Satan’s throne Part 2 – Preconception rituals, the UN, the Antichrist, NWO
Satan’s throne & mobile thrones. He can now extend his throne into thrones! Satan’s most sacred secret to execute his final end time strategy against
Satan’s throne & mobile thrones. He can now extend his throne into thrones! Satan’s most sacred secret to execute his final end time strategy against
Dan describes the veil over the nations, the web over the earth, discovers his real mother (Anastasia) and father, King George VI (Joseph Collins), his
From Germany, the headquarters of this copycat moved to Israel, where it is now. Not in Germany, and not in CERN. Not open to the
Een belofte van God voor hen die Hem liefhebben, gehoorzamen en vertrouwen om hen te bevrijden en eeuwige verlossing te geven. Hoe Doug al die
Michelle told the world in 2021 who her father is, the head of the first Sanhedrin. She was chosen to give birth to the False
Pastor Doug Riggs reveals what is not coming from cognitive brain memory: Hitler, invested by Satan to infiltrate and destroy the Body of Christ; Prince