Satan’s throne Part 1 – Doug Riggs & survivors’ testimonies

Satan’s throne structured into these people’s SRA/DID system. This throne gave him the capacity to produce Nephilim/hybrids, and much more! Dismantling throne structures in the body of Christ.
December 13, 2024


The Church (the body of Christ) needs to be awakened
Testimonies: Christan survivors who speak out don’t just do these things because they have a need to talk about it. They have other things they could do with their time. But it’s for the Church to know that there are awful things that Satan has done and hidden within the body of Christ.

The churches don’t want to hear!

There are so few people in the church that are willing to hear and to know. And there are a lot of very damaged people who have nowhere to turn. So you who are part of the body of Christ, ask the Lord what He would want you personally to do with this, and to show you if He wants you just to hear this as information, or if He wants you to take this and how that would be worked out in your relationship with other people within the body of Christ. 

A great shaking is coming
We have to recognize that there is a great shaking coming. Therefore, you must come out of Laodicea and come into that which is Philadelphia, and that is returning to first love. 

People say, ‘Why a Christian?’
Well, that’s a jewel in Satan’s crown! For what God loves most, Satan will be the most interested in capturing in any way he can.

The following testimonies (2011) are not only about Satan’s throne location:


Satan’s throne Part 1 

Doug Riggs: This update is not something I really enjoy. It is more of a responsibility. So this is the result of our ongoing work with the people here, and who we are in contact with: the survivors who have been chosen by the evil one for this generation to create a wall, a barrier. It helps us to understand why those who are SRA/DID have been selected by the adversary to become available through their families [royal bloodlines], who are also involved, is that he desires to create a final fortress to do everything he can to thwart the coming of the Lord.

How can this hard time happen to Christians?

It’s a lack of understanding of the nature of warfare. So much of the Church in the west is really asleep to the level of infiltration! The adversary has devised ways and means to enter the church. I think DID/SRA is a very ingenious way to infiltrate the Church, without the people who are his agents even know they are his agents! Because when someone is dissociated, they are amnesic to the trauma and, of course, to the programming and everything that has happened to them, until they begin to do the work. So he is able to set up a base of operations to carry out a spiritual assault against the Church, to weaken the Church to be the vessel of that which will be the ultimate demise of the adversary.

Colossians 1:15-17

The Son [Jesus] is the image of [exactly like; the visible representation of] the invisible God. He ranks higher than [ is the firstborn of/over] everything that has been made [all creation]. Through his power [ In him; or By him] all things were created — things in heaven and on earth, things seen and unseen, all powers [or heavenly authorities; thrones], authorities [dominions; kingdoms], lords [rulers], and rulers [authorities;  these four may refer to angelic hierarchies, or to earthly and heavenly rulers]. All things were created through Christ and for Christ. He was there before anything was made [ is before all things], and all things continue [endure; or hold together; unite] because of [or in] him.

We see that these angelic beings are in various ranks.

They are referred to as thrones: seats of authority. So these would be equivalent to what we see in the book of Daniel, where Gabriel is referring to the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece. These are thrown positions over the nations, that were doing battle, and that were interfering in holding back God’s answer to Daniel’s prayer for twenty one days. These are real beings! And these include both fallen and elect [angels]. They are also mentioned in Ephesians 1, and Ephesians 3:10. This means that…

The adversary can only be in one place at one time to exercise his dominion.

This is just a little orientation, because we’re going to be visiting two survivors here, and also getting some of Dan’s thoughts, as to the reality of how Satan structured in his throne into these people’s SRA, into their DID, dissociative system.

Satan attempting the Lord Jesus

In Luke 4, verse 5, it says, He, Satan, led Him, Jesus, up and showed Him all the kingdoms. Notice plural: kingdoms of the inhabited earth, in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain, this jurisdiction, and its glory for it has been handed over to me”.

When was it handed over?

When Adam sinned. Because, according to Psalm 8, that jurisdiction was originally assigned to Adam! Adam was to be God’s vice regent, and ultimately become the king of the earth, but he defaulted and sold his birthright. And so at that time the jurisdiction, the dominion of the earth, was handed over to the god of this world [age], who was Lucifer. And when he rebelled, he became Satan. So he said, “This jurisdiction has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You worship me, it shall be Yours”. And Jesus didn’t contest that; He didn’t say that this is not true. He answered, and said, “It is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only”.

Satan’s dwelling and his throne

Going back to this whole matter of Satan’s throne and that he has a dwelling, as we saw in Revelation 2:13.

And in Revelation 13:2, it says, And the dragon, – notice the dragon referring to Satan – gave him, the Antichrist, his power and his throne and great authority. So Satan is able to transfer this throne and authority to his ‘human’ representative [‘Satan in the flesh’].

There’s another throne reference found in Revelation 16, verse 10:

The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast [that seat of power and authority], and darkness covered its kingdom [ reminiscent of the ninth Egyptian plague]. People gnawed [bit] their tongues because of the pain [agony].

So we see that this is a real phenomenon!

Today, the throne of Satan was moved from Nazi Germany…

at the end of World War II, to Jerusalem. That will be the locality of his throne until Jesus Christ returns and deposes him, and he is thrown into the abyss for a thousand years.

Satan’s representations of his throne in the body of Christ

Now what I think is unique in our generation is that Satan has devised a way to have representations of this throne in the body of Christ. You either understand this phenomenon or you don’t. If you don’t, the best thing for you to do is to demonstrate humility, and recognize that the adversary has devised ways to extend his rule over planet Earth, in ways that many of the Church do not understand. The only way they could begin to understand this is that they have had a history of working with SRA/DID, as some of us out here have. And there are others besides myself, that have a history of doing this, for many, many years. We have seen the way in which the adversary, through trauma-based mind control and his instrumentalities, – like Josef Mengele and Dr. Bowlby are the human instruments to apply certain protocols of trauma, and then at the same time function as sorcerers, and then to channel in principalities and powers with different people present, kings of the earth… During the trauma they are able to channel in and release these powers! So through the trauma, the invisible forces of darkness: the powers of darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places, as they are referred to in Ephesians 6:12, are able to structure in a layered fortress. So the adversary is able to create a fortress in a person, and…

Believers are especially targeted!

Because if the enemy can bring his fortress right into the body of Christ, these strongholds, then that gives him his supreme advantage, because the church is his ultimate enemy. Christ is, but Satan can’t reach Christ. Christ is glorified. So the only way he can devise his warfare is against the body of Christ.

In this generation, Satan has devised a way to create that which represents a seat or throne of power.
That has been described to me by Jennifer Diane in these most recent few weeks, since she’s been back with us from Canada. Her entire DID system was structured into a throne of Satan! And there have been many facets to this, but one of the key issues here is that…

This throne gave the adversary the capacity to produce Nephilim!

In other words: hybrids. These hybrids are different than hybrids in Genesis, and they’re not specifically giants. They are the crème de la crème. This represents the avant-garde, the quintessential of that which would replace mankind in the whole transgenics, transhumanism movement… to create a species of man that is superior to who we are now, to replace us! And the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be the quintessential of that which represents this new humanity, as the New Agers refer to him as Homo Noeticus.

We worked many, many years to get to the place, where we now can actually see that the adversary was able to structure in a throne. Which means, when he would come and occupy these places, then he would have a tremendous influence and a power to these ladies, who have been structured. And you say:

“How can that be? How can a Christian be possessed by Satan?”

Absolutely not. Only a non-believer can be possessed. If you are a Christian, you cannot be possessed by Satan, you cannot be possessed by demons, but you can be structured so that you are demonized. In fact, the word demon possession in the New Testament, daemonizumai, should not be translated to demon possession. It’s translated that way, but it just means to be demonized. So if you are a non-believer it’s correct to translate daemonizumai as demon possessed. And if you are a believer then you are not possessed, because you are owned by the Lord. You are demonized.

How they have been structured into Satan’s throne…

We are going to turn this over to the girls here. They can talk about the whole meaning and purpose and function of how they have been structured into Satan’s throne.

We are members of Christ: of His body

The adversary understands this! So what kind of plan can he devise, in order to come and occupy and attach himself [Satan himself] – and also through principalities and powers – as strongholds in the church? We are members of one another. Be angry and yet do not sin, and do not let the sun go down on your anger. Because if the sun goes down on your anger, what happens? It creates a place for the enemy. And of course people who are abused, anger is dissociated. They are purposely provoked, so that as they react in anger, then that creates an opening for the adversary to come in!

Indeed, do not give the devil ‘a place’!

So how do you understand ‘place’? Well someone who is SRA/DID has many, many places, through the abuse and the programming and the channeling and the spirits, creating these constructs and the whole DID system.

And do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers!

It says in 2 Corinthians 6, verses 14 and 15, that we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Do not be bound or yoked together with unbelievers, which means it is possible to do so. For what partnership has righteousness and lawlessness? What fellowship has light with darkness? What harmony [agreement, accord] has Christ with Belial? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols?

So when believers begin to enter into certain alliances with believers, who are not warranted – not just marriages, but there can be other alliances – then they are opening the door to alliances of the evil one! When they use trauma, and trauma-based mind control, then these alliances are purposely made deeply into the soul, and even attached to the human spirit.

2 Corinthians 7:1
[Therefore] Dear friends [Beloved], we have these promises from God, so we should make ourselves pure — free from anything that makes body or soul unclean [ every defilement of flesh and spirit]. We should try to become holy in the way we live [or … and in this way bring our holiness to completion/perfection], because we respect [out of reverence for; in the fear of] God.

Although the union with the Lord cannot be broken at new birth, the aspects of the spirit can be defiled. It is in need of sanctification!

1 Thessalonians 5:23

Now may God himself, the God of peace, make you holy in every way [sanctify you completely/through and through]. May your whole self — spirit, soul, and body — be kept faultless [blameless] when our Lord Jesus Christ comes.

We see clearly that it is possible for believers to become demonized.

Flee idolatry! Now, idolatry is the quickest way to open one’s life to demonization. And then Paul goes on and he describes the communion table:

1 Corinthians 10:19-21

I do not mean [ What, then, am I saying…?] that the food sacrificed to an idol is important or that an idol is anything at all. But I say that what is sacrificed to idols is offered to demons, not to God. And I do not want you to share anything [be participants; share fellowship] with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons also. You cannot share in [partake of] the Lord’s table and the table of demons.

Notice, he is saying this to Christians:

I do not want you to become sharers in demons. It’s a fellowship; that means a link. There is an alliance there. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. In other words, if they do, they provoke the Lord to jealousy. And so Christians can become demonized.

There are certain aspects of the flesh:

If you turn to Galatians 5:19, we see the deeds of the flesh; that represents the old Adamic nature, which every Christian has. We are to walk in the Spirit, and therefore not fulfill the deeds of the flesh. But as Christians are walking according to the flesh, they are walking under the power of the sin nature.

Galatians 5:19-21

The wrong things the sinful self does [works of the flesh/sinful nature] are clear [evident; obvious]: being sexually unfaithful [sexual immorality], not being pure [impurity], taking part in sexual sins [depravity; promiscuity], worshiping gods [idolatry], doing witchcraft [sorcery], hating [hostility; antagonism], making trouble [discord; strife], being jealous, being angry [rage], being selfish [rivalries], making people angry with each other [dissensions], causing divisions among people [factions], feeling envy, being drunk, having wild and wasteful parties [carousings; orgies], and doing other things like these. I warn you now as I warned you before: Those who do these things will not inherit God’s kingdom.

Notice idolatry and sorcery!

Now right there, that is a link with the powers of darkness! Idolatry opens you up to demons. Sorcery is the direct link with the powers of darkness, through use of drugs. So if a person walks in the flesh of this manner, they open up gateways and doorways.

To carry out a satanic agenda…

Now, with the people that we’re talking with here, they’ve been subjected to trauma-based mind control, and to the trauma and the splitting. Then these links with the powers of darkness are purposely structured into their whole DID system, to carry out a satanic agenda.

So we have to send this over to Jennifer Diane.
And also Connie began to see a similar phenomenon.

Dismantling these throne structures…

We have been dismantling these throne structures in these ladies. I want you to share with us, Jennifer Diane, what you understand of this throne, and what this means in your life: the significance of the strong satanic throne that he put into you.

Satan’s throne: an opening, a portal, a channel, right into the body of Christ, in order to defy God!

Jennifer Diana: OK, when we first began to get into just touching a bit on the throne, I didn’t really realize how significant it was. But then in working, I began to see that it was like my entire DID system was structured to be this throne. And in a way, it’s like Satan, when structuring a throne in me, then that is in direct defiance or competition with God’s throne. And what it is doing is, it comes in right at birth, and it’s been reinforced at new birth. And Satan, he is trespassing on that which is the Lord, and inserting his throne. In doing that then he has an opening; it’s like a portal! This throne structure keeps me open to be a channel, a channel right into the body of Christ. And this throne is the embodiment of those five “I wills” of Satan. Basically, “I will be god, and it is my throne that is here, and it is I who will reign”, that kind of thing. And so in structuring that right into my humanity, I become a conduit [channel] of that, a portal, right into the body of Christ. And it is Satan using my very humanity to defy God, using his throne.

Satan’s throne also used in the conception of the Nephilim, Satan’s ‘new man’

The other aspect was that it was used in the conception of the Nephilim. I was structured into the throne of Satan, so that at the point of conception of these Nephilim, there is a complete oneness with the throne of Satan, a complete oneness with the will of Satan, a complete oneness with the purpose of Satan. It’s like his physical throne ‘moves into me’ to conceive birth of these Nephilim, which is Satan’s ‘new man’, Satan’s challenge to Jesus Christ!
I think, structuring that throne into me is also a shield for Satan; it shields him. It shields his true throne. It shields him, using my humanity. It protects him behind me.

Doug: Constantina [Connie], how do you see this in your journey? You’ve been at this a long time, and it’s just been in the last month or so that you began to get in touch with this throne structure in yourself.

Satan wanted a dwelling place.

Connie: Well, for me, the way I could kind of see it is, as – O’Collins [hidden royal bloodline] taking me – before I was ever conceived, it was in their thoughts and plan to have this project [‘Hitler Genesis 6 Project’]. For Satan: to have his dwelling place within people! And he wanted it within Christians! He has a dwelling place to a certain degree within the unsaved, because we truly belong to him yet at that point. But to take something that belongs to the Lord, and then to take that and claim it as his own… So this was part of his plan at conception.

There were a lot of things that went on with…

the religion and kingdoms of this world, and Satan himself being present, and for him to have a dwelling place within me. And then further on in my journey, to bring me to Christ as a very young child, and in my heart responding to what I heard in the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ: how He loved the children, and would hold them on His knee… I wanted to know that Jesus! My heart responded to that Jesus, and said Yes to Him. And then immediately afterwards, all these other bad things began to happen. At that point they reinforced what was put in around conception and my birth of Satan’s throne: me, representing his throne… just because of who we are [Christians from royal bloodlines], and the portal that was created, so that our very presence… You know, how we are to be a sweet aroma to Christ? – it’s like our very presence was an expression of spiritual death over the nations, over the people!

Even though that wasn’t my heart, I couldn’t understand why people would be repelled by me. Or when I would speak something that was to be, you know, I thought was an expression of Christ, why I got these strong reactions from people, and not knowing I was channeling Satan himself. I am [was] an expression of him! And yet, in my heart, outwardly as I grow older, I am desiring to walk with God. I say that I know that I can’t really lead somebody to Christ, because I feel this huge disconnect. But my heart’s desire is to know Him as He can be known. And yet, in spite of all that, because of what was put in place when I was so young, I am in the church, I am living, seeking to be a child of God, you know. And yet I am a vessel for Satan at the same time.

As we’ve been dismantling this, just to see what it meant to be that throne…

it’s really kind of taken me into a new level of sobriety in my life. Having to look at some really difficult things, and what it meant for this to be in the surrogate home that I grew up in, but more importantly, with my husband and my children, and how our whole family was tainted because of this.

It is like these huge open doors that are in our lives.

They are huge, huge doors that Satan can traffic… Principalities and powers can traffic back and forth! The Nephilim sons can traffic back and forth! It was designed to be that way in preparation for this new generation of Nephilim sons. You know, cohabiting with Satan, so we are his throne, so he has thrown rights to us therefore. In my mind he had the right to conceive a child with me. He’d have the right because he was my owner. And yet, outwardly in my presenting world, seeking to be all that I felt like God would want of me as a Christian.

‘This is like another world.’

Doug: I’m just trying to think of how the listeners hear this. This is a particular segment of the body of Christ that I think the average church, even the evangelical church, thinks ‘this is like another world. How can this even be framed? How can this happen? You are making Satan greater than God’. Not at all! We know from Ephesians chapter 1 that Jesus Christ is Head over all things to the Church. He said, “over all rulers, authorities, principalities and powers”.

We are in the last generation!

But in order to understand the last generation… Israel is in the land, and Jesus said, “This generation will not pass away until all these things take place”. Matthew 24. And we know, we see Israel back in the land. So what is Satan’s final strategy going to be look like? I guess, the strategic targeting of the Church, which is the instrument and the judicial tribunal, through which Jesus Christ, who is the Judge, will judge the world in righteousness! He will judge it from heaven, through the celestial court: the Church in heaven [during the Tribulation]!

The strategy of Satan is…

to secure as many places in the body of Christ, through bloodline access, as possible. And now Jennifer Diana is a new bloodline, to create these places, these strongholds, to thwart the Church coming to maturity, to bring in the Nephilim, etc. And of course, why Christians? Because at new birth, when he captures that, something happens. At new birth, he is able to capture, like an image, like an MRI on a spiritual level, and then transfer that to this new species of Nephilim, which makes them far more enhanced than anything that could come from an unbeliever! God is allowing this, because in the end, when the Rapture finally occurs…

There will be a demonstration of God’s new man in Christ through the rise and the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Morning star.

2 Peter 1:19. And there will be that manifestation, that resurrection life (Philippians 3:11). That will be the closing testimony. It will represent the triumph of Jesus Christ over all of this. I think, many of these women who have been subjected to this, that when Christ rises as the Morning star, 2 Peter 1:19, that manifestation will completely trump everything that Satan has done. So what Satan meant for evil is that Satan will be the one, who God will make a demonstration in this last generation, in the day of visitation. 1 Peter 2:12. There will be the demonstration of the superior victory of Jesus Christ as a closing testimony: this Church age.

I was made into a battleground of two kingdoms.

Jennifer Diana: I have been redeemed, I do belong to Christ, but then I also have been structured into this throne. Well, then it has become like a battleground for two kingdoms: Satan’s kingdom and God’s kingdom. He extracts some of that human will of mind. Because of that natural sense, the old Adamic nature, Satan is able to come alongside and infuse his will into mine. That’s done through trauma. And that is of course very counter to what God’s will is; it is against God.

As that throne is displaced through reconnecting…

then that is how Satan is ousted! Then there is a greater place for Christ to be formed. I hope that’s making sense.

God’s Kingdom will destroy the Antichrist!

Doug: Yes, and just to follow up on that, we see in Revelation 1, verse 6: God has made us a Kingdom of priests to His God and Father. Notice, God has made us Church Age believers a Kingdom! This sphere and domain, in which Jesus Christ, as King of kings and Lord of lords, rules and reigns. We see the conflict of these two kingdoms in Daniel chapter 2. We see the Kingdom of God actually destroying the kingdom of Satan at the second Advent [Coming of the Lord after the Tribulation]. We see at the end there, in Daniel 2, verses 44 and 45, that the Kingdom will destroy the Antichrist.

Through all this that God has allowed to happen…

It’s creating a legal criteria for God to completely be justified in the complete destruction of Satan and the Antichrist system. Because if God gives permission for the adversary to do this kind of work to His own blood-bought ones, then He must justify and vindicate His own name. So the very ones that have been the most used and abused by the adversary, as they overcome – and that which represents the throne and place of Satan in them… Remember, the anger and sin: not to let the sun go down in your wrath and do not give the devil a place! Well, people who are generational SRA/DID have been structured to represent maximum places and collectively a place for Satan. So as they overcome, and these places that were once occupied by the adversary, when these are taken back through the counseling and the release of these dissociative parts, then God comes into this place in His throne rights. So this whole structure, which is anchored in the second heaven, is being dismantled to prepare a way for the Lord. Our Lord will return from the second heaven. The church will be called to meet the Lord in the first heaven in the air.

I’m turning this over to Dan now; go ahead!

I was lifted up into the heavens.

Dan: In January 1976, there was a ritual that happened in Europe. I was part of it. This dissociated activity I remembered later. I remembered the context of what happened after a very significant crowning ritual. I was lifted up into the skies. How did this happen? I don’t think it’s a physical thing, but it might be identified with the demonic realm…

Counterfeit city of the New Jerusalem

And I saw a ‘city’. I didn’t know it then, but now reading, it was like the city described in the book of Revelation 21:10. It was like a counterfeit of the New Jerusalem, in the atmosphere, in the second heaven: with the twelve gates and with a throne right in the center. And the throne itself in the center:  I was a part of it! I could see that it was a living throne, made up of members of the body of Christ, all knit together. I think that the two aspects of it, one is that we all are members of one body. We are organically grown together into one body. And that can’t be separated out whenever the dissociation comes in. We are still members of one body, but there are those who are held in bondage through the satanic activity, which represent very wide open doors into the Church. It was as if myself, and those others that I’ve been knit with together [by Satan], made up this throne, which was, as I saw it later and perceived it to be, – I believe the Lord made it clear – that was a throne of Satan in the atmosphere in the second heaven!

We seek to take back the ground the adversary has taken through deception and lies.

As we seek to put away the self-defensive modes, then we are actually taking away that kingdom of the adversary, that has been built in the atmosphere.

The adversary is out at all costs to do whatever he can!

I believe without a doubt he knows the Word. He knows that this is nearing the end of the end. He is seeking desperately to do all that he can to extend time as much as he can. He will go to all costs to do that! And he has crept into the Church through these areas and avenues.

As the Church began to dim in its relationship with the Lord…

As it began to be complacent, as the Church began to say that ‘I’m rich and I have need of nothing’, a blindness came in, and a stupor came over the Church. And it is over the Church now here! When we talk to so many people, by and large so many have no frame of reference, – and it’s all right to have no frame of reference – but then there is the assumption, ‘This cannot be!’ And so many times the people who have said this are the very people who have been in the midst of assemblies, where there has been encroachment [infringement] and infiltration in the Church, to the point where true Christians, their own children, are being turned over in Sunday schools and nurseries to that which represents torture and activity, right in the church building. And they are utterly ignorant to it! How can that happen?

There is a blindness over the Church!

The Church in itself is in a state and has been in a state of blindness since the early 30s and 40s. It is só blinded to the activities (infiltration), that you have active Satanists in the Church masquerading as ministers of light [righteousness].

Why churches get split…

Connie: I appreciate what Dan just shared… We notice there are all these conflicts and nitpickings, and all this stuff, going on in the Church! Churches get split, because they are dealing with these small things. There is nobody there of the spiritual stature who can see behind the scenes, to see what is really going on, and to begin to deal with the ruling principalities and powers, that have been assigned to those assemblies. Because over these assemblies, Satan has his throne within the body of Christ, and he has principalities and powers assigned to those assemblies. It really takes a close walk with the Lord, and men and women of spiritual stature, who can begin to see what’s going on and to begin to deal with that, and say, “This is not okay”.

The state of the body of Christ is in general Laodicean.

Jennifer Diana: The people in those churches can come underneath that veil, that covering of that [Laodicean] church.

Dissociation: Satan’s playground

Connie: I wanted to be able to talk to those who are dissociated. I know that some of you are on the journey at various stages of being released from Satan’s kingdom. There are some of you, – because I’ve done some research in the early years of my journey, when I didn’t have anybody else yet – and discovered that there are people that are dissociated and are quite okay with it. They just see this as something that was put on them at birth, or in their childhood. They just come to terms with it and they adjust. They just welcome the fact that they are dissociated, and they are going to just kind of stay in that state!
So I wanted to address the importance of continuing to do the work, because dissociation is Satan’s playground in a sense! He can take advantage of that! If there is anything still dissociated, like say you have a part of yourself that you call ‘Bitterness’… Like for me, I had a part called ‘Bitter’. All my bitterness got put over in there, because I could never feel bitter or angry, because it would mean somebody would die. You know how Doug was reading the Scripture about idolatry, jealousy, hatred, slander…? All those things should be put away from us! Well, it’s one thing to put those away from you, when you know that that’s there, and the Lord convicts you, and you can deal with those things. But if it’s dissociated, you can be in the Church, in the body of Christ, and be loaded up with tremendous places for the enemy to latch [to stick around] in there, and not even know it!

I just want to really encourage people…

who are weary in well-doing, and you’ve been on the journey for a long time, and you feel like, ‘You know what, I’ve gotten this far. I’m really just going to settle for that now. I’m tired of the battle’. You can’t afford to do that. You really can’t; it’s not okay to choose to remain dissociated! 

The two thrones

We were talking about the throne of Satan, and the way we were made into the very throne. We are a walking throne of Satan; that’s also a representation of what’s there in Jerusalem. It’s not in a physical place, it’s in people, and it’s portable. But for counselors and people that are on the journey, to know that, if you have this through dissociation, that throne of Satan that’s there, internally there are going to be constructs, probably of a throne of Satan and a throne of God. And that does become an internal battleground; it is tremendously destructive in a person’s life! So if you are a counsellor, and somebody is talking about the throne of Satan, you could probably look and they’re going to have a throne of God also…

Dismantling the throne

Well, first of all, dismantling the throne, anything that can’t be joined to the person has be removed. I just think that’s really important, because when I hear all this I know how it was for me. It’s internalized in my system. For those thrones to be dismantled, and all principalities and powers be removed, so that the person’s humanity within these thrones can be released… That’s where you have such victory then, because it’s like what belonged to the enemy now belongs… There’s a larger place for God to be in me! You know, as these thrones are emptied out, and I’m no longer seeing myself as being Satan’s throne or God’s throne, and being in this conflict, then all of this begins to come together in my humanity. More and more of me is released, and I have a larger place for God. I can worship Him in ways I couldn’t before. I can feel emotions that weren’t safe to feel before. So I mean, doing the work is just so very, very important.

Coming out of Laodicea…

Jennifer Diana: And then for me coming out of this dissociation, is my own personal study with the Lord, and time with the Lord. You know, because there is that personal communion with the Lord, and then that coming to a place where it is worked out in my own life. And it’s like a personal declaring that the heavens have to know that the Lord is King of kings and Lord of lords! And then there is that corporate coming into that [as the body of Christ] that the heavens will know. That ousts Satan from his place, from his footstool.


Wake up from your sleep!

Romans 13:10-13a – What do you mean, salvation? That’s final salvation, the Rapture!

Love never hurts [does wrong/evil to] a neighbor, so loving is obeying all [fulfilling] the law. Do this because you know the times in which we live [knowing the time/season]. It is now [or already the] time [hour] for you to wake up from your sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night [ a metaphor for the present evil age] is almost finished [advancing], and the day [ the time of final judgment and reward] is almost here [near; or at hand]. So we should stop doing [put aside; cast off] things that belong to [ the deeds/works of] darkness and take up the weapons [or put on the armor] used for fighting in [or that belong to; of] the light. Let us live [walk] in a right way [properly; decently], like people who belong to the day.

Doug: There has to be a waking from the sleep. So if you are asleep, sitting in front of the television -or whatever you’re doing – watching these different shows, throwing your life away… when the day of visitation comes, you are going to be so spiritually dull, then the question is, are you going to be among those who are alive and survive, when Jesus Christ returns?

Why it’s important to be among the living ones

We are to expose the deeds of darkness by God’s light!
And Paul said, “I know that in me, that is in my flesh, no good thing dwells”. So give it up. Settle it once and for all. For in yourself, apart from Christ, no good thing dwells.

This, Satan’s end-time strategy, his most sacred secret, will be followed up by Part 2.



Doug Riggs

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