Pharmakeia Pope | Who is Mystery Babylon? Is it America or is it Rome?
This False Prophet, of whom the Bible warns us, also tells you: “And don’t forget to be vaccinated”, or: “You don’t have to believe in
This False Prophet, of whom the Bible warns us, also tells you: “And don’t forget to be vaccinated”, or: “You don’t have to believe in
Wie is deze ‘Jezus Christus’? Een waarschuwing voor occulte Ouija borden, het oproepen en uitnodigen van demonen, en valse ‘christelijke’ websites en kanalen. Eindtijdnieuws.com 28
Zij zijn de zonen en dochters van Lucifer in een menselijk lichaam, en ook zijn vrouw, en ga zo maar door. Verder, wat is hun
UPDATE 10-05-2022 John Todd teaches out of the book ‘The Angel of Light’, talking about the devil’s spiritual kingdom and his physical kingdom. Eindtijdnieuws.com May
Follow-up to Part 2. Answers to questions addressed to John Todd, such as a brief outline of the steps remaining in the world take-over plan.
‘After 14 years of depending upon these spirits to tell me everything to do, nobody was telling me anything! Because this preacher had taken authority
UPDATE 04-01-2022 ‘I never knew why I was doing the things I was doing, or why I was teaching the things I was teaching. They
John Todd, a former member of the Illuminati, exposes occultism, Satanism, and the Illuminati, and gives testimony of involvement in witchcraft. He warned us against
UPDATE 04-23-2022 Please pray before watching! Freemasonry and witchcraft are infiltrating almost every segment of the church and society today. Ask for discernment, and don’t