The Azovmena Prophecies: Safe zones by Pastor Phillip Barnett

There will be safe zones, safe havens in America for Azovmena 1 ends in a nuclear war. Hundreds of millions of people are going to be getting saved! And they need to know what areas are not going to be destroyed. More about Ukraine, war in the Middle East, and the Chinese are coming…
December 29, 2024


Pastor Phillip Barnett – May 2024:

Phillip Barnett asked the Lord for confirmation

….and so I shared about Azovmena in the message (2 hours and 40 minutes) that day. I prayed that morning, “Lord, now I’ve created all of these videos and pictures of what I saw in the dream and the four visions…. and Lord, I need some kind of consolation”, because the Lord had told me, “I’ve told this to other people, for them to share that Russia will invade Ukraine, and then invade Israel, and everyone has refused. So you’ll have to do it by yourself”. And so I felt kind of alone. It was like “Lord, I need some confirmation. I’m not looking for a sign, Lord. I’m gonna do everything You told me to do. But if I do it right….” So I wanted to make sure I was pleasing the Lord. “if I do everything right, could You somehow show me that You are pleased with the presentation, that I haven’t added anything to it, and I haven’t taken anything away?”

At the end of the message that day a man comes up to me.

I’d never seen the man before! I’d never given a prophecy, anything like this before in my life, even though I’ve preached for many, many years. And this man said, “when you were talking about Azovmena, and you said that Azovmena meant that from the Dnieper River to the Russian border, from the Belarusian-Ukrainian border to the north, to the Azovsky Sea [Sea of Azov] in the south, that eastern Ukraine would all be destroyed by nuclear war, after Russia occupies eastern Ukraine. When you said that, I knew you were talking about my town of Mena”. And I looked at him, and asked:

“There’s a town in Ukraine called Mena?”

He said, “Yes! I was born there. When I was a little boy, the grandparents, grandfathers and grandmothers, they called it ‘Mene’, but now it’s called Mena”. Well, I asked him, “where is that town?” He said, “it’s right against the Belarusian border”. So Azovmena: Azov from the Azovsky Sea to Mena.  I guess that’s why it’s pronounced the way it was pronounced in the dream, Azovmena. From the Dnieper River to the Russian border, from the Azovsky Sea to the Belarusian border to the town of Mena, all of Eastern Ukraine will eventually be destroyed.

When the first evacuation of Kiev took place on February the 24th last year….

my phone was ringing off the hook…. The text messages, emails…. ‘Phillip, are we going to have nuclear war? Are the Western countries gonna go to war with Russia now?’ And I said, “No, not right now. God said in Azovmena: after Russia captures eastern Ukraine, then they will come against Israel. And that’s when the nuclear war will start. And part of most of Belarus, a part of Russia, and eastern Ukraine will be destroyed in the nuclear war”. But step by step, we’re getting closer and closer.

There were other American nuclear weapons….

I’m not saying that America is going to have eight nuclear weapons to hit Russia. Those eight nuclear weapons that I saw in the vision hit eastern Ukraine. There were other American nuclear weapons that took out much of Belarus, including Minsk, including Moscow and Russia and Siberia. There were many more nuclear weapons than just those eight! The visions [Azovmena 1] specifically dealt with Ukraine. 

2007 – “I’ve called you to be a prophet”

Also, when God talked to me that night in 2007, He said, “I’ve told other people this; they have all refused to tell what I gave them. I’ve called you to be a prophet, not just to Ukraine, but to many countries”.

Who will launch the first nuclear weapons?

I don’t know who launches the first weapons, because many Russian nuclear weapons are going to take out American cities. Three nuclear weapons will hit New York City. Two will hit Washington DC. Boston will be hit. Baltimore will be hit. Cleveland, Ohio, will be hit. Detroit, Michigan, will be hit. St. Louis, Missouri, will be hit. New Orleans, Louisiana, will be hit. Memphis, Tennessee, will be hit, Nashville, Tennessee, will be hit, Little Rock, Arkansas, will be hit, Los Angeles will be hit, San Francisco will be hit, Denver, Colorado will be hit, Albuquerque, New Mexico, will be hit. Many, many places in America will be hit!

The reason God gave me the dream is, He always warns first!

God says in Amos:
Before the Lord God does anything, he tells his plans to his servants the prophets.  Amos 3:7

So in other words, God says, – He doesn’t destroy; He allows – He removes His hand of protection, and allows destruction to come as a judgment. So God says, I cannot bring judgment, I cannot allow this to happen without warning people first. He always warns!

The nuclear exchange between Russia (a reformed Soviet Union) and United States:

It just takes about 30 minutes for an ICBM missile to go across the North Pole to hit. I mean, it’s probably going to be about the same time. They are going to hit each other, okay?

What is the reason for Azovmena?

Just to cause people to be afraid? No, it’s to warn people: This is what’s coming. Eastern Ukraine will be destroyed.

“Phillip, where do I move to?”

Before the war in Ukraine, people would call me, contact me, people who believed Azovmena. And they would ask me, “Phillip, where do I move to?” And I would say, “well, if I were you, and I’m not telling you to sell your property, I’m not saying that, but if it was me, I would move out of eastern Ukraine, and I would move over to the western Ukrainian city of Lviv”.

Some people did not believe me in 2007.

I mean, they would say things like, ‘we’re going to kill this guy, and no other preacher will ever dare say that Russia will attack Ukraine. It will never happen after we kill him’. Of course it would scare my wife, and I would just tell her to not read that stuff, stay off of it.
And so people who believe could escape the zones in Russia and Belarus and Ukraine, that would be destroyed.

Thousands and thousands of Jewish people in eastern Ukraine have fled!

I mean, into the tens of thousands, through my preaching, left eastern Ukraine. They went to the western side of the Dnieper River, or fled to Israel. I mean, God wanted there to not be another Holocaust of Jews. And so He used my preaching.

Natalia Krizhanovskaya

There’s a lady by the name of Natalia Krizhanovskaya. She presented Azovmena to all the churches: Baptist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Jewish, Messianic, to the synagogues…. all over southeastern Ukraine in Donetsk and Luhansk. Because that’s what I told the people living in Donetsk and Luhansk: they have to get out. War is coming to that area!


Why did God show Phillip Barnett the cities in America?

Why did He show me the cities in America that are going to be destroyed? It will take place after the Rapture of the church [true body of Christ]. Listen to me. The nuclear war between the United States and Russia will take place after the Rapture of the church!

War in the Middle East before the Rapture

Now, I do believe there’s a nuclear war coming to the Middle East before the Rapture: the Psalm 83 war.
Twice God says: ‘When the day of the Lord is near’.
We can look at Isaiah the 17th chapter, when Damascus is destroyed by a nuclear weapon. This has not happened, and it’s going to happen soon.

[When is the grape harvesting season in Damascus, Syria? It says from the beginning of August. If this is true, then the destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17 takes place in or around August, for the Lord tells us the time period:
Verse 11: You plant your grapevines one day and try to make them grow, and the next day [in the morning] you make them blossom. But at harvest time everything will be dead [the harvest will be a heap/disaster]; a sickness will kill all the plants [in the day of disease and incurable pain].]

Also, the prophecy from Jeremiah the 49th chapter, beginning with the 34th verse could take place any day now. It could take place these next few months; Elam is western Iran.

God gave Azovmena so people could flee from the cities….

that are going to be destroyed into the areas that are not going to be destroyed, so that they can survive. Millions of wonderful people, who are not born again, will be left behind at the Rapture, and God wants them to get saved. He doesn’t want them to be destroyed in the nuclear war! So God warned me. He gave the cities that will be destroyed during the nuclear war, the American cities and also the Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian cities.
Also Armenia, Azerbaijan; I preached there in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia…. those nations will be destroyed.

God gave Azovmena 2

And He spoke to me Azovmena 2, and He gave me many, many details about what the Antichrist will do at the midpoint in the tribulation period!

The nuclear war between Russia and the US will take place….

there are no maybes about it – on November 11th. I don’t know what year. My guess is 2026. That is my guess.

I think there’s a strong possibility, we’re looking at the probability of Iran and Israel….

Israel is going to have to take out the nuclear program of Iran. I think Iran now has almost enough enriched plutonium to make maybe five nuclear weapons.


There will be safe zones in America 

The safe zone for the Northeast will be Cincinnati and the land above Cincinnati and to the south of Cincinnati. There will be a safe zone that God will allow people from the Northeast to flee to, so that they won’t be destroyed in the nuclear war after the Rapture.

There will be a safe zone in Arizona.

There will be a safe zone in Alabama.

There will be a safe zone on the south eastern part of the Smoky Mountains, in the area of Cleveland, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and that area will be a safe zone.

The Northern Plains [The Great Plains in North America], North and South Dakota, and Nebraska will be safe zones.

There will be a massive safe zone in Texas, in Oklahoma, in central Kansas.

Not just city destroyers

Far eastern and far western Kansas will be destroyed, because St. Louis will be hit. And these nuclear weapons, some of them are not just city destroyers. They can destroy entire states. They are massive!


The Chinese at the midpoint of the Tribulation

I will say, at the midpoint in the Tribulation period, those who are from Rapid City, South Dakota, need to be prepared. Because the Chinese will try to capture (at the midpoint in the Tribulation period – the airport in Rapid City. They will come out of Canada.
Also, I preached to Baptist people in South Texas, that at the midpoint of the Tribulation period, the Chinese will come across the border to destroy Texas and Oklahoma. Let me say something….

Over 5 million refugees fled out of Syria and northern Iraq into Europe.

A few years ago, over five million refugees fled out of Syria and northern Iraq into Europe. Why did God allow that? Because they are getting ready to have a nuclear war there before the Rapture! God was allowing all the Christians to flee, and millions of moderate Muslims to flee, because there’s getting ready to be a nuclear war there before the Rapture! [God wants Muslims to convert.]

When the Chinese come into Mexico….

they will come across Northern Mexico to attack Arizona, Texas, New Mexico…. New Mexico will be basically destroyed by nuclear war, okay?

Why has God allowed tens of millions of Mexicans to flee into America?

Because when the Chinese come across Mexico, they’re going to wipe out everything. And so God has allowed the Democrats [yes, Phillip still believes in the left and right wing. However, he does know a bit about the Rothschilds.] to do what they’ve done, just the same as He allowed the Syrians and the people from northern Iraq to flee, so that they won’t be destroyed in the nuclear war. And He has allowed millions of Mexicans to flee here, and South Americans.

The majority of the Mexicans are in Texas and Arizona and New Mexico.

Everywhere…. the school I teach is majority Mexican now. They are everywhere; they’re coming in by the millions but why has this happened? I’m against it. I think it’s wrong to have our borders open. I think it’s wrong, okay? But, God has allowed it, because He sees what’s going to happen.

At the midpoint of the tribulation period the Chinese are coming!

They’re going to rape every woman they can find. Hundreds, millions of them don’t even have a wife. And so destruction is coming. So God has allowed them [the Mexicans] to come across the border.

Everything is coming to a conclusion.

Jesus is coming back. I believe it’s a strong chance that we’re going to see a major war between Iran and Israel very soon, next few months, this next year….? Israel has no choice, and the Bible says, when that war comes, there won’t be a country left in the world where the Elamites do not flee to escape radiation! And that could happen next week, next month; it’s going to happen.

After much of America and Russia are destroyed….

Yes, it is Azovmena 2, which you haven’t heard much about. Because after much of America and Russia are destroyed at the beginning of the Tribulation period, it frees China up at the middle of the Tribulation period to try to conquer the United States, but they are going to be defeated. All right, they’re going to be defeated.
Now, God told me San Antonio will fall to the Chinese.
But the Europeans and Africans will hit Texas from the Gulf. The Chinese will hit Texas from the Pacific side. They will lose.

200 million man army of the Antichrist

And the Bible says in Revelation that a 200 million man army, which is not Armageddon, – that is the army of the Antichrist that tries to conquer the world, including the Africans, the Europeans, the Chinese. They are going to try to conquer the world at the midpoint of the Tribulation period.

They will not conquer:

western Ukraine. They will not conquer Switzerland. They will not conquer America. Some nations will stand and fight, and God will help them to win. And then,

At the end of the Tribulation period….

the Antichrist tries one last time to conquer the nations that weren’t conquered at the midpoint. And that’s when Jesus comes back.

At the midpoint of the tribulation period, the Antichrist captures Jerusalem.

Israel will repent. And Jesus said in Matthew 24, pray that your flight doesn’t happen in the winter, because it’s cold, or on the Sabbath on Saturday, because there’s not transportation. But one third of the Jews will either not be killed or will escape to Jordan to set up a government in exile.

Whatever year the Rapture takes place, then a couple of months later on November 11th, World War III takes place. I believe we’re looking at 2026, but we don’t know for sure. It’s all going to be fulfilled. The main thing is that Jesus is coming soon, and we need to get ready. Time is short.


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