Satan’s throne & mobile thrones. He can now extend his throne into thrones! Satan’s most sacred secret to execute his final end time strategy against God. Who are the top heads of the Illuminati? Answers to questions. #DougRiggs
December 16, 2024
Satan’s (mobile) throne Part 2
Preconception rituals, role and function UN, the Antichrist, NWO, and Satan’s throne – 2011
Doug Riggs: I’m grateful that Susanna and Constantine [Connie] and Jennifer Diana can join us today.
It’s really important just to be reminded that what this represents in terms of Satan’s end time strategy, this is his most sacred secret. What he is able to do to generational sin, and of course trauma-based mind control, is the perfect cover for him to execute his final end time strategy against God. And the fact that he has kidnapped Christians and basically the ‘chosen ones’, – those who have been chosen for a specific assignment in this generation – the adversary has a pre-arranged plan for everyone who is generational SRA/DID! In other words, he has a carefully thought out plan, so that as we are in this last generation, which really began with the birth of the nation of Israel in 1948, all the way up to the coming of the Lord – this generation will not pass away until they see all these signs occur (Matthew 24). So Satan didn’t know when that was going to happen until it happened, although he could anticipate certain things.
Once the nation of Israel was born, the countdown began on the prophetic clock…
in terms of the time frame when the Lord Jesus returns. We’re going to be talking about preconception rituals, the role and function of the UN as a place where many of these high-level rituals occur, the Antichrist, the New World Order, Satan’s [mobile] throne [and much more].
According to the prince of the power of the air…
I am going to begin by reading from Ephesians chapter 2, verses 1 to 3. Paul says through the Holy Spirit, ‘You were dead in trespasses and sins’ – and that is referring to the entire human race as descendants of Adam. So ‘you being dead in trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked’, notice, ‘according to the course or the age of this world’. And ‘of this world’: that would be the satanic cosmos that’s under the rule of Satan… ‘according to the prince of the power of the air, in which you formerly walked’:
Ephesians 2:1-3
In the past you were spiritually dead because of [or in] your sins and the things you did against God [transgressions]. Yes, in the past you lived [walked] the way the world lives [ according to the course/ways/age of this world], following the ruler [ Satan] of the evil powers that are above the earth [dominion/authority of the air; probably demonic forces]. That same spirit is now working in those who refuse to obey God [ the children/sons of disobedience]. In the past all of us lived like [or among] them, trying to please [or giving in to the cravings of] our sinful selves [sinful nature; flesh] and doing all the things our bodies [flesh] and minds wanted. We should have suffered God’s anger because we were sinful by nature [ were by nature children/sons of wrath]. We were the same as all other people [just like the rest; of mankind].
This prince is the highest level prince: Satan!
He is the prince of the power of the air; that is the lower atmosphere. So this is the atmosphere around the earth, where Satan has his influence and the exercise of his power. Satan is referred to as the principality or the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. The word ‘working’ here means working supernaturally and operationally!
The Scripture says, God is spirit.
Those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. God’s enemy is also spirit. Now we need to consider Ephesians chapter 6. Paul says, after the exhortation to put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm, hold your ground against the schemes, the methodical, well thought out plans of the enemy, for our struggle, our hand to hand combat, is not against flesh and blood, human beings, but against the rulers, against powers… God is all powerful, but Satan has positions of power that counteract God! Against world forces; that means world rulers of this darkness. Against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places:
Ephesians 6:11-12
Put on the full armor of God so that you can fight against the devil’s evil tricks [schemes]. [For] Our fight [conflict; struggle] is not against people on earth [ flesh and blood] but against the rulers and authorities and the powers [or cosmic powers/rulers] of this world’s darkness [ darkness], against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world [realm; places].
So Satan has a whole army, an echelon of power, defined as spiritual forces.
He is the old serpent, the devil, as we see in the book of Revelation.
In Pergamum Satan’s throne dwelled.
So Satan has locality. Satan does not possess the attributes of God. Only God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, and all-knowing! Satan is not that; he is a created being. He is a cherub (Ezekiel 28).
Satan’s throne means government.
That means this centrality, where he rules the world through his hierarchy of fallen angels, spirits, and the disembodied spirits (known as demons), that I believe are of the Nephilim!
Satan devised a way to create throne positions…
in those who are generational SRA/DID, so that if he wants to move into a particular area, he already has pre-positioned that which represents his throne. So when he moves in a particular event, like at the UN or in Jerusalem, where world leaders meet, then he can come and occupy himself in those people, who are created into a throne. If you have more than one throne…. and by the way, most of these women have been created into these throne structures! And Dan as a male was also a throne, a doorway, a portal, a stargate! But most of these women are also Nephilim mothers. So I’m guessing that in order for Satan to be able to create a DNA construct in the Nephilim mothers, they have to be also a throne, created into a throne construct, in order for him to do that.
His agenda is in full operation in this generation!
There’s no evidence that Satan had thrones – other than his physical locality – in the way he has today. He has had 2,000 years. And of course, through trauma-based mind control he can now extend his throne into thrones! As he moves about he can exercise maximum dominion in or on his throne in people, who have been structured into thrones, through trauma-based mind control and generational iniquity.
Revelation 3:21
“Those who win the victory [overcome; conquer] will sit with me [Jesus] on my throne in the same way that I won the victory [overcame; conquered; over death, by his resurrection] and sat down with my Father on his throne.”
Notice this, “He who overcomes, I will grant him to sit with Me… not on My throne, for the Greek preposition there is in the sphere of My throne! As I overcame and sat down with My father in the sphere of His throne. There’s a whole hierarchy of a range of power and responsibility in this sphere of divine government, that He, Jesus, wants to share with us. So the point is…
Has Satan devised a way to counterfeit this?
… where he can bring people to sit with him in his throne? As we’ve been working with survivors of generational satanic ritual abuse, we have found that [today] Satan’s locality is not Pergamum. Since post-World War II his locality is now in Jerusalem! And that’s a de facto necessity on his part, because we know from Isaiah 2, verses 2 to 4, that once Jesus Christ returns at the Mount of Olives, which is just a stone’s throw from the Temple Mount, He will then move His locality to the Temple Mount, and establish His one thousand year reign. His throne, His government, will be from Mount Zion for one thousand years:
Isaiah 2:2-4
[It shall be] In the last [final; latter] days the mountain on which the Lord’s Temple stands [of the house of the Lord; Mount Zion] will become [be established as; endure as] the most important [chief; or highest] of all mountains. It will be raised [exalted] above the hills, and people from all nations will come streaming to it. Many nations [peoples] will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the Temple [ house] of the God of Jacob. Then [or So that] he will teach us his ways [standards; path], and we will obey his teachings [ walk in his paths].” His teachings [Instruction] will go out from Jerusalem; the message [word] of the Lord will go out from Jerusalem. He will settle arguments among [judge/mediate between] the nations [peoples] and will make decisions [settle disputes] for many peoples [nations]. Then they will make [beat; hammer] their swords into plows [plowshares; the metal tip of the plow] and their spears into hooks for trimming trees [pruning hooks]. Nations will no longer fight [raise the sword against] other nations, nor will they train for war anymore.
In order to pre-empt [prevent] that, Satan moved his throne to Jerusalem!
His throne was most likely located in Germany during World War II, prior to the birth of Israel. As these women were taken there to rituals, then this is where his throne was [Germany, and later Jerusalem].
Maximum release of power through cult prostitution
And then, when the people who are there, who have these throne positions in them, there is a maximum release of power through the use of these women as cult prostitutes!
So what Satan has done, he has created a counterfeit of this phenomenon, by bringing those that are SRA/DID, those who are grande dames, those who are created to be mothers and wives of these Nephilim entities in this generation. They represent a throne position. And they also have positions on the Nephilim council that sit with Satan in his throne.
Satan’s throne is transferable!
Revelation 13:2b
And the dragon [Satan] gave the beast [Antichrist] all of his power [authority] and his throne and great authority.
Notice, the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. So Satan is able to transfer his throne to this hybrid entity, called the Antichrist.
Understanding preconception rituals
We realize that right at conception, the first assault comes. There are rituals that occur on a massive level! There is a conception ritual with most of these people, that occurs on Mount Hermon, most likely in ‘The Nazi Bell’.
It is there where not only high-level spiritual forces are being released to synchronize rituals worldwide, based upon the portal that was opened by the destruction of 6 million Jews in Germany. But we also have the technology of The Bell, where you have the distortion of time. [Die Glocke, which translates to ‘The Bell’ in English, is a secret device, weapon, or technology, allegedly developed by the Nazis during World War II. Die Glocke was developed at a facility known as ‘Der Riese’ (‘The Giant’), a complex of underground tunnels in the Owl Mountains of Lower Silesia, formerly Germany, now a part of Poland.]
Right there at conception we have a ritual.
There is a dimensional separation that occurs right at conception. Then there is a satanic assault of the person’s true identity and that which connects him with God, the person’s in-breathed Neshamah:
Job 32:8
But it is the spirit in a person, the breath [Neshamah] of the Almighty [Shaddai], that gives understanding.
Job 33:4
The Spirit of God created [has made] me, and the breath [Neshamah] of the Almighty [Shaddai] gave me life.
The role and function of Neshamah is understanding and knowing.
It possesses that original life of God. So right there at conception we have a ritual! And Satan, – like a spiritual surgery if you will, a kind of a surgical extraction, a siphoning off of the person’s essence and identity – steals as much as he can. And now that is taken back into preconception domain! It reaches back to the ‘Five I Wills’ of Satan. Then that essence is aligned with all the anti-God activities and rituals of human history…. including the murder of Cain and Nimrod. Their essence is aligned with that! In this preconception domain is Satan’s plan – his template, the inherent structure that is the basis of all the programming – that will govern that person’s life under the satanic agenda.
Reclaiming the conception identity captured by Satan
So as we have been working with this, it has been very significant to release the conception identity. We have to reclaim the conception identity that has been captured by Satan and brought into alignment with him. Susanna, why don’t you just share what preconception rituals represent to you?
I was to represent ‘the bride’ and the Laodicean church.
Susanna: I think my role has been designated [by Satan] more as the ‘wife of the Lamb’. And so what I see in preconception was that I was to represent the Church, the bride. It is as if from preconception that was the plan for me. That plan is imprinted and anchored in those preconception rituals. So, even before you are born, that satanic plan is imprinted upon you! Not only as a representation of the bride of the Lamb [the Church, the body of Christ], I represented the Laodicean church! I had all these religious spirits placed upon me. And then at birth there are rituals to keep reinforcing this.
Identified with the death of Nimrod…
And Doug was talking about the essence of your being identified with the death of Nimrod, and so forth. Well, Nimrod was cut into 13 pieces. This is a ritual that has been done over and over in my life with my sisters at certain key points: at my very birth, at new birth, at the conception of Nimrod, my first Nephilim son, and then again with Dan, as I was prepared and groomed to be a wife to Dan too.
Satan’s plan is to shatter the body of Christ!
So this is what happened to Nimrod. It’s just like this whole plan of SRA/DID is to sever the body of Christ, and to inflict upon the body of Christ! You know, the identification in his death is inflicted now through this whole plan, just to break up the body of Christ, to shatter us! Because this happened to me as a Christian.
Satan’s plan, anchored at a future point
So this was planned at preconception, and not only that, but anchored at a future point, where I felt like I was standing at the judgment seat of God, and taking on the whole judgment for the Laodicean church. And when I got to these two anchor points, anchored at preconception, and not only that, but at preconception the base of power for this was brought forward from history. Even from the 12th century, everything is building and being brought forward into this final age.
The reason why the 12th century is so significant…
Doug: In other words, these rituals that have occurred throughout history…. I could have a separate interview on how my bloodline was linked with the Druids in my family, how I [Doug] had to break some generational connections in the 12th century. But why the 12th century is so significant because the Kabbalah and that secret occult esoteric form of Judaism was underground. It was all hidden. It began to emerge in the 12th century, from which we get Rosicrucianism, modern day New Age…. It comes out of this false spirituality! And in the 12th century we also have the beginning of all these Crusades.
The ‘First Holocaust’
There were over 12 thousand Jews, who were killed in Germany during the second Crusade! The Jewish historians say that this is referred to as the ‘First Holocaust’! It’s like a portal was opened there. And perhaps if satan would have had his way, he would have liked to have brought in the Antichrist then, but it wasn’t time.
All of these people have had some kind of connection and anchoring in the 12th century…
which then further goes back to history, specifically at the time of Nimrod. And then to be brought into alignment symbiotically with the ‘Five I Wills’ of Satan.
It ‘seemed’ that there was no way out.
Susanna: The importance of getting to the preconception, and also to me in the end point, it’s as if you are locked into this satanic destiny. And when people want to know why it takes so long, it’s because the only way to counter this is being constitutionally established in the eternal purpose of God. And I don’t mean just knowing it, but being constituted [formed] in it. And as we’ve been constituted, then these deeper levels keep opening up for us. So it’s been a walk of sanctification in order to grow up to the point, where we can enter into these domains. And so that is what I would say, as if the whole imprint was made at preconception and anchored in the future, where it seemed that ‘there was no way out’.
The work has to be done.
Before, I did the work – all I could say is – by faith: I know who I am in Christ. I know His purpose for me. I know it in knowledge. But now it is becoming more of a reality for me, as a person! Because my personhood has been so locked up in this, that until that is released, by doing the warfare, going into these places – it’s not an experiential knowledge. It’s just words! So it has been a journey of faith to be released, to walk in the reality of who I am in Christ. That’s the overcoming [with the help] of the One who lives in us, and His eternal purpose being established in our lives.
Doug: When Susanna is referring to ‘constitution’, we are talking about spiritual growth, the formation of Christ in our lives.
Linked back into 12th century, Tower of Babel, Sarah and Hagar, Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac
Connie: I had worked a lot with things around my birth, and new birth. Then we discovered the significance of getting back to conception! One day when I was with Doug and Lori, we were talking. He said, “Well, when was the first time you experienced this? Like it was maybe wrath towards God, or something like that”. I thought about it, and I said, “Well, I know this pride doesn’t make sense, but it’s almost it’s before my conception, right before the egg and sperm come together, like there are rituals going on!” And so we just kind of went back into that place. And it took quite some time. I mean, like it wasn’t just one counseling session, but through a number of counseling sessions, just began to unfold all the events that took place at the preconception.
The Lord just began to show me…
how it was linked back into the 12th century, and the Tower of Babel. And then there were events around conflict, like Sarah and Hagar, Cain and Abel, and Ishmael and Isaac. All of these were internalized in my internal structure of preconception. It’s like I wasn’t born, but the way I would describe it is like, you’re in God’s thoughts. Even before you are born, Satan knows that you are in His thoughts. When God has those thoughts, even though you aren’t even conceived yet, he [Satan] already has thoughts for you. He already has plans for your birth, and what your destiny is!
Satan moves in and steals that which belongs to the Lord.
He claims it as His own, captures it for himself. It is like where God and Jesus Christ would have their stamp upon you, it is like Satan claims that, and says, ‘That is mine’. It is like he takes his big rubber stamp, and says, ‘This is who I define that you are!’
God showed me the blueprint…
Then God began to show me the blueprint that Satan had for my life versus what God had fully intended for me, and how that linked in with other people. So for me, taking me back into the Tower of Babel, back into these points of conflict, in Old Testament time, back into the Garden of Eden with the Fall, – first woman, first mother – and then back into the Five I Wills of Satan – and fully entering into him in those Five I Wills, even though I’m not even conceived yet – and then all these rituals being done around that, and then the bringing together of the mother and father where I am conceived…. That’s where I have my beginning.
So it’s very significant that you get back to preconception, so that whatever humanity is still locked in that place, where you still see yourself as being fully one with Satan…. And like with me, it wasn’t just Satan. It was like they folded back into first incursion [entry, invading] of the Nephilim, and second incursion. It’s like past, present, and future. With every Nephilim son, basically my identity and my Neshamah is siphoned out, and then I take in all of the essence….
How do they take you back in time?
Doug: Through ritual and trauma, you are dimensionally separated. I don’t think of this as spatial. How do they take you back in time? It’s not a back in time from Satan’s perspective. As a spiritual being, you are brought into who he is as a spiritual being. He incorporates all these things in history, and then there’s a symbiosis that actually unites your identity with him!
Connie: Right! And so it’s like in my identity I don’t feel human. I feel like I’m a Nephilim, because my humanity has been siphoned off and is held captive, even though some of these Nephilim aren’t even to this day born yet. It’s like my essence was held in past, present and future. As we are getting that released I have more of my humanity here, which belongs to me now, and then it’s a place for the Lord Jesus Christ to fill.
Who Connie is now is very much more stable than when we did the first interview.
Connie: Well, I have a lot more of my humanity, and I just feel more solid. I mean, before I could talk about it but I wasn’t fully out of it yet. So even talking about it would just trigger me back into trauma states. You know, it wasn’t something I wanted to have happening. So now it’s like I can talk about it.
The singularity was a part of the preconception.
Doug: We need to talk about singularity. When we were working, we got blocked! I mean, it just came right down. So I went into spiritual warfare, commanded that which stands in the way. And I said, “In Jesus’ name, you either leave or you come out! You tell me who you are, because we need to know what you’re doing’. And then you [Connie] just kind of slid into this persona. And I said, “So what is your job?” And you said, “I am singularity”.
What is singularity?
Connie: Yeah, and that’s actually put in place in preconception. That’s what I call the blueprint. Singularity is like the functioning where all of technology, plants, animal kingdom, all, are working as one organism.
What’s the goal of singularity?
The goal is like where man, animal kingdom, plant life, the elements, everything, is like one singular breathing organism: ‘one new man’, one thought, one mind, one will, one purpose, just working harmoniously, but not in God’s thoughts, not in the way He had planned, but in their way!
Really, they want to displace God. I mean, they want to be their own god, totally self-sufficient, totally able to sustain and produce life, the kind of form of life they want. And it all works so harmoniously that there’s supposed to be no conflict, which of course we know is a great deception.
Transhumanism & the ultimate super soldier
Doug: Well, just to comment on this…. When I started asking, “What does it mean to be singularity?” She was describing some of the things that she just mentioned.
Singularity movement
It’s the confluence of all the various technologies, genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, all the human enhancement technologies, that are coming together to bring about a ‘new man’: a cyborg! This humanity that we are in now is defective. We get sick. We die. And so the goal of singularity is for man to now take charge of the process, and have ‘eternal life’ [which is a lie of course].
What is the lie?
Go back to the Garden, Genesis chapter 3. When Satan was challenging Eve, he said, “You shall not die, but you shall be like God”. And the original command that God gave to Adam and Eve was: “In the day that you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, in that day you will certainly die”.
The singularity is the confluence of sciences and ideology and education and military projects to have a new enhanced humanity, and for the military to have the ultimate super soldier.
The mark of the Beast
All of this technology that is moving towards singularity is preparing mankind to receive the mark of the beast. That mark of the beast will contain a DNA source code. That DNA source code is not going to come from man in a lab! That technology is being used, yes, to create a super army in various ways, like Connie just mentioned: the combination of plants and animals and that kind of thing. But Nephilim/hybrids…. Satan is not a combination with an animal. Satan is not a hybrid that includes animal DNA, or plant DNA. That would degrade him.
It is a first generation offspring, just like we see in Genesis 6, verses 1 to 4: a direct sexual act, and an act with women today. Just ‘like in the days of Noah!’
The seed of the serpent
So we have the transfer of the seed of the serpent [Satan] to women, who have been prepared to produce a first generation offspring [hybrids or Nephilim, just like in the days of Noah]. Now what does that mean? This first generation offspring, these first generation hybrids, carry the DNA source code that will then be transferred to mankind that are moving towards singularity!
Back to the singularity created in Connie…
When I was talking to this singularity part in Connie, you had all of that knowledge…. And I said, “When were you created to be a separate part of singularity?” She said, “1949”.
So it’s already been in these people’s heads for decades!
[This term, singularity, is not new!]
Connie: I was born in 1949. It was actually in the preconception; that was 1948.
The final move in war against God
Doug: Okay. So this whole singularity agenda is a part of the preconception, pre-staging rituals to prepare this whole generation for the final move in war against God.
Connie: Because a lot of the technology and science, and stuff that you are seeing coming forth now, actually has its source in the Nephilim themselves! As women were given to Satan to produce some of those first Nephilim, it was through them that more advanced science and technology came forth. It’s all a part of the deception, you know, the one world government, one world religion, monetary system, the whole nine yards, everything they’ve got planned.
A part called ‘unity’
Doug: As we were working with singularity, it wasn’t very long before we got to a part in Jennifer Diana, and you came out. And I said, “Who are you?”
“I am unity”, [you said.]
What was the role and function of you being ‘unity’?
Why was that installed and part of the programming?
Jennifer Diana: Well, I’m going to start with the preconception because then it ties into unity. Susan [Susanna] and Connie actually did very well in describing it. With me, with the preconception, there were different lives in a way. There was the created life, which was conception, and there was the imparted life, which was divine or my new birth life [in Christ]. And those were taken back into the preconception. The significance of this was that it was as if my Christian heart and my ability to connect with God was drawn back outside of my existence, back before I existed in preconception, as Satan thought. It was as if he drew that back, in my phenomenology, before the foundation of the world. And then tying in with him at his rebellion, linking me in with the rebellion of the Five I Wills, the rebellion that contest against God, and then forward to the last person who rebelled in the [coming] Millennium. Linked in with that was my very new birth [in Christ] identity, which was drawn into preconception, as well as my conception identity.
Successfully hooked in Satan’s destiny for my life
And so in this happening, then everything I do is walked out. Like they have me successfully hooked, basically, because I’m living out of this destiny. It’s like my very human essence [Neshamah] was intermixed. What was woven into it was the very essence of every Nephilim, from very past to very future! So from the very first incursion all the way to the last. Those essences were interwoven with mine, so that I couldn’t tell the difference between myself and these Nephilim and Satan.
This is where unity came in…
Along with being interwoven with the essences of these Nephilim, I was also interwoven with that stolen essence of members of the body of Christ! What that was meant to do was, it brought the body of Christ out of the unity intended by God – as seen in John 17 – into the Luciferian unity with Nimrod, and that singularity, which is like a counterfeit body of Christ.
Like what Connie said: that organic, living, breathing, moving, as one organism, but it is intended against John 17! And so this is all laid down right in my preconception! That’s why it’s so hidden! It’s like who would ever think to go there? But that’s where the roots are of what drove my programming and what drove my ‘purpose’: the whole DID system.
Integration and connection with God
And then getting to this preconception…. That has brought significant integration, especially when we started getting to the intermingling with those Nephilim essences. It has also then released a God connection that I never had before!
The internal protection structured in by Satan
Doug: I think that’s so phenomenal! I know with you recently, in order for you to come into greater integration, we had to go into that which was ‘non-human’. I said, “Okay, non-human. What does that mean, non-human?”
“Well, I’m Nephilim.” Well, in everyone that I’ve worked with who have an internal dissociated identity structure as ‘non-human or hybrid’, they all know that they’re not redeemable. And that’s part of the conflict: that which would keep a person from reclaiming all their identity. If they have been programmed in rituals to believe they are ‘Nephilim’, then they are not redeemable.
That internal protection is going to make sure that which is a Christian who wants to serve God, will never go over into that domain that is hybrid! Why? Non-redeemable!
There are no Nephilim in any of these women.
They have got to go into these constructs, and what happens is that humanity is separated out. Only when they reconnect with that in them, which is perceived to believe to be Nephilim, they then see they have been tricked and lied to! So there are no Nephilim in any of these women.
But if you are first generation Nephilim, you are not redeemable!
And I’ll tell you what. You won’t be calling me asking me, “I think I’m Nephilim or I got Nephilim blood, can I be saved?” If you’re Nephilim you wouldn’t even be interested in being saved. Why? Because you represent the seed of Satan. In other words, you are like your biological father on a spiritual level who completely hates God.
I want to say something, for this is absolutely phenomenal…
In Luke chapter 4, we see Jesus entering His ministry there, and Jesus, being full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. He was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those 40 days. When they had ended He became hungry, and the devil said to Him, “Since You are the Son of God, – no doubt – tell these stones to become bread”. Jesus said to him, “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone”. And he, Satan, led Him, Jesus, up:
Luke 4:5
Then the devil took Jesus [ up] and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant.
Where is this?
I don’t believe this is on any mountain on earth! This is the high place…. most likely in a dimension that these people refer to as the second heaven, the preconception domain that’s outside our time frame, but it’s accessible. Jesus is still in His humanity. Notice, Satan took Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth…. in a moment of time!
So Satan as a spiritual being, that spirit that’s working in the sons of disobedience, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places, as we saw…. Through trauma and dissociation and preconception rituals, that conception identity is stolen and aligned with all the kingdoms of this world! Satan brings about a ‘union’, a oneness. Not only with the hybrids and the rebels, and all that which represents man’s rebellion against God in history, but he integrates that into the person’s identity, and anchors it in a preconception ritual.
So isn’t that a phenomenal statement?
Satan showed Him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in a moment of time? And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this jurisdiction!” In other words, he is showing Jesus all of human history from its beginning. That is from when Satan took charge through the rebellion of man all the way to the end of human history. And he says, “I will give You all this jurisdiction and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Just worship me”.
So there are the kings of the earth…
They do worship him, and they receive tremendous power, tremendous dominion, tremendous wealth. Like Prince Philip, (and Queen Elizabeth), my number one human nemesis [enemy], since I’ve been doing SRA/DID work. Of course he is dis-actuated [eliminated] by the evil one. This is clearly in the Word of God, and in what Jennifer Diana has shared. I wanted people to see this framework from the Word of God.
A Luciferian unity as the body of Satan
What’s the significance of unity again? Is it similar to singularity that we got to in you [Jennifer Diana]?
Jennifer Diana: Yes, it was a Luciferian unity, a unity as the body of Satan, the body of the Antichrist. It was designed to prevent unity of John 17 from coming to reality. And it was a counterfeit to that! And so it brought in a unity with Nimrod, with Satan, and then that singularity: that one religion, one world, one government, one monetary system, one one one, everything you can think of.
Doug: So that would be the New World Order under the Antichrist.
Jennifer Diana: Yeah.
The creation of a new bloodline
Doug: And so why do you think this was structured into you as a Christian? You weren’t born as a bloodline as these others were, but you were brought in to create this new bloodline. So why would they go after you as a Christian? Why were you targeted?
Jennifer Diana: I think they go after Christians, because when you are born, you’re born dead in trespasses and sin, until you become a Christian, which means your spirit becomes alive. And then it’s like stretchy, and so it can be stretched and it can be interwoven. And so Satan does this to weave his web, and to build his rows of shields [of protection] using the human spirit of a Christian [at new birth].
Satan uses Christians because he can’t create!
He can only imitate or counterfeit. So he works off of that which God intended and what God created. Almost it’s like he takes a picture of it. Then he builds off of it, he siphons it off….
Doug: The image of God at conception, and then the new birth identity at new birth. It’s like he could take an MRI picture of that. He will take that, and then some of the spiritual essence, and then reconstructs the new hybrids.
Jennifer Diana: Yeah, that’s it. Christians are ideal because then there is that spirit which is alive to God, and Satan can then take that spiritual picture…
The Antichrist as a hybrid isn’t anything like Genesis 6.
Doug: They were giants, and giants were to the advantage in that period of history. But Satan’s agenda is not giantism today, although that can certainly be included in some of the mutations and making it part of the end time army of Armageddon [the coming war against God]. But his primary agenda in this generation is to have a hybrid that is ‘the perfect humanity’, that will be the DNA source code, that will represent the mark of the beast. And also to be the DNA source code for man to create the image of the beast!
Susanna: For me, as I said before, my position was to be the ‘bride of the Lamb’, which is the New Jerusalem. All Satan can do is copy! He has his counterfeit ‘New Jerusalem’ in the realm of the second heaven.
Even this week as I was reading an article on the description of the eternal government, the love of God, and the true New Jerusalem, things were being really triggered for me. Because the imprint of that city was implanted in me at that preconception ritual! Even the twelve gates: it’s built on the twelve gates of the apostles. The counterfeit is, it’s built on the council of the twelve Nephilim with Nimrod, Satan, and his sinners. And all of that blueprint of that satanic counterfeit was implanted [in me]! All of this is to block!
Initially, that first 3,5 years, it will look like a ‘peaceful reign’.
But when he [Satan] is cast out of the heavens [2nd heaven] later, in the middle of the Tribulation, the truth comes out as to what his whole kingdom is about. [He is really Apollyon, Nimrod]. And so it is pretty ingenious.
An attachment disorder
Doug: How important is it for you, ladies, to be disentangled, unattached, from that which is not human, or that which is a perpetrator in order for your identity to be able to form and become what God intended you to be?
Jennifer Diana: OK. Right at the base, as a baby, there is an attachment disorder, and even spiritually in the womb…. I am drawn out and made one with these spirits, and with these Nephilim, where I can’t tell the difference between them and me. And so their will is my will: Satan’s will. And it’s as if those Five I Wills are my will. So to be able to get into that, and getting disentangled from that oneness, that symbiosis [fusing] with these Nephilim…. because it’s like then, as if you share in their identity but also in their judgment. There’s no difference between Nimrod and me. There’s no difference between Satan and me. And so I have to get disentangled from them to even be able to know that I have a choice.
Why I’ve been accessed a lot of times is….
because, hey, I’m going to go to a ritual, I’ll be involved in idolatry, because, hey, I’m Satan. There’s no difference between him and me! And so it’s a way of keeping somebody in bondage, because they don’t know they have a choice. And they are one with their perpetrator, programmer or the spirits, and mind, emotion, will, spirit, soul, and body too.
Susanna: For me, in looking back, as I have more of my history unfolding, it’s been like a puzzle with more and more pieces filling in. And so I have a bigger picture. And just seeing the effects of the trauma bonding at the base there, because initially, for the first three years of my life, I literally didn’t have a home base. And so I attached to, I call it the Nephilim community. I was with them. That was my family in a sense.
I was taken all over the world!
And then I was taken just throughout those first three years to all over the world, and so: bonding, not just with Nephilim, but with strangers, you know, people that I was brought in contact with. And even though I was very young, in a sense, already being used to power up, even though I’m only an infant!
Bonding with Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il, etc.
Doug: And I just want to insert that, when she says taken all over the world, we’re talking about bonding with Kim Il-sung [1912-1994, absolute ruler of North Korea for 46 years], and then bonding at a very early age and in marriage rituals with Kim Jong-il [the ruler of North Korea from 1994 to 2011], and being a medium of transfer of satanic power, that would power up these world leaders that are in existence today!
Susanna: So that was the first three years of my life. So I mean it’s very, very important for me to have my humanity released to those unions, those symbiotic unions that I had with the Nephilim. We are not talking about the ones that came into existence in 1949, after I was born in 1962. I don’t know if I’m making sense, but that was the way I saw things.
Even today, it is very, very difficult.
In my presenter, I’m with people, I talk, I can laugh, if I know people pretty good, then I’m relaxed. But internally, there is extreme isolation that I’ve had to break through, because I’ve lived so separated off, didn’t know how to relate to humans! I found them very, very scary. That’s just on a practical level, not even the spiritual dynamics! You know what I’m saying? It’s just very, very difficult to know how to relate to people, and still freaking out if I’m put into a situation, where I don’t know anybody around me.
If I go to the doctor and I don’t have anybody with me….
I still can freak out, but I tell them what’s going on and why I’m doing this. So that has helped me to get through these places. It’s very important to do the work, because if you’re in union in any part of yourself, perceived to still be unified in loyal submission to Satan or any other principality and power, that is idolatry!
So to say, well, I’ve gotten this far, I think I’ll just sit back and rest on what I have now…. No, I can’t do that, because that makes me accessible! Whenever I still have things left there, you can bet they come target it and find the weak spots. That’s where they are going to go for, and take me out to another ritual!
These principalities can masquerade as a ‘loving, safe place’.
Jennifer Diana: Part of the attachment thing is like little kids, babies…. they want to be loved. And so what they do is, these principalities can masquerade as a loving, safe place. And so as a child, as an infant, you reach out to be enveloped in that. And as an adult it is idolatry, when I’m looking to Nimrod for love and for acceptance and for safety, and for sexual fulfilment.
Sexual union = prostitution
Doug: Because you’ve been conditioned that way from an infant to be dependent. That’s the raw truth, because as a woman, your most effective way to be used as a channeler of power to world rulers is by sexual union! And that’s called prostitution.
Jennifer Diana: Yes, that’s how it’s done. And then often that’s why they can’t necessarily just be cast out if I’m holding on to them, and don’t even know it. And that takes the Lord revealing it [by His Neshamah], because I would let go.
What takes place at the UN?
Doug: What do you, Susan and the three of you, what do you see the centrality and the role of you being brought to the UN? Why the UN? What takes place at the UN? Because this is a big deal!
Satan’s throne may be in Jerusalem, but the United Nations, whenever you’ve been accessed, they call you off to the United Nations. There is a reason why you’re brought there. Why are you taken there? What takes place? What’s the purpose? Go ahead, Connie.
Connie: Well, like for me, especially in the early days, bringing me back to the United Nations was like a sealing off. Like I was taken out all over here, and then these events anchored in Jerusalem, brought back to the UN, and brought in as a sex slave to service the men there, even as a very young girl.
Doug: Like the kings of the earth, Psalm 2.
Connie: Yes, yes. And then sealing everything off. And that’s also the base of the New World Order, but also the Universal Church of Satan is actually anchored in Jerusalem. But on a worldly level, monetary, and the government, and spiritual, is anchored in the UN, and all the activities that go on there too.
God showed up at the UN
Doug: So you go to the UN, and I remember you describing a number of events, where God showed up on this most recent time. And there was a lot of chaos, because you would not do your blessing as grande dame to some of the younger girls. But through still having DID structure, where the powers can interface with you, and then when there are these sexual unions with the world leaders, there is a transfer of power.
They are powered up! They have a position!
They have a power and position in this world, that they receive from Satan through this form of high-level prostitution! Is that correct?
Connie: Right, and it’s not because I’m something like Wow!, you know? But it’s because what I was born into, what I was appointed to, my bloodline. And all the generation iniquity, you know, that funneled down through all the centuries in the juridic. That position of that made me valuable to them as a sex slave, because that’s where they would receive their power. And then there would be a lot of rituals going on. So it wasn’t just like one person there. I mean, we are talking about a bunch of world leaders in some huge sexual orgy and frenzy and bloodshed (human sacrifice). We are talking about on the UN, folks!
Doug: We are talking about human sacrifices going on.
Connie: Yes, absolutely!
Do the powers of darkness show up at the UN?
Doug: Do the powers of darkness show up? Do they receive that sacrifice? Do they consume the sacrifice? What do they afterwards with the mess?
Supernaturally cleaned up afterwards…
Connie: Sure! Oh, it’s gone. I mean, you would not know if you came in afterwards. You would not know! And I mean, they have it clean as if they brought in forensics and tried its claim. We’re talking about supernaturally cleaned up!
Doug: The enemy devours the blood and the flesh.
Connie: Absolutely, yes.
Doug: Yep, that’s what I’ve heard throughout the years. I’ve heard about, even at the Vatican where there was a ritual, where there were a thousand human sacrifices. I said, “What happened to all the blood?” He said, “When Satan manifested with a thousand human sacrifices, it is just consumed and smoked, and all the blood and everything was gone, and it’s just like it was!”
Connie: Yeah, and if people think that Satan doesn’t have that kind of power, they haven’t met him face to face and seen his work. I can tell you, I can testify, he can do those things!
Doug: What about the UN for you, Jennifer Diana? You’ve been all out there a few times?
Huge orgy: Sex and sacrifice
Jennifer Diana: I think Connie summarized it very well. Basically because of what was deposited in me through the trauma, and then through the links and ties, that I had through the bonding, then the links and ties I had with those principalities, through that idolatry and trauma, and through what had been funneled in for me through those Nephilim essences, and then linking with the other bloodlines, it is transferred to these leaders through sex. And that is what these meetings are about. There are no two ways about it. It’s sex and sacrifice.
Doug: It’s one big orgy.
Jennifer Diana: Yeah, essentially. And as awful as it is, as it sounds, it’s true.
Doug: It’s a synergistic effect. If you have people who understand synergy, when you have a group of people, world powers, and these rituals go on, there is a confluence of power that comes together and is released.
Jennifer Diana: Yeah, and it helps propel, in a way, their satanic agenda….
Who are the top heads of the Illuminati?
Doug: Yeah, New world Order. And now there are Nephilim present, and do they preside [govern, supervise, control]?
Jennifer Diana: Oh yeah! The Nephilim. [And everyone of these women say Yes.]
Doug: They preside. You here that, folks? So you [now] know what the top heads of the Illuminati are of this generation!
Before that, it may have been a cabal of secret Illuminists belonging to the black monarchy, or those black nobility as they call it. But that’s been transferred, because the hybrids have taken it over! All those that were once at the top, oligarchs and plutocrats, in terms of mankind, they have now suborned [submitted, subjected] it to hybrids. Is that correct? Is that the universal testimony?
The answer is Yes.
Susan, what have you been to the UN a few times?
Susanna: I think the other girls covered it pretty well. I would just think of it as more of a dispersion point. Whatever I am is a power base in connection with the satanic throne, then the UN represents a dispersion point of that throughout the world leaders to the nation…. the release of that.
Doug: And it wasn’t too long ago that Diana saw her entire DID system as structured into Satan’s throne. So if you’re involved in a ritual somewhere, and Satan himself shows up, it’s not just a principality, he can actually come into who you are as a throne, and manifest himself. Is that correct?
Jennifer Diana: And traffic through, traffic through sex. It’s this bad. Yeah, Satan can come through and project through and traffic through and manifest through, because of what was structured into my system. It has become like a mobile throne. It is sneaking into the body of Christ putting in these ‘Satan’s thrones’, even into the body of Christ, into the Church.
What is Satan’s number one target?
Doug: And folks, these people, Christians, and in the body of Christ…. why Christians? You should put two and two together. Satan’s number one target: it’s not Israel, it’s not unbelievers, it’s the body of Christ!
True Christians will judge the world.
You will begin to see that the Church is the only instrument in this dispensation, that is being prepared to be the instrument for the complete displacement and overthrow of the powers of darkness, in the tribulation from heaven! Jesus Christ and the Church. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6, verses 2 and 3: Know you not that you shall judge the world? Know you not that you shall judge angels?
1 Corinthians 6:2-3
Surely [Don’t…?] you know that God’s people [ the saints] will judge the world. So if you are to judge the world, are you not able to judge small [trivial; the smallest of] cases as well? You [ Don’t you…?] know that we will judge angels, so surely we can judge the ordinary things of [or matters pertaining to] this life.
So it requires a Church glorified in heaven!
It means that Satan will be cast down ultimately, and this world will be cleansed through judgments, to prepare this world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ [after the Tribulation]. So if you are a born again believer, if you have been ritually abused, then you ask God to show you whatever you need to see. Don’t be afraid! “Well, if I go over here and it’s Nephilim?” You are not Nephilim; this is programming, okay? You just go to those places that represent abuse and captivity.
A part called ‘Artificial Intelligence’
I’m working with a girl right now; she has got parts of her that represent ‘artificial intelligence’ [AI]. In other words, in the programming, she has got parts of her identity created in trauma called ‘artificial intelligence’. That’s our friend Claire, okay? So all she’s going to have to do is she’s going to have to go into that place, this non-human, called ‘artificial intelligence’, and she’ll be able to reclaim a part of her identity and essence. And then she’ll have more of her God connection and a part of her original identity.
Contaminated with fallen DNA?
There have been a number of questions that have come in, like, “Are we not all contaminated with fallen DNA?” No, we have the fallen DNA of Adam. That’s enough. That’s why we need to be born again. Does this make us a Nephilim? Absolutely not. So it’s just being grounded in the Word of God.
There are questions about shapeshifting, physical and spiritual. This all occurs both on a spiritual and physical level. And of course, Nephilim have the capability of doing this!
The role and function of clones
They have been doing clones for a long time! Clones do not have a human soul, but they have the physiological representation of people that are being used in rituals. These entities can be used as demonic constructs or as ‘fit extensions’. These are clones. But Nephilim are not fit extensions. They have their own identity, which comes directly from Satan.
So this is a lot, and I trust that you will be prayerful over this.
Part 1:
Doug Riggs