Powerful prayer against the consequences of having taken the vaccine, and more exposure

At the end, Eleyna Matthews prays for those worried about the days ahead, harassed by AI, having the flu, and had the shots. Integrated, she can now connect the dots…

October 1, 2024




Eleyna Matthews:

‘Even talking about it is difficult for me. Finally – and it has taken many, many years to get here – I have enough to connect the dots. I can easily discuss with any of you in depth names and details of several historic government reptilians: who they are, where they came from, what they want, and how they have worked with the militaries of the world since the beginning. The ones I know are now dead, dying, and/or inserted into another body, using electromagnetics, nanotech, and electromagnetics. And that’s really broad terminology! The elite have been doing this for centuries.

How the queen mom [Queen Elizabeth the Queen mother] was in a containment field…

She’s not the only one who does that. And when she left, her image was in the clouds, because that’s where they go. These reptilians, their spirits go into the clouds. Evil spirits are in the clouds, and it’s throughout all the writings that have been kept from the eyes of most of us.

So now that I got enough to connect the dots, and can tell who is who, I’m going to be doing that in this book.

Most in conspiracy circles haven’t really heard of the individuals I know about. However, those in government contracting, particularly aerospace government contracting, to them, some of these names are post-World War II superstars. And to this day, they still are, as is their alien aircraft!

What these beings gave to human beings was supernatural capabilities.

The technology today has grown exponentially! What they can do now, what I’m telling you about is antiquated [outdated]. I’m telling you the foundation of it. Now what they can do, they can do from the satellite. They can do through the internet. They can do through your device. If you don’t have that full armor of God on, if your biofield isn’t full of the Holy Spirit, you are fair game. And even if you are full of that, you are still fair game. They want what you got! If you don’t know that they can cue [signal] through your biofield, they can get to you. They can access you through that! [That’s why we need the full armor of God every day!]

The CIA is loaded with spooks.

There was this man; I remember him from my childhood. And what’s interesting is – I have a blog there – and I know the guy’s face. I can hear his voice. His name is Clarence Johnson. He was a CIA spook from Lockheed. His pseudonym was ‘Kelly’, but my father never called him that. He was a senior to my father. And my father looked up to him like he was a god. He worked on several of his projects, beginning as a junior executive at Lockheed, my father was. And then it continued for decades as personal friendship; he also came to dinner more than one occasion. And I’m not going to get into the graphic details, but yeah, he came. This is a big deal; this man is celebrated. He’s not even human. I don’t think he is human. A lot of these spooks are not. The CIA is loaded with spooks!

What do I mean by spook?

They are not human, or not totally human, or they are a meat suit with the clone body of somebody, with AI inside that’s running the deal. They grow humans in FACS underground.

Area 51 was started by Clarence Johnson.

You can look him up. And what he did was something called the U-2 spy plane. That spy plane played (or paid?) a big part of my life.

Planes that were developed at Area 51 were called the ‘Dragon Lady’.

And the pilots were ‘Dragon drivers’, and that really coincides with the dragon [Satan]!

Excuse me, it’s really hard sometimes for me to talk about this stuff. I get kind of sick to my stomach, because I have programming inside that says, if you talk about this, get sick. And that’s what’s happening right now: there is a piece of me that’s very calm, but there is another piece that’s kind of shaky.

The historic area 51 is very much part of my childhood.

And I’m going to call it for what it was: Wright-Patterson, White Sands, Holloman [Airforce Base], Groom Lake, Pentagon, Dulcey… those are memories of my childhood. This underground is connected by something called a magnet train between here and Long Island.

Right now there are many, many magnet trains!

Back then there were just a few. My dad worked on some of their craft, and he would leave to go on business trips. He would come back in looking like he had aged 10 years… from the stuff he saw! My father also was a warlock, very much involved in his family’s business. That was their belief [witchcraft]; that’s what they practiced.
My father had more than one wife. He had a wife named Joan. My mother’s name was Jean. We’re not sure if that was my real mother though. But for right now, I’m going to assume that she is. She never treated me like her child, so I don’t know. I look like her.

There was one of my father’s… I think it was maybe a half-child.

The Lord says: half child. His name is Craig Button. He is the pilot that they experimented on, with this MK electronic tech. He was also an experiment like I am. And it caused him to crash his plane and it killed him. But interestingly enough, his craft was carrying all these explosives: the same stuff that they rigged their WTC [World Trade Center] with. That was the demolition agenda!

We don’t listen to broadcast media because they are serving their handlers.

And their handlers are the people with money. And the people with money want you dead. They want everything you have for themselves. They want to replace you and they want you dead. So that’s what’s going on. On top of all the things, the Lord says, that’s what the wicked are after. And that’s pretty easy to see right now, with the wars, and all the sickness, and all the stuff.

And the new sickness that’s coming is even worse than those that have been vaccinated.

You write to me and I’ll pray for you. I’ll pray for you and I’ll turn that thing into saline [salt solution]. If you took that thing by accident, you write to me! It’s promisesofYah at gmail dot com. You write me, and we’ll pray that thing right off of you. The Lord never wanted you to have that. And He knows that you did it to take care of your family. But right now, there’s enough information out there, that people that are going to get [want] this, deserve what they get. Anyway, they killed Craig Button using this electronic tech.

And now you can see this with all the mass shootings and stuff like that.

They tested it in 2011. We had the Batman shooter, and the Boston Marathon… That was all experiments! Then we had the infamous Jade Helm, and everybody went, “Ooh, ah, ooh, ah”. They have been doing it all along! They hire crisis actors. Some of it is real and some of it is not.

Everybody starts fighting with each other, that you are being really mean because you’re calling it out.

You’re being critical of what you see, which you are supposed to be doing! It’s horrifying what they are doing to us, guys. It really is. That Shalom peace, we have to have that. We hide ourselves under the shadow of the [God’s] wings, and under that shadow we have Shalom peace.

When the Lord started opening my eyes to this other realm, this was very difficult for me.

So I started photographing it… But to this day, I only have a few of them left, because they go in and take them [the saved images] from you. But I can describe and explain in depth: wormholes, and wormhole travel, and remote viewing, and magnet trains… Some of the stuff I know just in my knower. I don’t know how I know. I might know it prophetically. It could be parts of me that know this stuff. I can’t tell you why I know. And I know things that most people don’t.

You know, when your father is a warlock and a CIA spook…

and he has implanted you, and he has got the kind of clearance level he’s had in the secret space program, and they send you off-planet, even when you are very little, it’s really tough! To understand that you were a liability [burden] to your father, and he had to sell you to get his money back… And once my father figured out he could do that, it was a done deal.

I am going ahead and talking about it publicly.

And I’m doing that, so you know that these things aren’t crazy. And I don’t care how much they victimized you. I don’t care how much you have perpetrated. Jesus Christ is bigger than that! And He wants to be bigger than that! So even if you have been a perpetrator, and you have sold your soul to the devil, – I’ve heard some of you – it wasn’t yours to sell; that’s a big lie! You have to go to the Lord, and He will purchase it back with His blood. That’s what He was doing on the cross, was for that! And that’s what we all need. It’s the blood of Jesus that puts us in His family. And once you have that…

Then you go into a relationship with Him.

It kills me, these people. They think that they can just do whatever they feel like doing and not have any relationship with Him at all! And then, when they cross over, He is just supposed to take them in? Wait. It doesn’t work like that! We’re supposed to have a relationship with Jesus now. And it’s one of the greatest things in my life, and it will be in yours. If you haven’t done it, you should ask Him.

They sing that song, ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus’.

This is true. He is a friend. He is a friend to me at four in the morning, when I have to get up and deal with things that I cannot believe I’m dealing with. When He tells me things that I cannot believe I’m hearing. When He tells me things that, when I tell other people, they say, “Oh no, that didn’t happen”. But my inner witness is so strong that I know it did. And hey, that’s one thing they can’t take from you is your inner witness. And when you have that in your soul, I don’t care how much MK they put on you, I don’t know how, I don’t know where you are, and all that, but I can tell you, AI is very busy trying to do exactly that…

Mass mind control is a thing!

And they can totally duplicate your image. They can duplicate all kinds of stuff. They can duplicate your thoughts. They can duplicate you inside of a clone, using this AI, you know, your biofield around you. And that’s a true thing; they really do have that. And see, all this time we’ve been told as Christians, we’re not supposed to be talking about that. Why? It’s part of our anatomy! It’s like we have just given everything over to the occult, but if we talk about it, well, oh, then we’re doing something evil. Well, sometimes it is. Spirit is spirit; it just depends on what side you are on. And this AI is definitely used in the spirit realm!

My father also was involved with Montauk.

Montauk was much more than time travel. It was about wormhole travel, but mostly it was about mind control.
It was about the transference of consciousness is what they’re doing in this other realm… And they are going to cross over, and you’re not going to know that you are not dealing with a human. You are not going to know it, unless you got your spiritual discernment, you know, lockdown, real good. That’s what you need in your arsenal; it’s discernment! You need to feel that person. When they come near you, you have a field. You can feel whether they are good, bad, and different. And that is not evil! That is the Holy Spirit working with you, saying, ‘Get away from that, or deal with it’. And we know how to deal with it: “The Lord rebuke you in Jesus’ name. Get on out of here before I put the holy fire on you, or just the same!” And trust me, poof! They’re gone. It’s not hard. Or, you know, repeating Scripture, too, is good: ‘No weapon formed against you will prosper. No weapon formed against me will prosper’.

When the enemy comes at me in one direction, he has to flee from me in seven.

Get going, in Jesus’ name! And it’s not you that’s doing it. You have a toothpick, but what’s behind you, it’s huge! So use it; it’s yours. It’s your inheritance. Don’t be afraid of it. You know, you just speak out what you know is in your heart to say, and you say it. And don’t be afraid.

One of the things that I gave back to the Lord was the genetic ability to remote view.

It was accessed. I was never allowed to use it for myself. And a lot of times, they took me at night, and they accessed a child part [of me]. They would put me back, and then I would go through my day like a child. Does a child have discernment? Well, some do, but I didn’t. It just kind of went through life just trusting like Mr. Magoo. I mean, when you are a child, you just go through. And thank God for my angels, because they took good care of me. I thank Jesus for them. Those are the servants of the Lord, and that’s what they want to be called, and that’s what they are. And we [as Christians] are too.

Truth is stranger than fiction!

They learned how to split up people [like DID] a long time ago, because demons are. So we learned how to do it from our demon overlords. So we do it to each other, because demons did it to them, you see. And that’s part of the reason for the abductions! They were splitting people up, and then they give birth. That’s epigenetics, and so forth.

I’m a recent widow; I lost a husband of 24 years, who also happened to be nephilim.

Interestingly enough, I came across an email where I told people this in 2016. I mean, they had me so locked down that I didn’t even believe myself! So I was married into this nephilim situation, which means that I was hijacked quite a bit.

Why I was in this marriage…

I was set up, and that will be in the book. I did try to leave him, but then it got worse. ‘They’ got a hold of my son. The Lord sent me archangels to take care of us. I’m not exactly sure, but I did not know He had done that. It was my little girl with Down syndrome who called them out. And I don’t believe she has the capability of lying; besides, she didn’t know the biblical name of angels. Why would she have called that out? But she did, and I believed her. I believe the Lord took care of me that way. And why? I don’t know! Because it was necessary? But…

Little by little, the Lord began to disconnect me from this AI demon network.

Because I don’t care if it’s digital, or if it’s just spirit. It is what it is: it’s demonic!
This was really hard for me. I didn’t know, because I was a pretty down-to-earth person; I couldn’t understand.

I kept saying, “It’s …… Steven Spielberg!”

Well, eventually I came to understand that Steven Spielberg is a big traitor to humanity, because what he did was set up truth as fiction. And everybody thinks, ‘Haha, let’s go see the latest Star Wars, and collect the stuff’ [I would not recommend that of course]. What they are doing is collecting little effigies [images] of demons! I’m sure most don’t know it; it doesn’t matter. We are responsible for our own deception. Adam and Eve were. Why aren’t we? That’s what the blood of Jesus is for. It covers that. It makes sure that we get understanding and discernment. But as long as we are out there on our own, we are responsible for our own deception. When you stand before a holy God, and you say something as, “But I didn’t know”, see how far that gets you in a regular court. Well, what makes you think it’s any different, if you are not under the blood? That’s another reason why if you have not committed your life to Jesus, you should right now.

Say, “Lord Jesus, come into my life and be part of me”.

That’s what it says He will do. He will come in. And He stands at the door and knocks. All you have got to do is open, which means that you are willing to let Him come in and be the Lord of your life. And if you are wanting to do that, that’s probably the Holy Spirit tugging on you. So you should listen to it, because it’s right. Anyway, it’s one of the things that got me through the removal of alien tech out of my body. And to this day, I’m still taking things out. Not much, but what comes out hurts.

The Lord delivered me from this marriage of being married to a nephilim.

This man presented himself to me as a ‘Christian’ and a ‘Sunday school teacher’ to teenage boys that I had, in a large, local Baptist church. I was a PhD student at Regent. And I was working as a loan officer, and this man presented to me as a promise keeper. But all of that was a front, that he had to keep up in front of me. He was a CIA black project psyop that kept me enslaved, overwhelmed, and distracted! I was sick for over 10 years from bathtub rituals, where he held me underwater and implanted my scalp. And he also made sure I was financially dependent upon him. I lived penniless for years, yes. I had been fiercely independent and hardworking, and now I found myself enslaved with no way out. I had Emily [my daughter with Down Syndrome]. I didn’t have any choice. And then when he beat me until he crippled me, I left him.

I could not get any help from medical people, pastors, churches, and these centres, even the courts!

The major hamstring in my left leg, it is totally off the pelvic bone. The pain was unbearable. Sometimes it still is. But I bore up underneath it. Today I walk with zero limp. Some pain is still there but I navigated it, which is only through the help of the Lord. I tend to think He might have healed it. I want to give Him praise; He did.

Somebody told me the reason my husband died is he failed in his assignment.

I’m kind of wondering what that is. So I’ve asked the Lord, I’ve put it before Him. He hasn’t answered.

There was plenty of woo in this marriage.

So I should have paid attention then. And then I look back and I see how programmed I was. And if there’s witchcraft on you, chances are you might have some mind control on you, even if you are a child of God. Ask the Lord to remove the demonic mantle of protection around those that are tormenting you, and see if it doesn’t come off of you too. Because chances are they put a guard around you, so you didn’t see them or you didn’t get after them. That’s just warfare.

Interesting, my son knew who my husband was.

My [late] son knew that it was him that burned our house down. But what? I believed this devil over my own son. I thought I was doing the right thing by being submissive to my husband.

I went to a pastor after what happened…

He told me I needed to forgive him, and he sent me back. To me it’s just shouts of indifference or… I was called crazy or judgmental, accusatory, if I didn’t take this man and his family at their word. So I took them at their word; I married him!

I didn’t know for 24 years that they were running witchcraft on me!

And they still are. But now I can see it and knock it back. That’s a good thing. But the entire time he was sick, I took care of him. I learned how to love my enemies, that’s for sure! But any kind of professional help or pastoral help, or anything, forget it. So I married a nephilim species, deeply involved in Freemasonry and witchcraft.

I have since caught his mother on the security camera leaving witchcraft in my yard.

I had a birthday cake loaded with witchcraft. They stole every penny they could out of the marriage. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, so I don’t care. Take it, take all of it. Just leave me alone already, and let me move forward in my calling.

But isn’t that his assignment?

So his mom is trying to complete it by sending death angels, and stuff like that, which she did last weekend. That’s what I’m fighting and that’s what I’m up against now [February 2024].
So looking back, I would say I woke up to the things of the world in 2008, but I didn’t really wake up to my own personal life until just this past year, 2023.
So he died, and I’m still dealing with his mother and the spooks, you know, because she has got a little gang around her.
But I’m winning, and that’s the point!

“Well, Eleyna, why don’t you move?” they say.

Well, number one, witchcraft follows you. There is no distance in the spirit.
Number two, sometimes God plants us right underneath the nose of the enemy, so we can make a stand. And I know from some of the experiences I’ve been through here that that’s exactly why He put me here. I pushed things back that were supposed to hit here, and they did not, because I was here. And I was able to pray. And when I was in Arkansas it was the same thing.

My neighbors that were not saved would call me and say, “Could you please pray?”

Because there were the tornadoes heading our way. And they knew, when I prayed they would change course. And if I can do it, you guys can do it. Because it’s not my power, it’s the Lord’s! I just let Him do it, that’s all. I just get out of the way and let Him do it. And people that I pray for, they told me that I get results.

If you’ve taken the jab and you have concerns, please write me.

And I will pray for you, and we will turn it into saline. You know, He doesn’t want that mess in you. No, He doesn’t want that in anybody!

What’s interesting, my husband looks very similar to a man, who was up here on the eastern shore.

But he was long ago; he was back in the 1800s, late 1800s or turn of century. And he was the largest out of his tribe, just like this man was the largest out of his family. And when you put the two pictures up side by side, I’ve had people say, “Oh my goodness, you’re kidding me. You can see the resemblance!” So, yeah, I think they get recycled.

Although my circumstances are extreme, I do not think they are isolated or unusual.

I think there are quite a few women out there who have been taken captive by a nephilim/narcissist. Now, just because they are narcissists doesn’t mean they are nephilim. I want to be really clear on that one. Even though narcissism is the personality type of fallen angel fathers – because Satan is the same way – doesn’t mean that their DNA has changed.
Now, one of the things that I’ve noticed about people, and I’ve had other people tell me this as well, is:

The people that are vaccinated around them have gotten mean.

They are just not making any sense to them. They’re just saying mean things like for no reason. And I’m thinking, what’s bad in them is starting to grow; their flesh is taking on a bigger form.

Nephilim have been with us through all of history, but at no time has it been as extreme as it is now.

Oh, Dogman. Oh, yeah. Sasquatch [Bigfoot]. Oh, yes. Cryptids. Everybody’s heard of it, and it’s OK. Or they’ve seen them. So 10, 15 years ago, that would have been unheard of. You were crazy if you talked about Sasquatch! Even though I had one in the spirit in my house in Arkansas, I had their footprints out in my backyard. But these creatures right now are everywhere in our time.
They [Some] have overcome their genetic mutations; they look just like us. 

Targeted individuals

Guys, the reason they experimented on targeted individuals is, is so they could get to Christians or believers. They targeted those of us that follow Jesus, and love Him. And some of you are writing to me, you’re noticing things like itching in the middle of the night, or your emails are missing or… things are missing off your computer, or things aren’t working out in your job, or people are going crazy on you for no reason. Yeah, you’re being targeted. But it’s not what you think. I hear people saying that there are people following them around in cars and stuff like that. That’s an AI system just telling people what to do. No, they are not getting paid to harass you. They’re just following what their handler is telling them, and their handler is an AI system.

There is a way that you can make that stop.

You can make them stand down in the name of Jesus! And the more you do that, the stronger you get. You tell the signals to go back to who sent to you. And they will. Sometimes, when I had this this weekend, it took almost two days to leave. It was a hard weekend. They targeted my heart, and that was not fun.

I can pray now for people that need to be prayed for:


Prayer for those who have taken the vaccine

Father God, in Jesus’ name, I just come before Your throne of grace and mercy now. And Father, there are people that truly need You. I can feel Your heart on this right now. And I’m asking, Father, if there’s anybody who has taken the shot [jab] by accident and they are sorry they did… Father, I’m asking now that You would turn that thing to saline right now! Father, I’m asking that You would send angels into their system to clean that up! Father, I know You don’t want it there, and neither do I. So I’m asking that You would get that out of there, and turn that into saline for them, that they could not be controlled in any way! 

Father, I’m thanking You for those who have the mind of Christ in spite of the jab. Father, I’m thanking You for that. But Father, I’m asking now that You would get it out of their bodies, so they are not compromised physically, or in their health. 

Father God, I’m asking now for people with flu, and you’re real sick. Father God, I’m asking that You would send Your servants into that situation to throw the spirit of infirmity off of them. And Father, in Jesus’ name, I’m just asking that Your Shalom peace would be down over all of us. 

And those witches and warlocks that are listening in right now, get off! I see you! And right now, Father, I’m asking that those that are looking in – there are two of them – that they would get saved, right now. Father, I’m asking that You would send Your holy ones after them to apprehend them, and either take them back to where they came from, and then, Father, that You would now steer them toward their salvation. Go now, in Jesus’ name. 

Father God, I am thanking You for this time together, and I’m asking, Father, that You would just send Your Holy Spirit to each of us, to guide us and lead us down Your path this week, and through these times, these days that are hard. Father, I am thanking You for Your protection all around us! You have shown me more than once that Your people are protected, and I thank You, Father, for that. I embrace that and I receive that, that I am safe. 

And I’m thanking You, Father, for those who might be concerned about the days to come. I want to remind them that the Proverbs 31 woman laughs at the days to come, because she is.
Father, I’m thanking You for the preparations that You have given us to make ready for the turn of our Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray these things. Amen. 

Who else, Father, who else are You wanting to pray for? Father, there is somebody listening in that’s being harassed by these AI creatures. I’m asking that You send a virus into that AI that’s around their field. And Father, make the AI sick. Make the AI creatures sick and get them off of those people right now! Father, they are harassing them through their lights. They’re harassing them through their computers. Father, get them off of them. Thank You, Lord.
And I thank You, Father, that Your people sleep safe and peaceful in You! Thank You, Father.’





Eleyna Matthews

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