Eleyna Matthews: How the enemy uses deception
Deception endgame: the agenda of the ‘aliens’, Satan’s seed and minions. ‘The Muppet show’ of the hybrids in government and politics. They are working with
Deception endgame: the agenda of the ‘aliens’, Satan’s seed and minions. ‘The Muppet show’ of the hybrids in government and politics. They are working with
Carolyn Hamlett and Eleyna Matthews share what they have learned from their experiences with hybrids: human-animal hybrids, ‘aliens’, reptilians, cyclops, and also human hybrids, as
The original video was deleted by the Illuminati. Memories about what happens in DUMBs, adopted human-animal hybrids, different kinds of ‘UFOs’, a warning that could
Powerful inside information on the hybrid program, ‘UFOs’ & ‘aliens’, Area 52, manmade crafts, the ‘Disclosure Event’, AI, transhumanism, Luciferians and hybrids in church, underground
10 & 12-01-2001 Hoewel de Illuminati vast gelooft in aliens, reptilians en buitenaardsen, vertelt Svali u de werkelijkheid over demonen, die zij zag acteren. ‘Aliens’,
Research findings, and the now most powerful evidence, of the true nature of the entities behind the so-called ‘alien abduction’ experience: the unwanted piece of
‘Las Vegas politie reageert op melding van een ‘3 meter lang wezen’ in de tuin na groene flits in de lucht….’ Recent nieuws over UFO’s,
UPDATE 02-17-2023 Tape 2: Born into witchcraft, or not, psychic powers, the flesh ruled by the devil, the C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Burnham witchcraft
Het zijn gevallen engelen, ‘engelen des lichts’. Ze kunnen elke vorm aannemen, die ze maar willen, zelfs de vorm van een ruimtevaarder of vliegende schotel!