Illumination or enlightenment: What actually is it?

The lies of illumination and enlightenment, even within Christianity. His ‘light’ is darkness and he is the father of lies! Those who reach full illumination are shown this truth!
March 5, 2024


The basics of illumination and enlightenment

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, ‘illuminate’ means ‘to enlighten spiritually or intellectually’.
‘Enlightened’ is defined as being ‘freed from ignorance and misinformation’.

Are these definitions completely accurate? It’s also important to understand that within Satan’s Organization, there are various degrees or stages of ‘illumination’. Enlightenment is an ongoing process as the initiate within Satan’s Organization works his or her way to greater and greater ‘enlightenment’ as they ‘evolve’ spiritually.


The lies of illumination and enlightenment

The Organization is based on total deception, and illumination (enlightenment) is based on the lies of evolution and reincarnation, as well as the lie of the cyclic karmic laws, falsely claiming that mankind is ever-evolving physically and spiritually, working towards perfection.
This satanic theory – and lie – is completely contrary to God’s plan of redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ!
Those who work within Satan’s Organization are led to believe that through this karmic cycle of evolution and reincarnation, they are working their way to perfection, getting closer to what is called ‘The Light of The Christ’.

In actuality, the Light of The Christ is the false ‘light’ of Lucifer/Satan

Satan is real. His ‘light’ is darkness and he is the father of lies! And those who reach full illumination are shown this truth!


Moving up the ranks in The Organization or The Family

There are many levels in Satan’s Organization

And since the hierarchy works on a ‘need to know basis’, servers are given only what they need to know in order to carry out their assignment.
Many people who work within Satan’s Organization do not advance very far past a certain level, while some do reach higher levels of illumination. Even fewer reach full illumination, that is, the final stage or the highest level of illumination, whereby initiates are fully enlightened (freed from all ignorance and misinformation) that is purposefully put out by those in Satan’s Organization).
Those who advance are led to believe they are advancing because they are ‘spiritually evolving’, so they are being trusted with becoming more illumined.

However, the truth is that this illumination or enlightenment is only given to them….

so they can be of more use to Satan and the furthering of his plan. As one progresses through The Organization, they are groomed and prepped to be ready to accept the next stage of enlightenment (illumination), where the initiate will be prided on his/her spiritual advancement, so that they readily accept that it was necessary that they were lied to before, because of their limited ability to ‘understand the higher thought’. The initiate is manipulated into believing that they weren’t actually lied to, but that it just appears that way at first, and as they continue to progress (‘spiritually evolve’) and begin to understand the ‘higher thoughts’, then they will come to understand. 


Full illumination

In the ranks of the organization, there are various belief systems promoted as the ‘truth’

But as one advances, they shed the former belief to embrace a ‘higher illumination’.
For example, on some of the lower levels, people are taught that there is no true evil. Then there are versions that believe in order to have good, there has to be the balanced opposite, like yin and yang.
As one moves up in the ranks, they are progressively illumined regarding good and evil, the true identity of Lucifer/Satan, and the truth behind his plans.
Initiates of the final stage of Illumination:

*Learn the complete truth about the true nature of The Plan and the true identity of those who govern it: the fallen angels.

*Learn the truth that the ‘god’ of The Plan is actually Lucifer, and not God at all!

*Learn that Lucifer is the literal Satan of the Bible.

*Learn that evolution is a lie, that reincarnation is a lie, and that humanity is not evolving, but is in a fallen state.

*Learn that Jesus Christ is literally who and what the Bible says He is. He really is the Savior, the Only Christ, the Son of God, to redeem and save fallen humanity.

Asked to give one’s full allegiance to Lucifer/Satan

And then, the initiate who now knows this truth, who has been ‘fully illumined’), is asked to continue serving The Plan, to give their full allegiance to Satan, aligning themselves with him and the fallen angels, against God and humanity, turning their backs on God forever, and to continue to work Satan’s deception, making it possible to actualize his (Satan’s) kingdom on earth.

In return for this faithful service to Satan….

the initiate is promised many things, including the reward of unfathomable wealth and power, a high position of world leadership (rulership and authority) in Satan’s kingdom on earth and into eternity, and even companionship that gives one the feeling of being eternally and irrevocably loved and understood — of belonging.
This is the stage Carolyn Hamlett was taken to, and once I realized the truth (and the truth was that I had been purposefully lied to by those I had been serving for my entire life up until that point!), she said No to Satan, and she cried out to God to save her!


Illumination within Christianity

Sadly, Carolyn has watched over the years as more and more Christians who, having refused to love the truth, and having refused to heed the desperate warnings of herself as well as the warnings of others, fall for Satan’s lies of enlightenment and illumination.

Although some christian occultists use the terms illumination or enlightenment, many of them use different terms to describe this. However, they are describing the exact same Satanic concept!

They use terms such as:

Activating (the spirit)

Advancing (in the spirit)

Awakening (the spirit)

Developing (the spirit)

Getting a promotion (in the spirit)

Graduating (spiritually speaking)

Manifesting (of the spirit)

Seeking after the deeper things of God

Seeking after understanding mysteries

Seeking or desiring higher intelligence or greater thought

Learning to move or operate in (the supernatural)

Learning to walk in (used in the context of learning to develop spiritually)


Related to these terms that Christians use to describe the process of illumination, they also believe that with their ‘illumination’ comes with the following perks:

An upgrade in their so-called ‘spiritual weapons’

An increase in their so-called anointing or power or authority

A better ability, power, and authority to ‘command angels’ or to pass out their decrees

An increase in their gifts and abilities

Sometimes with an increase in authority in the physical, or an increase in money, or an increase in possessions, or something else that they have desired

And many other things that they deem to be things that prove their higher state of enlightenment


This process of ‘illumination and evolution’….

that these ‘christian’ occultists are going through, is nothing more than a Satanic lie, that is keeping them eager to serve as the pawns of the fallen angels and, ultimately, of Satan. Their so-called illumination, with all of the treats and perks, real or imagined, is simply proof of the process they are going through, as they are learning to give greater and greater permission to the demonic to work through them, in order to build Satan’s kingdom on earth!

It’s of the web of deception of Satan’s plan

So, please know that whenever Christians use the terms illumination and enlightenment (as well as related terms, some of which I have briefly listed above, that have the same meaning as illumination and enlightenment), applying them in relation to anything spiritual, it is of the web of deception of Satan’s plan!

Some of you may think I am wrong, that there are exceptions, or that this doesn’t apply to you, but I assure you that it does apply to you and there are no exceptions.
I can hear it now: “Oh, but I’m a Christian, and those terms are all about learning the ‘deeper things of God.’ It’s not evil. It’s good!”

Let me remind you that being a Christian doesn’t mean you can’t be deceived!

In fact, the term ‘deeper things of God’ is just one of the ‘christian’ sounding terms that has been injected into Christian groups by people serving Satan’s plan to lead you, Christian, away from the Bible and away sound Biblical doctrine and principles. Tricking you into seeking and chasing after the esoteric: the hidden, the ‘mysteries’. This is a setup, and I urge you to seriously consider who is behind this setup!

Lucifer seeks to keep all in darkness

His so-called ‘Illumined Ones’ are illumined only in that they know the truth of how evil Satan actually is, in spite of his deceptive or false light, and that the ‘ascended masters’ are not ascended at all, but that they are only masters of deception: the fallen angels.

Illumination is nothing more than being shown by Satan’s hierarchy of ‘ascended masters’ that Satan and his spiritual hierarchy of fallen angels are the enemies of all that is righteous and good, and that The Plan is both the sinister physical plan known as the NOW (New World Order) to enslave humanity under Satan’s Christ, and a spiritual plan to lead humanity to spiritual ruin and away from God’s plan of spiritual restoration to Him.

All evil atrocities glorify Lucifer, who is Satan

But the Kingdom of God thrives on love and justice, and on all goodness and righteousness through Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to trade your ‘illumination’ for the truth of God, that is found in the simple truth of His written Word, the Bible! – the late Carolyn Hamlett


See also:

Lucifer’s Hierarchy, Structure, and Purpose



Illumination — What Actually Is It?

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