The killer vaccine

Is Tiffany Pontes Dover dead or alive? Americans are worried now about the rumors claiming that she has died and left no sign of life. Nurse Khalilah Mitchell administered a warning to the public against the COVID-19 vaccine after developing Bell’s Palsy three days after injection.

Tiffany Lashae Pontes Dover, 30, fainted after volunteering to get the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine from Pfizer live on television. She recovered shortly after and said she was fine.

Tiffany Dover lived in Higdon, Alabama, USA with her husband and their two children. She worked as a nurse manager at the Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.

On December 17, 2020, Dover was one of the first CHI Memorial Hospital staff members to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Standing at the podium, she spoke to the media about what getting the vaccine means to her and her medical unit.

“It’s really… I’m sorry,” Dover said. “I’m feeling really dizzy. I’m sorry…”

Tiffany Dover fainted while speaking to reporters after getting the vaccine…

She caused quite a stir when she fainted while talking to reporters after getting the COVID-19 vaccination, but doctors stressed it had nothing to do with the shot she received. Tiffany Dover told reporters at a hospital in Chattanooga she has a medical condition and faints often.

Tiffany Pontes Dover is dead according to Ancestry’s records, which confirm Tiffany’s official death record.

She reportedly died 8 hours after receiving the vaccine and giving a follow-up interview. Her social media accounts have been deleted. The world should wonder… #WhereIsTiffanyDover???


The killer vaccine and the Cover-up HD


Heartbreaking: Nurse gets Bell’s palsy from COVID vaccine… facial paralysis

A nurse out of Nashville, Tennessee, Khalilah Mitchell, administered a warning to the public against the COVID-19 vaccine after developing Bell’s Palsy 3 days after injection. She can no longer smile, and is suffering from irregularities on the left side of her face. This was only weeks after Tiffany Dover went missing after fainting on television after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, later reported to have died according to official death records and Ancestry web searches. It should leave people to wonder, and what will become of Khalilah Mitchell?

“I’m reaching out to everyone about the COVID-19 vaccination. I recently took the COVID-19 vaccination. After the shot I felt fine, but within three days I went to the doctor, because I had problems with my face. The whole left side of my face, actually. I have Bell’s palsy now. And as you can see I can’t smile. I’m trying to smile,” Mitchell says breaking down into tears.

“I just want everyone to know that I think this vaccination is the worst thing ever, and I would not give this to anybody, even my worst enemy.”

Mitchell leaves a dire warning for the unvaccinated:

“Please America, they do not care about us. Do not take this vaccination!”


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