World War 3 map shows safest countries to go to if ‘Putin’ starts nuclear strikes

With fears of another World War continuing to escalate, many in the world are wondering where they may be able to find a safe haven should ‘Russia’ decide to stop making threats about nuclear warfare and actually decide to fire off a missile.
December 4, 2024


With fears of another World War continuing to escalate, many in the world are wondering where they may be able to find a safe haven should Russia decide to stop making threats about nuclear warfare and actually decide to fire off a missile. The publishing of the map comes after Vladimir Putin allegedly lowered the standard that Russia would need to meet to use nuclear weapons.

Previously it had been stated that Russia would need to be attacked by a nuclear warhead in order to use its arsenal, however, within the last few weeks, Putin has stated that now, Russia only needs to be attacked by a conventional weapon in order to justify its usage.

Experts have attributed the lowering of the justification after the U.S. and U.K. authorized Ukraine to fire longer-range Western-supplied missiles into Russia. However, not all hope is lost. While yes, it is likely that the Russian leader is only likely to target the populated centers around the world such as London or New York. Below, find the places that could serve a sanctuary for those caught in the crossfire between Putin and his enemies.

World War 3 nuclear attack map shows what areas in UK would be destroyed if Putin launches missiles

Nuclear map shows states where 75% of Americans would die if WW3 broke out.
[Well, the air will be so polluted in the UK, and other rich countries, that one cannot even draw one’s breath.] 

If you can’t see the [UK] map, click here.


Map of the world’s safest places if World War Three breaks out

[So much misleading information has been added about the locations below that I have omitted it for the moment. Also, the true reason has been left out. However, it now becomes clear where the most influential globalists and hybrids are or will be located…. such as in Antarctica!]















While there will be many truths in this copied article, TPTB obviously also use a lot of scaremongering and misdirection…. as if these ‘safe havens’ are sanctuaries of sorts. Please remember…

“All that I have seen of war before is only child’s play compared to this one, and it will be ended with a nuclear atom bomb. The air will be so polluted that one cannot draw one’s breath. It will cover several continents: America, Japan, Australia, and the wealthy nations…. a 90-year-old Norwegian woman from Valdres, Norway, 1968

Rather, I trust this true Christian woman and her vision received from God.

It is far better for your eternal preservation to get right with God now, to come to terms with the Creator of heaven and earth, through Jesus alone. By faith and grace we can obtain salvation in Jesus Christ alone.


Jeremy, a 10-year-old boy was taken to heaven, talks about future events, WW3, and alien war

Jeremy explained that the war will take place from the army of Satan [of course, neither from Putin nor Russia, although the attack may come from that direction]. The war, which will spread throughout the world, is unlike any other war! Jeremy said:
“Mom, people will think they have to worry about WW3. That’s not what people should worry about, Mom. Something bad and evil is coming… it’s the war of the demons, the war of the alien demons.”

That’s what Jeremy called them: ‘alien demons’ and ‘demonic aliens’

He said there were these beings, these demonic, alien beings, and he said they are evil and they are part of Satan’s army, and that Satan was going to go to war against this world and try to destroy everyone here. He said, “WW3 is going to be bad, but it’s nothing, nothing compared to the war that’s coming from the alien, demonic beings.” He said, “they will come to Earth and try to destroy it, and they will start eating people!”
They are going to portray themselves as aliens, but they are demons, his mother says in the video.
Jeremy went on to say:
“They are demons, and they are going to make war on this earth and will start eating people.”

There will be very terrifying, unimaginable events, which the Lord Jesus preached that nothing like this has ever happened before. It will be a very ugly war of an unprecedented nature.
Jeremy’s mother’s, Giovanna’s, last statement was:
“You must ask Jesus into your heart and ask Him for forgiveness.”


How fitting, how appropriate are their numbers: 


The mirror [=119 or mirrored: 911]: ‘World War 3 map shows safest countries to go to if Putin starts nuclear strikes’

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