The visions of Marietta Davis presented in contemporary English (PDF)

Free downloads Marietta Davis Parts 1 to 3. Its translator also tried to keep it simple enough to be suitable for children who can read! Please share her visions.
January 17, 2025


Visions of Marietta Davis printed in a book

Note that the book cover above is of an original 1856 printing.
I might translate some chapters from the English original or the simplified version into Dutch, and post them here. Just as I did with this book, which had already been translated into Dutch.

After nine days….

Marietta Davis, a twenty-five-year-old woman living in Berlin, New York, had an unusual experience. She fell into a deep sleep for nine days. Doctors could do nothing to arouse her. Then, suddenly, she awoke and related to her family and her minister detailed ‘visions’ or scenes that she had heard and seen. Marietta was sent back for a short time with an assignment…. she needed to tell the world about it.

Beware of false translations by the enemy

Her true story was recorded in a book entitled ‘Scenes Beyond the Grave’. Today, after many reprintings, it is still available in English. However, modern translations can deviate a lot from the original; just a warning. One I saw on YouTube, translated by a person called Dennis Prince. And I was shocked at how it deviated from Mariette Davis’ original notes!
Marietta stressed the need for repentance from sin and faith in God. The enemy doesn’t like that!
I’m so thankful for the hard work of this editor. See below.

Marietta was not yet a Christian

‘Marietta was not a Christian when Jesus’ sovereignty took her up to heaven, and later down into hell. Her story focuses a great deal on what happens to stillborn children, and children who die right after birth, about nurseries in heaven, and how children are raised and educated by angels in heaven. She also describes the contrast between those unredeemed and the redeemed in the constitution of their makeup, and why ‘heaven’ for the lost is hell.’


Family testimony, Berlin, New York, November 15, 1855

Marietta’s family writes: ‘Marietta Davis was a member of our family. She was born in this town, where she lived until called by death from us. She was not of open religious habits; being disinclined to religious conversation. During the revival in the winter of 1847-48, her mind, as you well know, was religiously exercised; but she could not realize what others professed, so as to enable her to unite with her young friends in the ordinances of the Gospel. In August following, she fell into a sleep, or trance, from which she could not be awakened. In that state she remained nine days; and when she awoke, she said she had been in heaven; that she had seen there many of her old friends and relations who were dead; and Jesus the Redeemer. From that time her hope in heaven through Jesus, was strong; and she rejoiced in the prospect of a final admission into the Paradise of Peace. [Yes, Marietta became a born again Christian believer in her Lord and Savior.]

During her short stay with us, after she came out of the trance, she related what she said she had seen, heard, and learned during her sleep; but much of what she told us, she said she wished should not be mentioned then, for the world was not prepared to hear it. The trance, as you published it, as far as we can recollect, is correct; only you have omitted much. Marietta fell asleep in August 1848, and died the following March, and at the time and in the manner predicted by herself.
Yours, Nancy Davis, Mother, Susan Davis, Sister, Sarah Ann Davis, Sister.’

More testimonies
The original printing, and many reprints have testimonials of the attending physician, and of three respected ministers who were familiar with Marietta’s experience.

Her ‘vision’ was dictated to and recorded by Marietta’s pastor, John L. Scott, under the title ‘Scenes Beyond the Grave’. For Marietta only told and quoted her experiences, J. L. Scott wrote and published it when she had already died.


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The Visions of
Marietta Davis
Presented in Contemporary English 

Marietta Davis Parts 1 and 2 of 3, and

Marietta Davis Part 3 of 3

Marietta Davis & J. L. Scott


Editor’s note:

Marietta Davis used several words that would be quite difficult for most modern readers. This is the reason I tried to write this book in contemporary/modern English. But even then there were some words which I puzzled over. What was Marietta trying to say? Or how would she say it if she were speaking in a simple, contemporary English? Here are some of Marietta’s words that I omitted:

fain, preponderating, effulgence, habiliments, dissever, behooves, and vouchsafed; and phrases such as “a sable veil of nether night,” “indulgence of propensities” and “reversion of the movement of destructive tendency”.


Who is Marietta Davis?

Marietta Davis is a lady to whom God gave a vision that lasted nine days, while she was in a trance [not a coma!].

This online edition is divided into three parts:

Part 1 – Marietta was taken to see the nurturing of new-born babies who died, and their spirits were taken to heaven by an angel.

Part 2 – Marietta was taken to hell where she met two ladies whom she knew from her younger years. Later, an atheistic philosopher lectured her, and still later she saw a minister being exposed as a hypocrite by a member of his own congregation.

Part 3 – Marietta saw in the vision Jesus’ life starting with the last supper, the betrayal by Judas, His arrest, His trial, His beating, Judas’ repentance, Pilate’s wife’s dream, His crucifixion and resurrection.

But, what about Marietta?

She lived with her mother and two sisters, who were all believers in Jesus, and members of a church, but Marietta was not a believer. God chose to give this vision to her while she was an unbeliever. As she lay in bed one day, her spirit left her body. She (her spirit) could see her body lying on the bed when an angel came and took her spirit to heaven to see the scenes in this book. She awoke nine days later. Marietta was 25 years old at the time of this vision. That was in the year of 1848. She and her family lived in a town in New York. I, the editor of this book, copied the text from the internet. That text was written in an old English style with quite a few difficult words. I have tried to put it into contemporary English language, and simplify it where possible. I have also tried to keep it simple enough to be suitable for children who can read.



Trance of Marietta Davis – Reprint of the original, first published in 1859

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