#exposed #JesusBride #satansbride #Lucifersbride #Antichrist #Babylon #JesusChrist #truth #Eindtijdnieuws
May 19, 2024
Exposé – If you are in the hands of the devil he’ll treat you like a lemon, suck the juice out, and throw you away!
There’s a remarkable contrast between the way the antichrist treats his bride [in the end] and the Christ treats His bride.
See, in everything there’s this antithesis.
Please don’t take this negatively.
Although we may not understand the precise order or nature of all the events predicted…. it also foreshows a number of very distinctive forces that will be at work. And these are so clearly revealed today that it would be foolish on our part to ignore what scripture has to show us. The Bible, speaking about prophecy to believers, says: ‘It is a light that shines in a dark place….’
“So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.” 2 Peter 1:19
So, it would be foolish to overlook prophecy, and take the attitude, “we really don’t need it”.
Also, you can’t fool around with the truth!
The forces that are at work are all foreshown in scripture.
Although we may not know exactly the course that events will take, we can identify these forces. The one important thing we could do is to discover who our friends are and who our enemies are.
There is one distinctive, key word which brings into focus all the evil forces that are to be released and have been released at this end time period. That one word is antichrist!
1 John 2:18-22 “Children, it is the last time….”
Note that the ‘last time’ had already begun in the days of the apostle John, just as even on the day of Pentecost the apostle Peter implied that the last days were already there, because he quoted the prophecy of Joel: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh….” And he implied that was being fulfilled at that time!
So, I think that makes it easier to accept the fact that in the day of Pentecost they were already in the last days or the last times [or the end times]. We are still in the last days or the last times! We have not come to the time of the end [if this age], the climax, the conclusion.
“Children, it is the last time; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared….”
Please bear in mind, there were already many antichrists in the time of John!
“….from this we know that it is the last time.”
Especially associated with the last time is antichrist!
That’s a distinctive feature of the last time, that was not found in any previous time, and will never be found in any subsequent time. It’s absolutely exclusive to the end times!
Let’s go to Revelation 17….
Note that the woman was sitting on the beast with the ten horns, et cetera.
[The woman is Babylon, the idolatrous world system [in fact, the Illuminati] with its sorcery and its witchcraft religion; the beast is the coming Antichrist hybrid, who supports the Illuminati and their global Beast system – for a while and uses it to bring about so-called ‘world peace’.]
Without going into the application of the ten horns, verse 16 says:
“And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire.”
So there’s the woman [the bride of Lucifer/Satan] coming back….
Isn’t that a remarkable contrast between the way the antichrist treats his bride and the Christ treats His bride [the Church]? See, in everything there’s this antithesis:
Jesus loves the church, gave himself for her, cares for her, provides for her, will beautify her, will glorify her, and will present her with honor to the whole universe!
Whereas the antichrist, having used the woman, turns against her and destroys her!
I want to tell you, that’s like the devil! If you are in the hands of the devil he’ll treat you like a lemon or an orange. He’ll suck the juice out and throw you away! You have good warning! Don’t get into his hands.
As long as he [Lucifer/Satan] needs you….
he’ll flatter you, coax you, persuade you, and make you feel important. When you’ve done all he wants, he’ll throw you away into the gutter and stamp on you. That’s about it really.
Let’s just close on a note of victory, shall we?
“For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.” 2 Thessalonians 2, verse 7
It’s impossible to translate that in English. I’ve looked in every translation; there’s not one that says it right. I don’t know how to do it myself. But it says, “until He be comes out of the middle”. In other words, He is no longer standing between that [evil] force and whatever it is He’s protecting.
“And then shall the lawless one be revealed….”
He’ll already be there but he’ll be revealed. [What’s more, he is already waiting in the wings!]
“….whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.”
And the *Charismatic movement is the obvious place for the antichrist to arise so far as we can see the scene today.
*“The other thing that I did was to pass out money….”
I would receive checks, starting about a half a million dollar figure, and working up cashier’s checks, from three main banks in New York City. They would come by, armed messengers; it would be my job to place them in people’s hands.
Most of the people that received these were in the Charismatic movement!
That’s why I don’t like the Charismatic movement. I don’t know why some of the Baptists don’t like it, but I know why I don’t like it. I don’t like it because I had to pay most of its leaders off. And we bought most of the big churches that are Charismatic churches today, like Melody Land and Calvary Chapel. That’s why I don’t like it. The occult world does not spend money to their enemies. They give it to their friends! So you might consider that, if it ever crosses your path, or if it has. So that was mainly my functions.” – the late John Todd
“….and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved….” 2 Thessalonians 2:10
It costs something to love the truth because the truth doesn’t flatter us.
The truth does us good. It’s much nicer to listen to a kind of teaching that flatters you and inflates your ego and makes you feel you’re a wonderful person. But that teaching will destroy you!
The only safeguard in these days that we have is to receive the love of the truth.
It costs something to acknowledge the truth. But it will save you. If you’re not totally given over to the truth you’re headed for disaster. Let’s read on…. 2 Thessalonians 2:11
“For this cause….”
What’s the cause? That they didn’t receive the love of the truth.
“….God shall send them strong delusion….”
Did you ever read that before? Who?
The devil will send them strong delusion? No, God. I want to tell you, the ultimate judgment of God is to turn people over to error. There are cases in scripture where He did it. He did it with King Saul. It says an evil spirit from the Lord troubled Saul. Why? Because he rejected the word of the Lord.
It says in Isaiah 29, “God says concerning all Israel with a small remnant that the spirit of slumber will come upon them”. It says “because they heard all the words of the prophets and not obeyed them”.
Here it goes further; it talks about the whole human race!
To whom the truth was being presented, and they didn’t like it. God says at a certain point in human history, “I will send them strong delusions”. When God sends you delusions you can’t believe the truth. Did you know that?
“….that they all should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:12
I don’t believe that we can play around with the truth….
to suit ourselves at our own convenience, and then sometime, when we really think it’s going to be profitable, we can get back to God, and receive what He has.
We can trifle and play with the truth, and refuse to accept the solemn warnings and exhortations of God, and just view it as something that never really could happen. But that there might come a moment, when God will no longer plead with us, and no longer make the truth available to us, but will send a strong delusion, and we’ll be trapped! I believe that’s reality.
If I understand God’s dealings with me, He wants me to warn you that you can’t fool around with the truth. You’re not going to have necessarily another 20 years to make up your mind whether you’re committed to God or not. God can shut it off in one instance like that! The truth will no longer be available to you. If you heard it you couldn’t understand it or believe it.
Do you know that it takes the grace of God to receive the truth of the gospel?
Apart from God’s grace you can’t believe. If God withdraws His grace and sends delusion you’ll be deceived, no matter how clever or religious or intellectual or philosophic you are. In fact, the more intellectual and philosophic you are the easier you are for Satan to deceive! We need to make up our minds. Are we committed to the truth? Whether we like it or don’t like it, whether it flatters or insults us?
My inner witness is there are people here that know the truth well and are not obeying it. You’re fooling with it, you’re playing religious games. I want to challenge you to stop that and get honest and be real and obey what God is saying to you.
The fall of Babylon by John Todd
…. for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery…. (talking to Babylon!) Revelation 18, verse 23b
There’s no better scripture that I know from the Word of God to describe the Illuminati!
Well, most people do not understand the Illuminati. How many people here have ever done any study on the Illuminati, before they heard of me? Okay, how many have done some study before they’ve heard my tapes? A couple? Okay. Boy, the rest of you is in for a surprise tonight.
I don’t want people to listen to me, and walk out of here and just accept the things.
I would kind of like it when people go out here to vote ‘he’s not (right)’, because they’ll go and they’ll try and research to prove that I’m wrong. And the more they research the more they start believing me. It’s impossible to research history, and research the Conspiracy – research the Illuminati – without coming away a solid believer.
It was well hidden!
How many people have a set of encyclopaedias at home, a good set? Go home tonight, look up the word Illuminati. And in some of the encyclopaedias, you will find that it existed, but does not exist now. And in other encyclopaedias, you will find that it existed and still exists now, but they don’t tell you anything about it.