Pastor Phillip Barnett talks about his 1st KGB interrogation, Jesus appearing to him in his church, nuclear war in the Middle East, 3 major wars after the Rapture, and more.
March 20, 2025
Pastor Phillip Barnett is the founder of Christ’s Cathedral Church, located in Kiev, Ukraine. It was a huge ministry he had to leave.
His work is best known for the visions and dreams he had about the situation in Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and the US.
Pastor Phillip Barnett: …. we just became an independent pentecostal church. We opened up our church, called Christ’s Cathedral Church, to many organizations. And so we had 16 churches in our building. We had Baptist churches, Church of Christ, Jewish Messianic, Presbyterian, all different types of Protestant organizations in our church building. [That’s a miracle in itself. It was also a miracle how that church came about, and in what location.] We have 4,000 – 5,000 people in our building every week. I worked on Monday through Friday nights. Every evening there would be three to five churches at the same time. So three to five services every evening. Some of those were maybe just rehearsals for a praise team, whatever. And then Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening, the same thing, three to five service at the same time. So we had over 40 services a week anyway in the building. It was a huge ministry and….
It was the most difficult decision of my life to have to leave.
And our kids were born there in Kiev. I took them to Ukrainian public schools, but they would be forced to speak Russian and Ukrainian, not just English.
Coming to America….
My wife really wanted them to go to an American Christian school.
And I said, “No, no, no, they’re going to have to learn how to fight against the devil. I want them to speak all three languages, and so they’re going to go to public schools”. So that turned out to be a great deal.
Now, April 22nd is pretty interesting
April the 22nd, 1969, was the day I was initially baptized with the Holy Spirit, and spoke in the heavenly language (in tongues). I was like 12 years old.
The reason I ended up in Ukraine
When my grandmother on my mom’s side, my mom’s mom, was just a young teenage girl, a couple of women came to their church. It was a Pentecostal church in northeastern Oklahoma, in the area around Ramona, that had presented the terrible situation that was going on in the Soviet Union. In my understanding, those two women were from Ukraine. They begged people to please pray for Ukraine, that the Christians are being slaughtered there by the communists.
My grandma prayed for Ukraine and Russia all of her life!
And she wanted to go, but no way could an American go to Ukraine. A missionary, especially a woman, was no way! So my grandma prayed for Ukraine and Russia all of her life. And when God called me to Ukraine, my grandma called me in when I was back in America for preaching to raise funds. She said – oh, I can hear my grandma:
“Oh, Philip, the reason you are in Ukraine is because I wanted to go all of my life and I never could go.”
“So God sent my grandson instead of me.” So that’s how I got up there, because of my grandma.
My first KGB interrogation
In 1993, I was pulled in first week of March for my first KGB interrogation. I was preaching evangelization in the city of Chernihiv (about 250,000 people), real close to the Chernobyl nuclear plant. And after the service, two KGB officers were there. They wanted me to be at the KGB office the next morning. They had to talk to me. So I said, “Okay”. The guy with me, who worked in the Chernobyl nuclear plant, said: “Okay, I’ll have him there in the morning”. So they brought me to this KGB interrogation the next morning; it was in a little room. I mean, like five feet by five feet, with a table in it. It was so small! I sat there with an interpreter, and the KGB head (KGB guy over that part of the country) had to sit in the doorway, because there wasn’t enough room for a table and two people and him in there.
And he started grilling me….
“Okay. Who has brought you to this city? What’s their name? What’s their phone number? What’s their address? I mean, on and on and on all these questions. And every time he asked a question, somehow I knew the question he was going to ask before he asked the question, and the answer before he even asked the question! This went on for a long time. And there was a woman right behind him taking notes of everything I said. All of a sudden a phone rang back behind us. Somebody came and told him he needed to take this phone call. And he said, “Okay, you don’t say anything while I’m gone”.
‘What’s happening to me?’
So I’m sitting there, he goes and texts his phone call, and I’m thinking, ‘What’s happening to me? How do I know the question he’s going to answer before he asked it, and the answer before he asked the question? How is that? I don’t even speak this language that much!’
He comes back and all of this questioning continues, and finally they release me. We go on a tramway, and I’m thinking, ‘What happened to me?’
I got back to this house where I was living in his apartment. And I ran to the bedroom where I was sleeping, and I threw open my Bible…. I guess it was to Luke. It was a verse that I had never understood, never preached correctly….
But the Bible says, when you are arrested, when you are brought before dignitaries, and they are questioning why you’re preaching in the name of Jesus, He [Jesus] says, ‘Don’t even take a thought of what you’re going to answer before the questioning. I will give you the answer at that moment’. So don’t take pre-thought. ‘Don’t worry about what you’re going to answer. I will give you the answer at that moment.’ I thought, ‘That’s what happened to me!’
And I didn’t even understand what that Scripture was until that happened to me. So He did what He said He would do on my first KGB interrogation.
I’ve been picked up many, many times by the militia in:
Ukraine, in Kiev, in Azerbaijan, in different countries. So God is real.
With this vision….
I didn’t see Him, but Jesus spoke every answer directly to my mind.
I saw Him later on in 2008… He came and visited me personally.
[Phillip was asked what Jesus looked like, especially the hair….]
Jesus had shoulder length hair. And whenever I was looking at Him when He came to me, He was standing in the auditorium of our church. I was down on the floor. I looked up and His hair was like a light brown color. There was a light up in this high ceiling in the auditorium. It was like the light was shining through His hair, and His hair was a golden color. It was not brown, it was like a blondish gold, a little bit darker than blonde. I could see through the hair, and it wasn’t really brown. The true color was a blondish, a golden type color. That’s another story….
The Antichrist will be over the EU, the European Union.
I don’t care what some of the top preachers on TV all of a sudden say, ‘Oh, it’s all gonna be Arabic’. No, no, no, it’s going to be the EU. Excuse me, they’re incorrect. He is going to be over the EU, but he is going to have a blood connection to Israel through the Rothschilds.
[The Bible tells us that there is only one King on the throne: Jesus Christ, and that eventually even the European roots of the Illuminati and their coming ‘prince’, or antichrist, will be cut down, when Christ rules the earth. – Svali]
What we have in Ezekiel 38 and 39, we have World War III.
Russia…. Okay, at the midpoint of the Tribulation period, the Antichrist will break that peace treaty that he makes with Israel. So Ezekiel 38 and 39 is not Armageddon. A lot of people, they don’t understand the Scripture very much. Ezekiel 38 and 39 is World War III that takes place immediately after the Rapture.
The Bible proves again and again the Rapture takes place before the Tribulation period begins.
So this war happening now in Ukraine is a prerequisite [a must for TPTB], because what God told me in Azovmena is that it all begins with a Russian attack on Ukraine. They will eventually capture Ukraine to the Dnieper River. And then somehow they’re going to have all soldiers in major cities in western Ukraine. Now, I gave this prophecy in 2007, and people did not believe me. Social media…. I was threatened. I could not tell you how many times people said they were going to kill me….
I’m just a messenger boy. I just did what I was told.
And then, after that Russia will attack Israel.
Armageddon comes later.
There are three major wars in the Tribulation period.
So this is the first one [with Ukraine; this is just the beginning], and then we have Ezekiel 38 and 39 [WWIII], and then Armageddon is the last one.
What we have now is a precursor to World War III.
We’re talking about three wars where billions of people die. We’re not talking about something world war II where 52 million people died. We’re talking about three massive wars during the Tribulation period. You see?
Jesus is going to set up His Kingdom after the seven-year Tribulation period.
And He’s not going to set it up with a bunch of rebellious people. He has to purge this planet. Everybody who takes the mark of the beast will die.
Those who survive:
He will come back and set up His Kingdom, and repopulate the world through those people who survive, who don’t take the mark of the beast.
In Ezekiel 39, the 9th verse, it says they shall dwell in the cities of Israel.
Those who dwell in the cities shall go forth and they’re going to burn all of these (Russian) weapons for bows and arrows, the hand staffs and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years.
[Then those who live in the cities of Israel will come out and make fires with the enemy’s weapons. They will burn them, both large and small shields, bows and arrows, war clubs, and spears. They will use the weapons to burn in their fires for seven years. Ezekiel 39:9]
The Jewish people won’t have to go out of the cities of Jerusalem to get firewood, I mean, to cut down trees or bushes to get firewood, because the enemy vehicles and weapons will be used for seven years to supply wood for anybody, because there might not be electricity. There might not be gas. There will be terrible situations in the seven year Tribulation period. So they’ll have to burn wood to stay warm in the cold months. Why does God say for seven years they will have to look for firewood? Why? Because this war takes place at the beginning of the Tribulation period: World War III.
It is not church membership that will get you into heaven.
I’ve pastored in Kiev for 26 years. I tell them many times, you can be a member of this church, baptized in water, be a member of this church, or any church in Kiev, and split hell wide open. It is not church membership that will get you into heaven. It is having your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. And we don’t get that by being a member of the church. We get that by repenting and asking Jesus into our hearts. And if you would like to become a Christian, you can avoid the seven-year Tribulation period by simply having your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. It doesn’t matter what bad things you’ve done.
I remember a Russian Soviet soldier
One time, we had an evangelism team, we witnessed on the street, and he started coming to church. He was a heavy set man and he would sit right in the middle, about the third or fourth row back, and listen to me preaching, and cry. And so one day we were having altar service, and I went down and I asked, “Serosha (?), would you like to ask Jesus into your heart?” He said crying: “I can’t, I can’t. I’ve been too bad. In the war against Germany, I killed German soldiers. God will never forgive me”. And I said, “The apostle Paul, his name was Saul, was responsible for killing even women! And God made him into the apostle of apostles. Serosha, God can forgive your sins. It doesn’t matter what bad thing you’ve done, if you’ve murdered, and adultery and all the things you’ve done. Jesus can wash those sins away by His blood. Take the red blood of Jesus and take our black heart of sin and wash it and make it white as snow. If you would like Jesus to come into your heart, repeat this simple prayer after me. You’re not praying to me. I cannot help you, but Jesus can. Repeat this prayer and believe:
“Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner. I’ve broken Your laws. I ask you to forgive me. Write my name in the book of life in heaven. Forgive my sins. I accept Your forgiveness. In the name of Jesus, I am forgiven. Thank You for forgiving me. I’m now a Christian. Amen. Amen.”
A little prayer, believe it, and you are born again. And get in a Bible believing church, and start reading the Bible.
There is a nuclear war going to take place in the Middle East.
It’s coming. It’s the Palm 83 war. [You can read about that here.] And that is separate from the Ukraine war then. It’s going to take place and it will be before the Rapture. The Bible says in more than one place that war will take place between Israel and its neighbors, when the Day of the Lord, the seven-year Tribulation period, is near. We’re going to see some terrible things the next few years before the Rapture is going to take place. A small, unlimited Middle East nuclear war. That war is prophesied in Jeremiah. It’s going to happen.
Damascus will be destroyed
Isaiah 17. And that will take place in that war, just when the Tribulation period is about to begin.
Damascus is the oldest continuously occupied city in the world. For over 5,000 years, Damascus has never been destroyed, but it’s going to be destroyed in one night. Isaiah 17, the 14th verse says, in the evening they’re going to hit Israel with weapons of mass destruction. And by the next morning, Damascus and much of Syria is not going to exist.
Israel is going to use what’s called ‘the Samson option’….
and destroy Syria and Lebanon and Gaza. What’s going to happen to Russia? What’s Putin going to do when… Israel destroys thousands of Russian soldiers, kills thousands of Russian soldiers in Syria. What’s Putin going to do? He’s bringing his army against Israel. When the war between Israel and its neighbors, a nuclear war takes place, Russian soldiers are going to die by the thousands apparently, because there are now Russian Navy and military and Air Force bases in Syria. When they die, it’s going to be a hook in the jaw of Russia, and pull them down against Israel.
And after that nuclear war in the Middle East, somewhere after that, my guess is Rosh Hashanah, 2026, which would be September 11th [to September 13th]. That is the day [the period] I would say more likely than any other day, over 90%, we are looking at the Rapture.
And November 11th, 2026, is the high percentage day of World War III starting.
Pastor Phillip Barnett