are aware that there have been channels that have been shut down. Almost completely eliminated. 

Some of those channels were not a part of the original gatekeeper channels; they have no connection. They are truth telling channels. Some of those they have eliminated, that they felt were a threat, or that might be calling out the gatekeeper channels.

So! I’m just looking through some of the documents and seeing what I want to talk about next. 

One really interesting aspect of all this is that the gatekeeper channels and the shill channels, typically these will be disinfo channels. Disinfo channels like Alex Jones, for example, has been a long time, disinfo, Zionist channel. Very, very active in deflecting people away from Zionism. Alex Jones talks about everything, but he never talks about Israel. So that is an active disinfo channel that has beenv around forever. 

What they’ve created with these new gatekeeper channels is very truthful channels. They are very honest; they don’t put out a lot of disinfo. They are actually legitimate. And that is done to give them credibility among these people who are awake, who are waking up.

There was very specifically done, the documents, to talk about that. 

Now I’m going to talk about, what is the purpose of the whole operation? And the purpose of this is to put out truthful channels to attract people to them. They call it ‘tag, track and ID’. It is a term used throughout the documents: TTID. It’s something you’ll want to remember – this is very common throughout these documents. They refer to it all the time. 

So what does that tell you? They want to tag, they want to track you, and they want to identify who you are. If you are watching these channels, if you are informed, if you are awake on these issues, they want to tag you, they want to track you and they want to know exactly who you are. They want to know, and it talks about tracking people’s ID addresses through YouTube. They have access to YouTube. They do know who you are.

So this is discussed a lot in the documents; I’m just looking through it right now.
And there are two projects, and it’s very important to listen to this. Project Pogo is one of them. And Project Zyphr. I will spell that one. ZYPHR. Project Pogo and Project Zyphr are the two projects that the classified documents are referring to, and each has a different role. 

Project Pogo is about the YouTube gatekeepers. How they are all agents; they are all paid to put out truthful information – so that they can tag, track and ID the people that are watching the videos, and giving them likes, and giving them comments. They are tracking all of it. 

Project Zyphr is a different project, and that’s what I’ll talk about in a bit. That is the second stage here – that is coming up. And that is the extermination. They are going to exterminate these people. Whether it is: tag them for anti-Semitic speech, charge them with crimes – eliminate them completely.

And this is where I’ll talk about in the documents – where they talk about guillotines. Viral attacks. Targeted. How they are going to eliminate these people without too much suspicion, without too many people noticing.

But here’s the problem. As I read the documents, I have documents from 4 years ago, I have documents from 2 years ago, and then I have documents from 3 months ago. So there is a progression in the timeline as the projects change.

And Project Zyphr has changed…

In the beginning they have been talking, they were talking a lot about, okay, we are going to infect these people with a virus that imitates the flu virus. They are going to eliminate them in various ways that would not be suspicious. 

In the documents that I have now from 3 months ago, they are saying the amount of people they have to eliminate is too large. It is too many. We are talking about millions of Americans. And this is where we see their plans are changing. And they are going to initiate something that is devastating and that is extremely frightening. And, based on what I can see in the documents, we’re talking about power outages, along with a purge. They are going to come in, they are going to take you out of your home, and they are going to put you into a military vehicle or whatever, a van, and drive you away, and place you into a camp.

It is a very, very big operation that they are planning. It is millions of Americans. They will do it under the cover of night, under the cover of blackness, during one of these planned blackouts. The blackouts are, based on documents, I’m just looking at it right now: they have a 3-day blackout, they have a nation-wide blackout that lasts 2 days, and a lot of localized blackouts. So it is a whole series of blackouts that they are going to do. And of course it will be blamed on all kinds of things. They might blame it on Iran; I have seen that mentioned in the documents. They have already prepped people for this. There are going to be more blackouts that are already predictive programming. So we may see more of this as we go on.

As far as I can tell from Project Zyphr, they are planning this next year and the year after (2020-2021).

They are not done tagging, tracking and identifying everyone. It looks like they’re at about 78%. I looked in the documents and there were a couple of indications of how long, far along they feel in the project is. They’re like 78% done, but they’re not completely done. It does take time to identify a YouTube account. And then track it to the email that it was created with, and then IP address, and then find out who created it. It does take them a lot of time to do that. It is not instant. It does take a lot of research. Because a lot of people create a YouTube account with an email address – doesn’t give any indication of who they are. An account name that doesn’t have their full name on it; they don’t use their real pictures. So it is a challenge for them, and that’s why the project has been going on for so long. But it is coming to a close. In the next 6 months to a year, it appears it is coming to a close, and that is when Project Zyphr will be initiated.

So I have some notes here, I’m going to continue on, talk a little bit more about… Right. They’re being tracked, they’re being identified; that’s the whole point. A lot of people have said, “Well why are some of these YouTube channels allowed to exist? Why are they allowed to so openly talk about the truth…?”
And some of you might know Adam Green, Know More News, and there are a whole bunch of others, and they’re very, very open about Zionism, and they’re very honest about it, and they’re telling the truth! I mean, they are telling the truth. They’re not hiding anything, they’re not disinfo, they’re not putting disinfo out there.

But as far as I know, they are a part of – I mean, they’re all a part of this operation. I can’t say specifically about if Adam Green’s a part of it or not, but I would assume, possibly he is. He has probably been guaranteed a lot of money. He’s probably been promised a lot of things. He’s probably – he could be a freemason, he could be a part of their operation, he could be an agent. I don’t know, I have no idea; it is total speculation on my part. I have no idea. All I know is, this is part of the operation… what they want to do. His channel would fit into the ammo; it is an example I’m giving. 

He is there to tag, track and ID. Not him specifically, but the people behind the operation who are doing all the research, and all the people who are commenting and viewing and liking… They want to know who they are, they want to know where they live, and they are going to eliminate them. At a date in the future. Completely eliminate them.

This is going way beyond the idea of passing laws to ban speech, which they’re already doing. They’ve done it in America already, but not very aggressively. We’ll see more legislation of that nature. But they want to completely eliminate these people, because they do stand in the way of the agenda. There are too many people that are waking up. It is way too many for them to handle. They’re starting to have an influence, and they’re starting to change the conversation online.
It is of grave concern to Israel.

Something that the memos that I received, I will talk a little bit about the memos – the memos are different from this classified documents. The memos are White House internal memos that discuss a wide range of things in terms of Trump’s meeting with Rabbis, discussions with Netanyahu over the phone. And one of the memos says that Donald Trump will have to declare himself “King of Israel”. Publicly. This is part of the process for them. There’s no strategic reason for it – it is symbolic for them. Trump is going to declare himself King of Israel. At some point. I don’t know how, but they’re talking about it in these memos over and over again. When he’s going to do it, why they want him to do it, which again is symbolic, it has no strategic purpose, apparently. It is part of the process of what – of the endgame. Basically, is what I’m saying.

So we’ll see if that happens or not. It sounds ridiculous, so I can’t imagine him actually saying it, but maybe he will do something like that. We’ll look out for that in the coming months.

Based on my reading of the classified documents and the memos, so much of what is going on is planned. They’ve given people impression that Trump has brought chaos to politics, but it’s actually opposite; it has been planned. Donald Trump’s allegiance is to Israel. He’s not only a Jew, he is a freemason. They have promised him – his daughter and the sons, will enjoy very high level ranking within the world government, that they are forming. The capital which will be Jerusalem. So that is why Trump is so dedicated to following the script. Performing the way that he does. It appears to be very authentic to his followers.

Everything that is done, talking about the wall, to the fake news, was scripted from the beginning, around 2014 and 2015! And according to some of the memos I’m reading, he loved it. They introduced all of this to him and he loved it. They told him the plan, ‘you’re going to become president, you’re going to say this, and this, and this’ – he loved it.

He’s already a little bit of a racist. He’s already predisposed to some of the rhetoric, so he loved it. He jumped on board, and they promised him great things, especially for his family, if he would have followed through all these things. And simply follow the script; and he does have leeway. He has leeway to say many things that he wants to say. He has a lot of fun doing this. But he does have his script writers and the… there’s one of the script writers, I forget his name, he’s bald guy… I want to remember his name, it’s important to say it. Well, he’s a big part of this. He writes a lot of the Trump’s tweets; he crafts a lot of it.

I can’t remember it… I’m going to look it up right now. Trump’s speech writer… Steven Miller. Steven Miller has a big role in all of this. He’s a dedicated Zionist. He has a lot to do with a lot of this. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, if you want to find out who’s really behind it, Steven Miller is a big part of it.

So that is the whole of it. I want to get this video out. I want people to hear it. I want people to know what’s going on! I’ve had some strange things going on in my house. I’ve noticed black SUVs. I mentioned it before; they’re still there. I still see them every once in a while. The other day I went out to try and approach one, to confront them, like what are you doing here? I know you’re here. And they drove off. It’s like, right when I opened the door, and I look outside, I see them drive off.

So… I don’t know. Maybe it’s just coincidence, that they were leaving and they saw – I don’t know. But it seemed like they were very, very prepared to get out of there. So the next time I see them, I’m going to confront them quickly. And make sure that they don’t have time to get out of there, before I have a chance to get down there, and at least they see me coming for them. I will try again. But I have seen them mostly at night. I open the window, and I look out the window, and that is when I see them mostly. And so I want to confront them. I’m tired of the harassment. I know they’re watching me. I assume I’m bugged – I assume there’s somebody hearing what I’m saying, but I don’t care anymore.

I have been given the documents, so I have been tasked with this duty, to get the information out. I’m going to do it, in any way that I can. I have given my friends copies of all of these. I have stored them in different places. I have a dead man’s switch in case something were to happen to me. So I’ve done my best to prepare, because I feel like this is getting very serious. 

And the documents they showed me are terrifying: the plan that they have in place. I would expect they have this plan of gatekeeping and tracking people. But they’re going to take it to a new level: with Project Zyphr. They’re going to take it to a new level. They’re going to exterminate these people, one by one. Through the blackouts. I mean, it says in the classified documents: their plan to pick them up. They’re just going to physically pick them up. They’re also going to use all kinds of other means to eliminate them.

Not just – the high value targets are going to be picked up. The lower value targets will be given viruses. Targeted viruses. That activate either right away, or over time. They don’t want it to be too obvious. So all of a sudden a whole bunch of Americans get sick… Of course there will be official stories in the news media – ‘Okay, there’s a flu outbreak’, which indicates to me this will probably happen in winter. Not this winter but possibly the winter of 2020/2021.

From what I’m reading from the documents: that is the timeline. It is not specific, but that is where I feel it’s going to be. Because they want to do a flu outbreak, and it will make sense in winter and people won’t question it. They have to eliminate a lot of people, and a lot of people, high value – high value of targets. It’s going to be so many people that disappear, that people will ask questions. So they have their coverstories, and they’re getting them ready and they got them in place.

If this were a few hundred thousand people, they could do it. But, it is millions and millions of Americans that they want to eliminate. I think it’s 15 million. Based on what I’m reading in these documents, and some of the numbers that they use, which has not been totally specific about it, it looks like 15 million. But it could even be more. They want to eliminate them. Completely. Completely!
Because, it’s becoming a problem. And it has been a problem for a few years, and this is their solution to it. In addition to that, they want the world government, they want all of these plans to move forward. They cannot have opposition. Because the things that are going to happen are going to be very, very radical. You’re going to see the disillusion of the United States of America. You’re going to see world leaders and the media endorsing something that is so crazy. And that is, the disillusion of the United States of America and the endorsement of a world government seated in Israel.

A lot of Americans aren’t going to accept that, but they have to eliminate people who are going to call out what’s really going on. From my reading of the documents, how they’re going to roll all of this out, and justify the disillusion of the United States, and many other countries as well. It appears their plan is to do all countries at once. It’s going to be under the cover of financial collapse. Well, we have to do the world government, we’re all going to die because of the financial system is broken down. That is something that is talked about in the classified documents. 

That ultimately will be the coverstory. After they do the purge, and eliminate the dissidents, the people who have woken up to Zionism, there will be a total financial meltdown. And they will say, “Look, we have to do the world government. We have to come together; we have to create this new currency. We have no choice”.

The chaos is too serious. It will be probably 6 months of complete financial chaos… food shortages, rise in crime – many, many people will die. Millions and millions of people will also die from this. And then they will justify it and say, “Look, we have to do the world government”.

So… that is what’s going on. I’m about done, I’m going to do another video. I have more things coming up. I have a lot more planned, because there’s more in the documents that I need to discuss. I’ll be back with another video soon. Thank you for listening, and I’ll do more soon.” 

David E. Goldberg (1959-2019)


Sadly, Mr. Goldberg did not make another video, because shortly after the above video came out, Mr. Goldberg was purportedly found dead (poisoned) in his home on June 8, 2019. The timing of his death is undoubtedly surrounded with controversy and suspicion, especially in light of his claims of these insider White House documents/memos, and being watched.

Unironically, David Goldberg’s own YouTube channel has been taken down. Perhaps a victim of the very projects he was exposing?

David Elias Goldberg

Who is not to be confused with another David Goldberg (David Bruce Goldberg) who died in 2015, and whose death was also found amidst suspicious circumstances (Silicon Valley entrepreneur and late husband of Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook). His death was initially tied to a fall from a treadmill, which resulted in severe head trauma and blood loss. But an autopsy report pointed to a heart arrhythmia that may have caused his fall.
While his death could have natural, though unfortunate, origins, it must be said that it is no longer a secret that there is a weapon aimed specifically to cause heart attacks in target individuals.


Eerie predictions that have come true

One last thing to leave you with, Goldberg’s testimony about the information he received regarding Donald Trump specifically, is too accurate to ignore.
Here are a couple of eerie predictions that have come true, very shortly after the video was made:

“I am the chosen one.” – Trump

Donald Trump Tweet - like he is the king of Israel


“Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words. “President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world… and the Jewish people in Israel love him…
like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God… But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for….”  Donald Trump, quoting Wayne Allyn Root in a Tweet 

That was symbolic, indeed…


That’s on top of everything that Goldberg has announced would happen…

Furthermore, the deletion and censorship of YouTube channels, targeted campaigns, release of a virus/infection, blackouts… and, of course, the culling of millions of Americans – being done now, using Covid as the reason. And the effort to do the rest of the countries at the same time. The vaccines are just another part of the weapons, disguised as a beneficial product to help ‘save us from Covid’.

Then a calling for a global One World government…

which we can see happening especially with the World Economic Forum (WEF): Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda. It has all been happening.

David Goldberg warned us of this in 2019

For those who say that an agenda this huge could never happen because somebody would be speaking out about it, or leaking it… well… what do you think? David Goldberg and countless others have been doing this the whole time…


NOTE: This article has been translated into Dutch!





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