By whom are the governments of the world run? They have been spraying the sky for a long time! So you can rebuke these things because they are altogether evil. Why you need to pray against soul ties. Why are they using implants, such as Neurolink? What you know about is about 500 years or more behind on what they can really do!
October 13, 2024
‘I’ll just start with some of the things that have happened this past month, which are just awesome.
One of them is that I went on a fast…
After or during this fast, I’m half-awake in the morning, and I get up very early. I have chickens. I have a little mini farm. So I’m up very early with them. And I hear this [in the spirit]:
‘Hello, Mrs. Jesus.’
And I just burst out laughing; it made my whole morning. And after I was done and I got into my prayer time, I kind of explored that a little bit. What was that about? Well, it’s about who we are [the Bride of Christ]
Our government isn’t here, guys.
Sure, we don’t give up ground to the enemy, or we pray where the Lord has put us, and we pray for our leaders as the Scripture tells us to do. But at the end of the day, this is not our home. The governments of this world are completely run by off-planet species, under-planet species, reptilians, greys, you name it, it’s all in there. And I know there are some of you out there that are rolling your eyes, saying, “What? Are you kidding?” No, I am being completely serious. These beings have run this world for a long time! And they’re really good at hiding behind various facades. You don’t have to agree with me. I am totally open to debate and criticism, and all of those things. Those are intelligent things to do…
This whole dumbing down process is ‘We all have to agree with each other’…
The Bible says, ‘iron sharpens iron’. I’ve done a lot of study here in the last few months of the biblical timelines, and I really do believe the ‘watchers’ have returned [as in the days of Noah]. They have hidden themselves… We had the Civil War. We’ve had the industrial revolution, but we had another thing, and this is the thing that they did really well. It’s called ‘the Enlightenment’, and the Illuminati is a big part of that. And what did they do? They programmed generations of people telling them, “If you don’t believe like us, you’re ignorant and superstitious. If you don’t discern it with the five senses, then you are crazy. Those five senses is all you’ve got, you know. Anything outside of that, you’re either schizophrenic, or crazy, or….”, you know, they have all these different things. And little by little, slowly by slowly, we began to disassociate from our own spirits. And they got a lot of mileage out of that [benefited greatly from that], and they still are.
They got a lot of mileage over this disassociation and this programming that they called ‘education’.
And it’s ‘for our own good’. Now there has been a lot of pushback against that over the decades.
Simultaneously they are creating these movies.
I mean, the very first movies were horror movies. And all this so-called ‘fantasy stuff’, getting generations to believe that these other worlds, – this thing that we can only discern with our spirit – doesn’t exist. And what they have done is they have created millions of spiritually dead human beings. While they themselves keep participating in what the Lord calls the worthless things of the kingdom. What is that? Your occult technologies. I’m going to get to one of them.
I got this really cool camera this month.
It’s got 48 megapixels of information when I take a picture. And I don’t know if any of you have noticed, but they have been spraying the skies! So there are literally thousands of trails. And where I live, you don’t ever see that. We live rural. Yeah, you see chemtrails, but not to that extent. I’ve seen them over cities, and occasionally over suburban areas, but I’ve never seen it like that here.
And I just decided that I would start taking some images of these things, and there are no planes! When you take an image with a 48 megapixel camera, you get a lot of detail in the images. And one of them in particular, I took in three different locations.
I was driving my daughter to school…
As I pulled out of my house and down the street, that is, the vertical ones, the ones that look like missiles? I’m like, ‘Come on! We don’t have planes that do that. And it’s a vertical; they go straight up!’ So I’m like, ‘OK, I’ll pull over, take a quick picture, go down about another couple miles, take another picture, go down another and take another one’. All three of them were exactly the same.
When I get this image up on my iMac, and I have a big screen iMac…
clearly it is a throne with a being on it, with a vulture in front of them. And all of a sudden I begin to realize these chemtrails are a spiritual agenda – as much as anything else. Sure, they’re terraforming the earth [adjust Earth’s atmosphere] with their filth. I get it. There’s fungus and red blood cells. I understand. But just like they can inhabit anything they want, they’re inhabiting whatever that is, and they are spraying fungus.
There are a lot of fungus [like powdery mildew] on my plants this year.
[2022, and it became worse with every year.] And the only thing that could fix it was apple cider vinegar, or one of those, because I don’t use anything except organic. So I was absolutely amazed.
I rebuke the chemtrails in the name of Jesus!
And I have watched them move, disappear, and completely dissipate. So I want to just remind my brothers and sisters that those chemtrails aren’t healthy. They are bad for your body. They are [also] spiritual; they are certainly bad for your spirit. I do believe I’ve seen seminars where they’re spraying drugs in the air to shut down people’s spiritual sensibilities. Oh, ‘they’re going to stop fanaticism’, while they themselves are consuming infants. Come on!
So you can rebuke these things because they are altogether evil.
I just want to encourage you to not tolerate that over your home, in your neighborhood, or over your city, because you don’t have to. You see, they have the worthless things of the kingdom. We have something far better. We [true Christians] have authority! We don’t have to do all the whatever it is they do to get their spiritual woo-woo to happen. We have been given authority. We speak the Word, and the Lord takes care of it, because we have a passionate relationship with the Creator of all things.
Beings that are creating such a mess are created beings!
They have no power over us. Now they do have power to mess up the world. They’re doing a really good job of it. But this is right now a very temporary fading away situation. It’s not forever. I think the name of the game is to survive until He comes for us, but it’s more than that. It’s to occupy until Jesus comes. Now, like I said, this is not our government. I don’t even watch it anymore, but I don’t really feel that this is my home anymore. My home is with Jesus, not here. Sure, I will pray for His will to be done. And I really pray that God’s people continue to wake up and snap out of the spiritual disassociation that they are in. You know, you say, “Greys or reptilians and stuff like that around the mainstream church person”, they’re going to look at you like you’re nuts, because they have no idea. And on top of it, if you can see it like I can, they look at you like you are nuts! The only reason they can’t is they’re disassociated from their own eyeballs!
Why aren’t you rebuking it…
and getting it out of your house before it causes trouble in your checking account? Or in your car? Or with your children? You see, I’m guilty of that, because I was spiritually disassociated as they come. And also, back to this idea of the demonic realm inhabiting objects…
The earliest implants that they found in people were little rocks, little twigs.
It’s just absolutely nothing, but they were infused with demons! They had been infused with all kinds of demonic entities, and they’ve gotten really good at this now. I mean, I myself finally stopped shedding thousands of them.
Now why are they using implants?
You mentioned Neuralink. Oh, well, ‘they have just been approved for studies’. I’m giggling over here. They tried that stuff out on me! You know, ‘Oh well, it’s official now’. But they have been experimenting on this stuff for at least 40, 50 years! And I know that because they experimented on me when I was a child. They implanted my lymph nodes with stuff when I was a little kid! So, I mean, they’re just letting everybody know that they can do this now. They’ve been doing this for a long time!
Now, are human beings doing this for a long time?
Well, maybe. They’re working alongside of these entities. My father did. I mean, you couldn’t even say Jesus around him. He would turn grey, and wanted to look like he was going to throw up. But he had been in these underground bases! He worked alongside with them. He had clearance for the most secret things ever. And absolutely, it’s going to be exposed every last bit of it. The Lord is going to shout it from the mountaintops!
Now what’s going to come up here, and it’s already happening, – and I think this is why they are spraying that way, is:
They are going to start showing themselves.
They said they’re behind a veil. You know, I can go into great detail what that veil is made out of. Just know that veil is pretty easily manipulated by those that understand the mechanics, just like anything else. They understand the mechanics of molecular structure, and they are masters at manipulating it.
They have had walk-through walls technology for a very long time.
Meanwhile, they are telling everybody else that this stuff doesn’t exist. Meanwhile, you know, just scores and scores of children going through their ‘education program’, being told that they can’t meet at the flagpole, but you can have after school Satan clubs. Because that’s freedom of speech!
The reason I keep going over this is so you can see how the Antichrist rules [will rule].
He will never show up looking like anything bad. He’ll always show up looking like Santa Claus: toys, and they are fun electronic stuff that you can play with. And boy, you can go through walls, and you can time travel, and you can get people to call a phone number for no reason, just that you broadcast a signal. And all the techno junkies are saying, “Yay, amen, we want more!” And then they’re in a money space race with each other underground, and they keep coming up with figuring out better devices. And this has been going on for a very long time…
What you guys know about is about 500 years behind on what they can really do, or more.
And it becomes more and more every single week that goes by! It’s exponentially! The technology is growing at a rate that none of us can comprehend, but I can guarantee that there will be those of you out there that will say, “Oh no, they can’t walk through walls. Oh no, they can’t do that. They can’t do this. They can’t do that!” But you don’t have any basis for thinking that way. And I certainly don’t mean to be scolding anybody.
Aren’t you tired of being scolded?
You turn on the movies, you’re being scolded. You open the Twitter, you’re being scolded. You get on Facebook, you’re always being scolded that you’re doing something wrong. Meanwhile, they them, which is completely incorrect, but is it? They them is a multiple. It’s a multiple! So are they telling us that they have walk-ins or that they are split up? I would tend to think it’s probably both.
I believe we’re looking at hordes of walk-ins in some of these people.
And we’ve seen it. We’ve all seen the videos. Some guy walking down the street, randomly takes a baseball bat and hits somebody. That’s not normal! That person has a devil [demon]. How are they doing this?
Generations of eugenics!
My father’s OB [midwife] was Margaret Sanger.
So these ‘people groups’, these elitist reptilian fake people groups, have been honing their genetics for several reasons. One of them is that they are supernaturally charged, easily split up… You’re born with a genetic predisposition to having alters [alter ego’s], being split. But I happen to believe that that’s part of the human condition anyway.
If we remembered, like for instance, labor as a female, I don’t know if we could get through life if we could remember that blow by blow. So I think the ability to forget is a survival mechanism. If I was to actively remember blow by blow some of the rituals I’ve been used in, I probably wouldn’t be able to survive. And I certainly wouldn’t get past the depression. It would so cripple me emotionally! And they know what they’re doing now; everything that’s going on is completely planned out for a long time!
Using your own fear against you is one of their favorite things.
So that is why the Bible says over and over again, ‘Do not fear’. When the Lord is with us, we have nothing to fear. And that is a reasonable act of worship. Our trust, our lack of fear, is our reasonable act of worship.
Now we look the devil square in the face, and sound like, “Devil, you are no match for my Jesus!”
And I can testify that I’ve seen Him do it for me. I have seen Him keep me safe, when every coven was called up against me. And by the way, I have some information on that as well.
HRC, and if you want I can go ahead and use the name or not, you know who I’m referring to, used me in rituals, back in the early eighties, and I was rescued by an angel from it. There were quite a few Arabian types in there, and the Queen and the …. were there. It was pretty deep stuff, pretty dark. And they were going to kill me. And I was rescued, I was rescued by an angel; he took me out of there; I disappeared right before their eyes.
That didn’t mean that she [my mother-in-law] let go of me in any way, shape, or form.
She was the one that made sure I got to Arkansas, and she rolled out every coven that she networked with. The Southern Druids are headquartered there in Russellville. And the witch that they conjured against me had a pretty big following. [Note: I just found an old Druid initiation video online, as an example.]
But she presented herself as a prophetess, as a woman that had a last day anointing, and she was the epitome [embodiment] of SRA/DID. She had a front, that wanted people to believe that she was a believer and do what she was supposed to do. But behind the scenes, she was doing all kinds of voodoo against me, non-stop, astral body projecting into my house, and calling up the covens. So I have seen the Lord deliver me! David said, ‘He has delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear’.
Something else that the Lord has walked me through this month I think is really important…
So many of you are having problems in your marriage.
And there’s a reason for that. I’m going to speak in generalities here; if it doesn’t apply to you, it’s okay. Some of it is really extreme, – because I’m in a very extreme case – but there are levels to this. I broke some soul ties some months ago, and I testified about that. I thought I was done. Oh no, I wasn’t done! I had many, many soul ties in me. Some of them were put there by the occult. Some of them were put there by people that I had loved. And let me just begin with what a soul tie is and why we have this.
You have heard of the tie that binds within a marriage.
And this is a good and healthy and beautiful thing, the way God created it to be! Man and woman get married, they fell in love, they are together forever. He passes on, she follows right after him, because they had this tie to each other. And there’s nothing that’s going to bust that up. That’s even in the ceremony. Let no man put that asunder. So that tie has got some pretty strong substance in the spirit realm, and it’s there!
So the Lord had me right after that fast going through some of my handlers…
I’m talking with some big shots. And then some that were just, you know, people I thought I was dating but were in on it, but I loved them. But I knew there was something wrong! This is how this would go:
“Lord Jesus, do I have any more soul ties?”
“To who?” And I would see a face. I would see this in the spirit. “Lord Jesus, please, I want that out of me right now”. You know, whatever words He would give me, I renounce it, I break it, I sever it, whatever. Immediately there would be a burning bubble in my stomach. And I mean, it felt like a bubble, and I couldn’t burp it up. I kept trying to burp it up and I couldn’t. Or it would be very violent coughing, where I thought I was going to have a heart attack. It was so bad. And this has gone on about 30 days. Not every single day, but pretty many of them. And as I go through them, I found one to Clinton. I found one to …? How is the occult twisting this? I don’t know. But I do know that they can. Of course they can. They can see into the spirit really well. They have all kinds of devices and demonic hookups, blah, blah, blah. So they know these [ties] exist, and they use them.
Back in the 70s and the end of the 60s, we had something called the ‘sexual revolution’.
Many people were sucked into that. And if you were a part of this or not, there’s no judgment here, none. Because we were all told that the sexual revolution was OK, and that we were all being archaic by waiting until marriage. ‘Iit wasn’t healthy to wait until marriage’. I remember all this because I was in my most formative years. And that ‘therefore, you should live with people first, and you should do all these things’.
And there were these relationships that were formed that were not godly!
They were adulterous relationships. They were love relationships that make those soul ties very strong, even more than the sex. The soul ties are formed by love just as much as the sex. I’m not talking about what the occult does here, because there are different kinds of these. So I want to encourage people that are in a difficult marriage right now to do some deep soul searching with the Lord. There is no judgment. He wants to clean that out of you. Look for those in your past. Say, if you did something stupid when you were fifteen with a high school crush…, get rid of it!
Ask the Lord if there is a soul tie there.
And if you feel that thing in your spirit, – whatever it is that the Lord communicates that to you…. With me it was a burning bubble; with you it might be something different. Get rid of it, because it’s impacting you and it’s impacting your marriage! You have to clean all that out. That’s part of becoming ‘Mrs Jesus’, is cleaning this crap out; it doesn’t belong there. They are tares [weeds] that the enemy has placed in your field. And because they have placed these in your field, you are struggling. You don’t have a good harvest because you’re being taken over by these spiritual weeds. And these soul ties are connected into that now.
Here is another level that I didn’t even know existed…
If somebody has had a crush on you and has been focusing in on your picture – and I’m going to get gritty [hardy] here. If somebody is masturbating to your image, you’ve got a problem. You’ve got a spiritual problem that needs to be cleaned out. Because when they are releasing that energy over your image, there is something spiritually evil that’s forming over your life, and you need to get rid of it. Put it under the blood. Ask the Lord if it’s there and get rid of it! Don’t be proud; be humble: “Lord, I screwed up. I fell in love with this person and I just couldn’t get….” whatever. And if you’re somebody that has done something like that, you need to repent too, that you put a soul tie on somebody else, and you didn’t mean to do it. You didn’t know you were doing it, but you did. You need to repent of that… And this is not to condemn anybody. This is to clean you up. We’ve all made mistakes. And we live in a culture that has been condoning [turning a blind eye to] sin for 40 plus years or more! Ever since that ‘sexual revolution’. You know, the whole answer to society back in the 60s was sex, drugs, and rock and roll. There was nothing more demonic than that. And the church did try, but they were really ineffective because the church was inundated.
Yes, Jesus said that if you even look upon a woman with lust, you’ve done it [adultery].
But we are to be submitted unto the Lord. And the one thing that probably is the worst thing that we can do, – but you still can cover this under the blood – is cheating. Cheating on God is absolutely…
What are we doing? We are chasing after everything with all our heart but Him. And see, that’s not what God [God the Son] is coming back for. He is coming back for a spotless clean Bride [the Body of Christ] that’s looking for Him, that’s passionately in love with Him, and can’t wait for Him to come get her! And that’s who we are supposed to be.
I would say maybe to evaluate how you’re spending your time…
because where you spend your time is where your heart is. Where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is, and we need to be spending time with Him. You know, the one thing that Jesus pushed people away when they came before Him, He said, “Get away from Me, I don’t know you”. Why not? Well, because you didn’t spend any time with Him. And you knew about Him, you knew that Jesus loved you because you heard that in kindergarten, and you grew up with that. But then all of a sudden all these other things became more important. That pretty girl that you saw on the cheerleading team was more important than your faith. And I am certainly not faulting anybody. I know how hard it is. And all of a sudden, you know, getting to that level where you are a junior executive, so you can marry that sweetheart. And I’m talking about the good things here, not the icky [nasty] things, and how even the good things can become our god, you know. And so you become so committed to becoming physically responsible, you didn’t even kiss your wife goodnight. And the next thing you know, all these other things have moved into your marriage.
It happens that way with Jesus too, exactly that way. And that’s why Jesus uses the marriage as, – I’m not even sure it’s a metaphor – to help us understand that’s what it is. We are connected to that we spend time with. I’m meaning to encourage and to exhort, because we are going to benefit from spending more time with the Lord. We are all going to be blessed.
Now what’s going to happen to you when you get up in the morning…
‘OK, I’m going to do this this morning. I’m going to open the Word.’ And Satan shows up, and says, ‘No, you’re not’. The phone’s going to ring, and your boss is going to have something 15 minutes earlier, and all these things are going to happen.
And what you’re going to do is you’re going to make a list, and you’re going to say, “Not today, Satan, I’m spending this time with the Lord. It can all wait”. And the Lord will make that time back up to you, I promise you.
Harden that relationship, tighten up that relationship.
The Holy Spirit will meet you too.
If you say, “Lord, You know what? I haven’t spent the time with You that I really should. This life has run me over, I had a flat tire this morning, and then it looked like I was gonna get overdrawn and I had to do all these things…” And the next thing you know, it’s noon, and “By 3 o’clock I’m exhausted. By 6 o’clock I just want to have dinner and go to bed”. And I get it; the devil is a liar and the name of his game is distraction! And that is how he has got us all disassociated from our own spirit. And the Lord wants to give that back to us. He wants us to have our spirit back. And He wants it infused with the Holy Spirit. And the only way that’s going to happen is to spend time with Him. And time is just really at a premium right now, but you have to. That’s the Love of your life; of course you want to spend time with Him! And you think back to that 14-year-old crush that you had, you couldn’t wait to spend time with them. You had to have that phone number, and you had to talk on the phone, and you had to do all these things. Well, same way.
My heart is for my brothers and sisters that don’t seem to get it…
We use the metaphor: ‘they are asleep. Wake up, wake up!’ But we can’t wake them up; only Jesus can. And I guess for right now, as we are preparing, I believe it really blesses Him, when we pray for the church [the Body of Christ] rather than condemn it. Because it’s really easy to look in at the liberal church, and I’m going to use that word loosely. What do I mean by the liberal church? A church that just really doesn’t stick to the gospel the way they should, a church that doesn’t [tell you to repent]. You know, everything is grace, grace, grace, and you don’t have to do anything! That is not the gospel. You know, our obedience is our reasonable act of service.
This is what I’m talking about. Those that are stuck in Kenneth Copeland, and that kind of stuff, we need to pray for them, because they are sleeping. Their eyes are on Babylon, not on the Kingdom. And what’s interesting is their leaders are calling Babylon ‘the kingdom of heaven’. Yes, because they want those tithes in the offering plate! Pray for their pastors as well. I believe that this is very pleasing to the Lord, besides cleaning those soul ties out and cleaning those things in your life out, that are keeping you from being as fully connected to the Lord as you can be here behind the veil. Like Paul says, ‘We see through the mirror, in darkness’. And the thing like the soul ties… Truly, when you pull those out of you, that gives you more room in there to be connected to your true husband.
Now if you are in a house where there is strife…
because there are problems in the marriage, I can tell you, as somebody that’s been in a marriage for 13 years and a second one for 23: counseling doesn’t work. There is something else that’s causing the problem. It’s spiritual, probably connected into the soul that needs to be ousted. And, you know, “Oh well, we don’t have demons”. Well, yes you do. Are you possessed by demons? No, you’re possessed by Jesus. He is the One that owns you. Do you have demons that are constantly trying to knock you down and drag your soul to hell? Yes, you do. So, if you have strifes in your home… get it out of there. Look and see if you got soul ties.
And your reaction to it might surprise you.
I know it surprised me. I mean, I was pulling names from 35, 40 years ago, and all this is coming up, and I’m like, ‘You’ve gotta be kidding me’. But what has this done for me? It has strengthened my soul in a way that I can’t even begin to describe. And it has heightened, connected me even stronger into my Jesus. It’s worth the pain of finding it and getting rid of it. So I can’t encourage this enough.
If you think it’s in your mate, it’s not your business. Get it out of yourself.
Pray without ceasing because He could come tonight.
I don’t know. I don’t call dates and times.
You want to be so connected into the Lord, and this is where the Lord has brought me this month and this is what I wanted to share.
And you know finally, Jesus said where there is a dead body vultures gather.
And I saw a vulture on that chemtrail.
You can call me crazy, I don’t care. I know what I saw.
And I’m seeing vultures all over the place right now.
And it might just be indigenous to this area. I’ve never seen that many. There were about 40, 50 of them over my house the other morning. The birds aren’t right.
Here’s another thing you can do just for your own.
If you see a bunch of birds conjugating around your house, say, “Lord, I rebuke the unclean spirits in the name of Jesus”. If they get up and leave, you know that those are unclean spirits and not birds, all right? Birds aren’t going to just acquiesce to your whims, but unclean spirits have to acquiesce to the name of Jesus. Be prepared! This is just the beginnings of it. You know, birds, bugs, animals, they are all going to start acting all wonky [weird]. They are already doing it. You know, and as far as them circling, yes, I see them circle as well. And yeah, all these animals running around in a circle, that’s pretty disturbing as well.
But is it disturbing or is it exciting? The Lord is coming. Jesus is coming!
The crazy stuff they do to babies, why do they do that?
Because they don’t look at babies as babies. They look at babies as a device to hurt God! Because when a baby is born, God is omnipresent with that child. Nothing closer to God than a brand new baby! And when they hurt that baby, they’re hurting God in their mind, which gives them….
They believe that their god is the real one and he’s going to win against the Creator.
That’s how nuts they are. They really think that, because they’re all under deception!
We don’t know if we’re gonna keep our lights on.
We don’t know if we’re gonna have food to eat. None of that. You know, Jesus came and fed four thousand and five thousand. He’s letting us know there is no lack in the Kingdom.
So this is what we are looking ahead to [our Blessed Hope]. I don’t want to miss it. Whatever it takes to get clean and get ready, that’s what we need to do and get rid of those soul ties that are awful.’
Eleyna Matthews